My world double door

Chapter 165 Misjudgment

"Strange, so strange."

"Something's wrong, the more I look at it, the more wrong it becomes..."

Elder Chen, who flew down from the sky, had a divine light in his eyes. It was the top eye technique of the sect [Two Qi Spiritual Eyes]. The divine light bloomed from the spiritual eyes looked at the sleeping Li Yang clearly. His eyes were on him. He kept glancing back and forth at his body, soul, the thunder power in his body, and his majestic Yang Qi.

"I wonder what the elder said was strange?"

Feng Deng, who was standing by the side, felt a thump in his heart when he heard the first strange sentence. When he heard something was wrong after that, his whole heart froze and he asked hurriedly and cautiously.

Elder Chen is the golden elixir elder of the [Hehuan Sect]. The power of the golden elixir monk is far beyond what he, a new monk who has just joined the foundation establishment, can do. Both the magic formula and his own strength can crush him at more than one level.

What seemed to be no problem in his eyes would be invisible to Elder Jindan.

Demonic gangsters, evil cultivators, devils and demons...

Identities flashed in his mind one by one. Fengdeng looked at Li Yang lying in front of him with sharp eyes. At this moment, he was already thinking in his heart——this great power could turn into a disaster!

But there are still doubts in my heart - if it is these people, why does the phenomenon of drunken spirits appear?

"As you said, this person should have escaped from the cage by chance due to some special chance in the small world and came to this world due to the confluence of heaven and earth."

Elder Chen spoke softly, and the divine light in his eyes kept scanning Li Yang: "I noticed something strange about this person when I was in the air. Now, after observing closely, I finally figured out where the strange feeling came from."

"Your [Liangyi Eye] level is not high enough and your cultivation level is not high enough. You cannot see it. However, in my eyes, some things are clearly visible."

"Although this person's yang energy is strong, it seems to be pieced together here and there, without any sense of unity. It is as if some yang energy that does not belong to him has been forcibly injected into his body."

"Those who are born with strong yang energy will never be so mixed and chaotic."

"Not only Yang Qi, but also the physical body. Although it is powerful, the cause of its creation is chaotic. It seems to have traces of evil methods, but it is not riddled with sin... Moreover, there seems to be some chaos in the origin."

"The same is true for the soul. There are traces of devouring the origin of flesh and blood, but it is not burdened by sin. It seems that like the physical body, it has been replaced and supplemented by some external object."

"It's just that if you eat the spiritual things of heaven and earth, this situation will definitely not happen. If you don't eat the spiritual things of heaven and earth, how can you get this mixed situation?"

"Although the thunder power in his body has the shape of thunder, it does not have the fear of thunder. It is like a dead thing. Even if it absorbs the spiritual power, it still looks like a fake. It is really strange and strange."

Elder Chen's tone was slow, but very firm. He was obviously very confident in his determination, but his confidence was also full of confusion.

"In the opinion of the elders, is this person a demon and a crooked person?"

Feng Deng was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Yang in front of him, and couldn't help but ask.

"Although there are some distortions, it is definitely not a monster or evil thing."

Elder Chen shook his head and frowned slightly: "It's just his situation that makes me a little unsure."

"He seems to have extraordinary talents, but it also seems that... they are all fake talents. He seems to have the ability to directly access the golden elixir, but there is a high chance that the road to the golden elixir will not work at all, or even go astray."

"It would be a pity not to accept him, but if you accept him, it would be a bit of a gamble."

"Do you think we should accept him?"

While Elder Chen was watching, he couldn't help but subconsciously asked.

You are a golden elixir monk, and you are not sure yet. Ask me?

"It all depends on the elders."

Fengdeng lowered his head and silently opened his mouth.

"Well, the situation in the court has been tense recently, and it is not suitable for changes in the sect. Just bring it back to the sect and become the true successor. First, record it as a [special observation disciple] to teach him the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra]. There is no treatment for the sect disciples, and the income is recorded Breath, let it develop.”

"If he can create a golden elixir by himself in the future, I should introduce him to my sect and get additional credit."

"This time you can be considered as having done your duty well, so I will record one merit."

Elder Chen nodded, and after he finished speaking, a jade slip appeared in the room, and the person had disappeared.

You don't want to listen to my opinion at all, do you?

Fengdeng blinked, hurriedly straightened his clothes and said respectfully: "Yes, I would like to send you off to the elder."

