My world double door

Chapter 173 The power of superposition (please subscribe)

The sunshine in September is still very good, the weather is still very hot, and the sunlight creates spots in the room.

Zuo Yanting checked what she was wearing. Although she didn't have time to dress up carefully, fortunately she was in good shape due to her good appearance and figure. She wiped her mouth and hands with a tissue, and then hurriedly opened the door. .

"I'm coming."

Zuo Yanting responded, and moved to the door. She pressed the door handle and opened the door. A strong figure appeared in sight.

"Mr. Li."

Seeing the man in front of her, Zuo Yanting showed a smile and said hello softly.

"Well, good morning."

Li Yang chuckled and nodded, stepping into the house. Zuo Yanting quickly closed the door.


As soon as the door lock cylinder clicked into the lock hole, a warm hand appeared on the butt covered with blue jeans. The palm of the hand squeezed the butt covered with jeans, and the other hand hugged the smooth shoulder and stroked it. When he reached for the bulge, the delicate wife unconsciously took two steps back and almost fell down. Fortunately, her butt was tightly grasped to steady her body, and she was able to stand firm on the ground.


The breathing inside the door was a little heavy. Zuo Yanting felt the palms on her butt and the strong man kissing her on his lips and neck. She felt a little uneasy and didn't know whether she should tell the situation. Fortunately, when she When he was half-carried and half-carried to the dining table, the man stopped on his own initiative.

"Hey, are you still having breakfast?"

Li Yang let out a light sigh, then stopped what he was doing, looked at the food on the table, and raised his eyebrows: "In that case, you should eat first. Only when you are full can you have strength."

Zuo Yanting breathed a sigh of relief, and then loosened her belt so that Li Yang's hand that was digging into his pants could go in more easily. Then with a blushing face, she picked up the bowls and chopsticks, picked up some vegetables, and moved them inside. on the bed, sitting with his back to the door.

Li Yang also sat next to her. Zuo Yanting breathed a sigh of relief, and then she ate her meal in a small mouth and said in a low voice: "Hey, I started washing and cooking as soon as I woke up. I didn't look at my phone. I'm really sorry. I My husband is still at home and hasn’t had time to go out, should I ask him to go out first?”

"Uh, here, then, how about I go."

Li Yang tugged at the corner of his mouth, and just as he was about to take his hand out of her crotch, she grabbed it and shook his head firmly: "It's okay, Mr. Li, just stay here, I'll let him go out to eat, it'll be okay."

After saying that, Zuo Yanting hurriedly shouted to the back. The curtain of the kitchen door next to the living room opened, and a man came out with rice. He smiled at Li Yang who was sitting by the bed, and then hurriedly picked up the bowls and chopsticks. go out.


There was a soft knock on the door, and then it was closed tightly. Li Yang looked at Zuo Yanting, who was blushing and embarrassed next to him: "You eat first."


This breakfast was the most difficult breakfast Zuo Yanting had ever had. It took her more than an hour to finish the breakfast, and she exhausted all her strength.

After finishing the meal, she shook her legs to see Li Yang off. It wasn't until Li Yang went out that she breathed a sigh of relief and went back to bed to lie down and rest.


"What does marriage do to a woman?"

"Do you know why many women are unhappy in their married lives and become irritable? It's because of men like you."

"The bride price is a traditional virtue. The bride price for marrying me must be 300,000 yuan."

"Do you know how painful it is to give birth? If you have the ability, come and give birth. I don't need a house, a car, or money. What do I want to do with you?"

"From now on, your living expenses must be handed over to me for safekeeping. I will have the final say on future consumption, otherwise we will not be able to continue talking."

In the dormitory, Zhao Meimei tapped the screen with her fingers and spoke to her boyfriend Liu Jiaming. What she wanted to do was to completely control him mentally, physically and financially.

After the chat was over, she complained to the sisters in her dormitory: "Sisters, you must not be soft-hearted towards men, otherwise you will slap your nose in your face. If a man doesn't listen to you, don't give him anything, just change it, change it." An obedient one.”

"Yes, it hurts so hard for us women to give birth, so men know how to enjoy themselves. If they don't obey, then what do you want them to do?"

"When will the discrimination against women in this world disappear..."

Birds of a feather flock together. As soon as Zhao Meimei finished speaking, she immediately received the support of her three roommates. She chatted with them passionately. After a while, her phone vibrated. She picked it up and looked at it. He immediately stood up and replied.

[Li Yang’s father: I’ll wait for you at the gate of your school. 】

"Okay daddy, I'm coming right now, I love you, I love you."

Zhao Meimei brushed her golden hair, and after replying to the message, she quickly put on a hip-hugging skirt and a beautiful top, washed her face with her white shoes, and hurriedly said goodbye to her roommate and went out.

"What did she go to do?"

Seeing Zhao Meimei's hurried appearance, the remaining three people were a little confused. One of them followed him out by accident and took a look. At a glance, he saw Zhao Meimei getting into a luxury car and then being taken away from the school gate.

She opened her eyes wide and immediately recorded the video. Then she quickly pulled the other two roommates into a new group, clicked on the recorded video, and sent it out.