He bowed respectfully. After a while, when there was no movement, Fengdeng exhaled. Then he looked at Li Ming lying in front of him, looked at him again and again with his [Liangyi Eyes], sighed and shook his head.

"What a great condition, why is it so impure?"

The duck he got turned into a dove. Although he was disappointed in the harvest, he didn't feel too disappointed. At least he made a fortune. He waved his hand, and the jade slip in front of him flew out automatically and stuck to Li Yang's forehead, followed closely. He asked people to carry him out of the room where he entertained distinguished guests and placed him in a side room to rest.

"When he wakes up, show this to him, and then let him go on his own."

Feng Deng waved his hand in disinterest, threw a low-level [Qiankun Bag] to a servant, and then turned around and left.

The original 'credit to the sky' has been changed to 'one piece of merit'. Naturally, this sweet cake is not so fragrant. He was kept in the side hall for the sake of the previous entertainment, and he also wanted to live in the Yinhou Hall of his dignified mansion. There are no doors in it.

As for 'if he cultivates the golden elixir in the future, he will be reintroduced to the sect', he didn't even hear it.

Just kidding, what's the difference between casual cultivation and becoming a golden elixir and pie in the sky?

Although Li Yang is a 'special observation disciple' in Elder Chen's words, with the addition of this 'disciple without sect treatment', in Fengden's eyes, he is no different from a casual cultivator.

The only difference between him and casual cultivators is that he possesses one of the top skills among the inner disciples of the Hehuan Sect [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra]. However, if this sutra is exposed, it cannot be said to be a disaster or a blessing.

He understood what Elder Chen wanted to do, which was just to let it go and see if it could succeed. If not, forget about it.

It’s just a requirement to cultivate the golden elixir...

"It's better to rely on yourself to improve."

Feng Deng muttered, and then strode to his Meiji Palace.


The feeling of being thrown into a booth surrounded by men and being watched excitedly made Li Yang feel cold all over his body while he was sleeping, and he shrank his arms uncomfortably.

This feeling of being watched almost made him feel more uncomfortable and tormented than goosebumps all over his body.

It was almost like a nightmare, and he was tormented by going back and forth. The endless going up and down made him feel cold all over.

He didn't know how long he stayed up, it didn't seem to be long, but the seconds seemed like years and it felt like a long time.

Finally, the feeling of being thrown naked onto a booth where men were watching, all the men around were laughing, disappeared.

A mysterious message entered his mind, along with the feeling of someone taking off his clothes and being peeped at him.

Fortunately, this feeling was very weak and disappeared after a while, leaving only a mysterious technique in my mind.

【Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing】

‘The way of yin and yang, there is no reason for the circle. The transformation of yin and yang is like shadow and form. Although the shadow is empty, the shape cannot be removed. The shape is unique, but the shadow is still there. "Therefore, the quality of yin cannot be expressed without yang. The qi of yang cannot be manifested without yin." Therefore, it is said: ...Yin is hidden inside, and Yang is guarded, and Yang is outside...'

All kinds of mysterious information poured into his mind, making Li Yang sound confused. Fortunately, World Gate was powerful and quickly translated it into vernacular that he could understand.

'The relationship between yin and yang is like a shadow and the form that reflects the shadow...'

"The meaning of the general outline is to put it plainly, that is, only by having more love can you practice better."

Li Yang understood it now, and the subsequent training content made him unable to help but study and understand and memorize it word by word.

‘The first step in spiritual practice is to open up the Dantian. Only by opening up the Dantian can one absorb the ubiquitous spiritual power in the world and any other power through the Dantian. ’

'Without Dantian, there is no place for spiritual energy and spiritual energy to rely on. When absorbing other forces, you can only absorb one kind of practice, otherwise they will conflict with each other. Only by opening up Dantian can you absorb spiritual energy and spiritual energy, and can you also absorb anything that exists in the world. strength without worrying about conflict with each other. ’

'There is a monk who practices by sitting on the earth and fire, then lives in the deep sea to receive spirits, and then lives in the land of thunder to practice thunder. The conflict of multiple energies seems dangerous, but in fact, under the mysterious power of Dantian, everything is under control, just like eating and drinking. Simple. ’

'Dantian is the seed of the world. Only the power of the seed of the world can absorb the power of any world and turn it into one's own use and become one's own magic power...'

The first step in spiritual practice: open the Dantian!

'After opening the Dantian, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be introduced into the body and circulate along the meridians until the spiritual power, blood essence and soul power are integrated and can be controlled at will. Then the Dantian can be introduced, and the mystery of the Dantian can be integrated into mana. ’

‘On the surface of the world, there are grass, trees, mountains, rocks, water, fire and air currents, all of which are the power of the elements. The elements are supported by spiritual power (qi). There is spiritual power in every world. If spiritual power does not exist, the world will be extinct. ’

'It's just that the spiritual power is hidden deep in the elements, and it is difficult for those with weak souls to detect and comprehend it. Therefore, the practice place can also use the elements of heaven and earth for one's own use. The power of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, sun, moon, thunder, and frost can be introduced at will. The power of the soul is getting stronger and stronger, and when it can touch the spiritual power, it can be introduced into the body to practice. ’

'If the initial soul strength is not enough and it feeds on elements, it is necessary to induce the soul to recharge all the power it once had, so that it can be reborn...'

The second step of practice: Refining Qi!

'At the beginning of cultivation, only one meridian can be used, and by running back and forth, you can only control the external force running in this meridian. This is the first level of Qi refining. Until the mana in the body becomes stronger, the spiritual power is absorbed and expanded to the second meridian. The second level of Qi refining...'

'At the end of the day, the mana in the body is strong, the soul and body are strong, and the meridians have expanded to twelve. You can use the power of the meridians to condense the liquid mana, and you will become a foundation-building one-yuan monk...'

The third step of practice: building the foundation!

'There are three elements in building the foundation, that is, one yuan, two yuan, and three yuan. Each time the liquid mana is filled in the Dantian, and then the mana is returned to one's own life source, so that the life source is greatly increased, and a fundamental improvement occurs, it is one yuan quenching. After returning to the yuan, it is a hundred During the day, the monk's energy and spirit will be reborn and even stronger. ’

'Building the foundation of the three elements, the essence, energy, spirit and life essence have been raised to the peak level. Those without special physiques cannot continue to return to the origin. At this time, the essence, energy and spirit are perfect. Seek the same rhythm of the three, and use the power of perfection to condense the magic power in The Dantian turns into golden elixir...'

The fourth step of practice: forming elixirs!

‘The golden elixir has nine turns. Each turn’s mana, soul, and body will transform into one turn. Only after nine turns of the golden elixir can it be transformed into an infant.’

The fifth step of practice: Nascent Soul!

‘If you reach Jindan, you should come to the capital of [Jiuli Dynasty] and [Jiaofangsi] to find me. If you behave appropriately, I can teach you the Dharma. ’


'Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra is one of the top exercises of our inner sect of Hehuan Sect. It emphasizes the synergy of yin and yang. Practicing this method can use the power of female yin to make the yang energy in the body mutually generate, and the yin and yang co-rotate, which not only increases one's yang energy, It also nourishes the other's yin energy, and the co-rotation of yin and yang can attract more power of heaven and earth into the body, helping each other...'

'The deeper the practice of this skill, the more and more the co-cultivators will love the major practitioner. The more diligent the practice, the faster the love will be. The more practice, the deeper the love will be. Even if there is overwhelming hatred in the heart, it will gradually turn into love. , this is another wonderful thing about our technique...'

‘Although the practice is good, there are many things to pay attention to. Firstly: when practicing together, the more intense the emotions of both parties, the better the effect. Secondly, if only one party is emotionally intense, it is acceptable. If neither party is emotional, the effect will be mediocre. ’

'Two: The closer the minor's cultivation level is to the major's, the better. If it is too low, the effect will not be good enough. If it is too high, there is a risk of falling in love with the major. ’

‘Three: The more special the physique, the better. ’

‘Four: The less experience and personnel the better, the best is at the beginning. ’

‘Five: Be careful not to be impatient and impatient. When you are unable to do anything anymore, practice forcefully. Otherwise, the Yang Qi will circulate excessively and there is a risk of overflowing. ’

‘Six: Don’t be eager for quick success and use any means to increase your magic power. Otherwise, your magic power will be impetuous and you will be in danger of rioting and breaking your heart. ’

‘Seven: Be careful when making friends! ’

‘Eight: Remember not to be close to beautiful women! ’

‘Nine: Don’t pay with your hands! ’

‘10: Don’t be timid and don’t dare to attack a beautiful woman when it’s time to take action! ’

‘Eleven: Don’t put too much true love into your minor! ’


The contents of the scriptures poured into his mind. When Li Ming opened his eyes with a dazed head, he already had an article on the cultivation of immortality skills [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] that went directly to the nine turns of the golden elixir in his mind.