"Holy shit, Zhao Meimei is being kept by a rich man behind our backs?"


The waves hit the shore fiercely one after another for more than an hour before they stopped.

Two hours after going out, Zhao Meimei got out of the luxury car with shaking legs, sat in the milk tea shop outside and rested silently for an hour before regaining some strength. Then she smoothed her blond hair and returned to the dormitory.

When she arrived at the dormitory, not long after she lay down on the bed, she saw three roommates who were as beautiful as herself and looked over.


[Zhao Meimei: Pictures/Pictures/Pictures]

[Zhao Meimei: Dad Li Yang, these are three of my roommates. They also want to seek some help. Do you like them? 】

[Zhao Meimei: If you like, we can go to you together, or you can come directly to our dormitory. Our dormitory is well soundproofed. If you close the windows and doors, you can't hear anything.]

"Oh, it looks good. These long legs and small waist are good. Then let's go to your dormitory."

Li Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth: "It's lunch time. I'll bring some lunch and milk to your roommate. When I arrive, they are all wearing the same clothes as in the photo, do you understand?"




In the midst of daily life, September 15th came in the blink of an eye.

That night, Li Yang, who had absorbed the last bit of siltation in his genes, took out his three bottles of level four perfect gene potions.

As usual, he raised his head and drank a bottle of level four gene potion. The surging power instantly entered the body and began to slowly transform Li Yang's body.

But this time, Li Yang instantly felt the difference in the fourth-level genetic medicine.

A feeling that was different from the five senses and completely different from the sixth sense emerged from his heart. He opened his palms and felt a power that was constantly radiating out from his body and at the same time within his control. Under the influence of the fourth-level genetic medicine, it becomes more and more obvious and powerful.

"Is this... biomagnetic field?"

Li Yang instantly understood the source of this power - the brand-new technology brought by the fourth-level perfect gene potion, biomagnetic field!

A brand-new technology that can continuously strengthen a person's magnetic field until it appears in the person's perception and is controlled by the person's nerve cells.

Level 4 genetic evolvers can fly physically, but those below level 4 cannot fly. This is the reason.

The real-world scientific community has long believed that human body magnetic fields are real. There are many charged ions (potassium ions, sodium ions, chloride ions, etc.) in the cells of the human body. Potassium ions are inside the cells and sodium ions are outside the cells.

During the physiological activities of the human body, the permeability of the cell membrane changes, and potassium and sodium ions are exchanged, thereby generating bioelectricity. According to Maxwell's electromagnetic field theory, changing current can produce a magnetic field, so changing bioelectricity produces the human body's magnetic field.

The human body's magnetic field exists because the universe itself is a magnetic field and the earth is a magnet. For humans and nature to live in harmony, magnetism is essential.

Pigeons can send messages because the natural magnets in their bodies can navigate like a compass; during earthquakes, animals' keen senses can detect changes in the earth's magnetic field and respond. Every living thing has a magnetic field, but the strength is different.

The bodies of genetic evolvers have long been strengthened to a terrifying degree with generations of genetic medicines. Their own magnetic fields are also constantly passively increasing, but they cannot control this power.

At the fourth level of genetic medicine, it not only increases the power of people to perceive their own magnetic field and control it, but also additionally strengthens the body's magnetic field.

Therefore, relying on their own magnetic field, level four genetic evolvers can fly.

Of course, compared to a powerful body, even if it has been deliberately strengthened, the magnetic field of the fourth-level genetic evolution is still a bit weak. It can only fly at a speed of Mach 2 through its own body, but it can run at a speed of Mach 6 on land. !

Only level 6 genetic evolvers can truly have a strong biomagnetic field to a certain extent. This is a potion with improved basic technology, which allows the genetic evolver who takes the potion to fly through the magnetic field at a terrifying speed of Mach 300, while the physical running speed is, It even reached an astonishing Mach 570.

Of course, there is no doubt about the power of level six genetic evolvers, but this is not the power that Li Yang can obtain now.

Just based on the power of the fourth-level perfect gene potion, Li Yang himself felt a great improvement.

He took advantage of this opportunity to practice his thunder magic and absorbed the thunder elements crazily, which caused a wonderful response to the efficacy of the fourth-level genetic potion and the strengthening of the magnetic field, all of which were further strengthened.

Li Yang waited until the fourth-level gene potion took effect before he stopped practicing his thunder magic. Then he clenched his fist and received immediate feedback from the powerful soul power.

"The physical strength has been increased by 1.5 times."

There was a glint in Li Yang's eyes. He immediately cast an invisibility technique on himself, and then relied on the speed of his body's magnetic field to fly in the high altitude, letting his brain calculate on the side. He got the accurate result in just one round trip. number.

"The speed is Mach 10.1. It seems that the extra genetic medicines taken before have indeed achieved a considerable effect. In the field of magnetic field power where the effect is not obvious, it is five times that of a normal fourth-level genetic evolver!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's mouth. The magnetic field flight speed of a normal fourth-level genetic evolver is only Mach 2, while his speed is Mach 10.1 as soon as he comes up. The difference is not small!

After the fourth-level genetic potion unlocked the power of the genetic evolver to control the magnetic field, his previously accumulated advantages were instantly further experienced!