And, along with it came a lot of insights into the practice of Kung Fu.

For example, in the early stage of Qi refining, ordinary people can practice twice every three days, otherwise it will damage the kidneys.

If you meet someone of the opposite sex who makes you have thoughts, no matter what your identity is, don't be reluctant to do it, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life.

How to seduce a good woman...

Such as a hundred ways to get a lonely and beautiful woman...

Like a hundred ways to get a woman with a coquettish appearance...

"This is too sexy."

Li Yang carefully browsed the content of the exercises, focusing on the cultivation insights at the end. He couldn't help but feel a little disgusted. He didn't look like a good person.

Then I was a little confused, why did he appear here?

What happened to the exercises in your mind?

I patted my head and recalled carefully...

"I came to have a spiritual banquet at the invitation of Brother Fengden."

Li Yang looked at the clothes around him and was a little surprised. What's going on? He was drugged?

"you're awake."

When Li Yang was confused, a servant in blue appeared outside the door and looked at him with a smile: "Master Fengdeng said, when you wake up, please leave on your own. In addition, non-foundation-building monks are not allowed to fly over the city." , otherwise you will be punished.”

"Master Fengdeng also said that he knows that you must have many questions in your heart. This [Qiankun Bag] contains the answers you want to know. In addition, he also gives you a package so that you can open it among the casual cultivators. situation."

"The [Qiankun Bag] is at your bedside. Would you like to leave now, or will the guards drive you away later?"

The servant in green bowed respectfully and spoke, and Li Yang was stunned when he heard it.

He subconsciously touched the bedside, and a cloth bag appeared in his hand. It was quite heavy, and there was no obstacle for spiritual power to enter it. Then what came into view was a space that was ten times larger than his [Space Bag].

The things in the space are very simple - 100 fluorescent stones and a jade slip.

Li Yang was stunned, then looked at the servant in green who was smiling but staring at him, pursed his lips, stood up from the bed with the [Qiankun Bag], and walked out of the door.

The servant in green clothes took the initiative to lead the way with a smile on his face. He led Li Yang quickly for more than ten minutes before finally walking out of Master Fengdeng's mansion, opening the small door to the backyard, and under the gaze of the imposing guards, he He sent it out.

Li Yang looked back, silently turned around and strode away along the bluestone road at the door.

From time to time, ordinary people wearing long robes of various colors can be seen coming and going on both sides of the road, busy everywhere, shouting and shouting.

It's just that Li Yang was wearing purple armor and a visor, and his emotionless look was quite eye-catching wherever he went. He accelerated all the way, passed through the busy city, and arrived outside the city. Then he came out. Under the watchful eyes of the soldiers and people outside the city, he jumped into the air and quickly lost his figure.

"Return to the uninhabited mountainous area and maintain stealth mode."

Returning to the Invisible Fortress, Li Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He felt a little awkward and uncomfortable as he opened the [Qiankun Bag] given to him by the Fengdeng monk, took out the hundred luminous stones inside, and the jade slip. Open your heart.

After checking the luminous stone, I immediately felt a power very similar to the power contained in the food I had eaten at the spiritual banquet swirling around in it.

"Is this a spiritual stone?"

Li Yang's eyes flashed, and then he played with them one by one and compared them with great interest. He found that they were almost the size of table tennis balls. He thought to himself that they seemed to be the same size, so he collected the hundred spiritual stones in a box with great satisfaction. [Qiankun Bag].

Then came the jade slip. He tentatively held it, and in an instant a stream of information poured into his heart.

‘…Is this a drunk spirit? ’

‘…Where is that proud and perverted bitch? ’

‘…something’s not right, the more I look at it, the more something is wrong…’

‘…It is not appropriate for changes to occur in the sect… First record it as [Special Observation Disciple] and teach him the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra]. There is no treatment for sect disciples, record the income aura, and let it develop. If he can create a golden elixir by himself in the future, I should introduce him to my sect again and take additional credit...'

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