"I'm afraid there is also the effect of thunder magic practice."

Li Yang's heart immediately moved, and then the smile on his lips became wider.

The sixth-level gene potion was already the pinnacle of the apocalyptic world. He suddenly felt that he was not that far away from the pinnacle of the apocalyptic world even though everyone was unknown to him.

"try again."

Relying on the feeling of physical flight, he had tried it after his soul power reached an advanced level. Although flying with his own biomagnetic field at this time was somewhat novel, it was not high.

Following his sudden whim, he used his soul power and biomagnetic field to fly together, and tried again in the air.

Li Yang's figure instantly broke through the sound barrier, and quickly increased his speed to over Mach 10.1.

Fortunately, under the influence of invisibility magic, although he flew extremely fast, he did not leave a sonic boom cloud and caused no movement.

With the increased speed, it was not until ten minutes later that Li Yang turned around and flew back, and the calculated data quickly sounded in his mind.

"At Mach 15 speed, the combination of soul power and magnetic field power can indeed work together."

Li Yang's eyes were filled with brilliance and some regret. Although his soul power was powerful, as the saying goes, there is a specialization in the art. After all, the impact of soul power on reality is very small. To have such an increase is already a very satisfactory result. .

At the very least, in physical combat, a fourth-level genetic evolver would be exhausted and unable to defeat him.

Thinking of this, Li Yang smiled with more and more satisfaction, and then he tested his magnetic field strength one after another with great interest. Only after he had accurate results in his mind did he fly back to the villa with satisfaction.

Then he sat cross-legged in the quiet room, his eyes shining.

"The power of food to strengthen the body."

Whispering in his heart, Li Yang instantly activated this spell and began to try to absorb the power accumulated in his cells.

An hour later, Li Yang opened his eyes with satisfaction.

"Fortunately, although it can no longer enhance the soul power, it can still transport these genetic siltation powers out."

Li Yang felt the power of the genetic stasis being cleared from his body, a flash of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Speaking of which, the necromancer technique he acquired by chance when he first entered the second magical world really helped him a lot, allowing his genetic evolution to proceed unimpeded and unbridled.

Even now, his soul has reached the pinnacle of advanced soul mage and has no further progress, but it can still help him use his spiritual power to absorb the accumulated power of the genetic medicine in his body, absorb it into his soul and turn it into soul movement and Consumption in daily life.

He tried to use these powers to condense some soul spikes as a means of soul attack. After a while, the result he obtained made Li Yang smile happily.

The gene siltation power he had just absorbed was successfully condensed into a soul attack spike, but it did not take up the absorption level of the soul itself.

"Now the power of genetic siltation has become a soul attack spike against genetic warriors."

The corner of Li Yang's mouth curled up, and then he drank the other two bottles of level four perfect gene potion with satisfaction. After drinking, he immediately started practicing thunder magic, which lasted for a whole day before slowly stopping.

After stopping, Li Yang couldn't help but feel a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"It only takes six bottles of the fourth-level genetic medicine to reach its peak."

"It seems that the more advanced the genetic medicine, the more fully it can supply the medicine."

Li Yang murmured to himself, then breathed a sigh of relief, stretched his body easily, and once again flew an invisibility magic high into the sky to test.


The clouds on both sides whizzed past in front of his eyes, and in the blink of an eye, Li Yang had arrived at the border, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Flying purely using magnetic fields, the speed has reached Mach 30.3, which is not bad."

Li Yang was in a very happy mood. He knew that this was not the peak yet. When he took the remaining three bottles that could take effect, the figure would be even higher.

But the effect of the last bottle is only half at most, so a conservative estimate is that he will have a magnetic field flight speed of Mach 55.5 by then.

As for physical strength, it is even more powerful than a fourth-level genetic evolver.

The power of the magnetic field does not begin to be controlled until level 4, and the power of the genetic potion is obviously increased, but he has been increasing the power of the physical body.

Although the level of overlap is not high, under level four, the current genetic evolvers of the same level may not even be able to withstand one of his punches.

Fortunately, with the increasing desire for reproduction, the genetic technology of the apocalypse has made the higher-level genetic medicines have a stronger 'sensory adjustment' function on the body.

The so-called 'induction adjustment' function is to make up for the power gap between high-level genetic evolvers and low-level genetic evolvers, so that powerful genetic evolvers can have normal contact with these weak ones and automatically adjust their own strength and power when in contact with weak ones. state.

This allows the two parties to reproduce no matter how large the gap in strength is, avoiding the reduction of the number of people in the audience and increasing the breadth of reproduction.

The fourth-level genetic medicine appears to be strong in the magnetic field, but in fact its strongest function is in this area.

It has reached an almost miraculous level.

"I just don't know how to compare with level five genetic evolvers."

With such an idea flashing through his mind, Li Yang thought for a while and decided to take advantage of the fact that the iron was hot and take all the remaining genetic medicine to prevent any accidents due to long nights and dreams.

So he flew back to the villa first, went to the market for a walk, bought some things, and when he came back, he disappeared from this world in a flash.

Asking for a monthly ticket! !

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