My world double door

Chapter 138 College Entrance Examination (Please subscribe for more updates!)

Camp, picnic, take photos.

Traveling around, growing vegetables and flowers.

After explaining to Xu Yuan, the trip to Linhai was postponed. Throughout May, Li Yang spent the whole month in such mountains and rivers.

During this period of time, he listened to the advice and stopped practicing the soul technique, and began to practice magic instead. In half a month, he successfully mastered the [soul stun] spell.

In addition, the three sophisticated magics of [Soul Stab], [Water Column Magic] and [Invisibility] are also used more skillfully.

In this way, within half a month, the unexplained heart palpitations were reduced a lot.

Although the company's development has been slowed down a lot because of this, he doesn't care.

In June, when the elder sister's college entrance examination was approaching, Li Yang simply took Dai Yueming and Chen Na back to his hometown to cheer for his elder sister these days.

"Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, even my sister is about to take the college entrance examination."

In Mi County, for the convenience of my sister's exam, Li Yang bought two houses in a community nearest to her school. Standing by the window, Li Yang looked at the college entrance examination candidates lined up neatly in front of him and felt a little emotional.

His college life seemed to have happened just the day before yesterday, but in the blink of an eye, even his sister was about to take the college entrance examination.

"Brother, I packed up and went to the examination room."

Li Ling stretched out his right hand and picked his eyes, looked at the old man who was standing by the window, straightened his chest and said.

"Okay, let's go, I'll see you off."

Li Yang turned around and spoke with a smile, then walked over and took his sister downstairs with him. Chen Na beside him was still cheering Li Ling on.

"Sister Li Ling, come on, you will definitely win the college entrance examination!"

"Uh, okay, I will."

Li Ling looked at the girl behind him who was one year younger than him, and squeezed out a smile on his face. Then he thought of the other big sister in the room, looked at his brother with a strange look, and a word came from his mind. came out.

Dressed beast.

"What are you thinking about?"

Li Yang slapped her on the head. Li Ling covered her head, looked at her brother depressedly, and then rushed to school to start the exam.

Li Yang looked at the direction his sister was leaving, smiled softly, then shook his head, looked at the crowd of waiting people around, turned around and took Chen Na, who was still waving to Li Ling, back to his apartment. place.

The college entrance examination is the first important turning point in life for many civilians.

If you succeed in the college entrance examination once, you will have a much higher probability than the average person, not only of being a good person but also a great person.

As long as you continue to improve your academic qualifications and perform properly, you can have a monthly salary of more than 50,000 yuan in the future.

No matter how bad they are, they are still in demand at various levels of second-rate talent demand.

Unfortunately, only a handful of people can enter top universities.

Eighty percent, or even ninety-nine percent, of these people come from well-to-do families. They come from cities. Those who really come from rural areas and come from poor families can be said to be very few.

Only in the second-tier first-class universities can you still see a very few poor families and rural families.

In a second-rate university, the figures of poor families and rural families can be vaguely seen.

Among ordinary undergraduate students who are not in the mainstream, the proportion of students from poor families and rural families is slowly increasing.

Twenty percent of the people occupy 80% of the resources, and this seems to have always been the case.

Li Yang looked at the test center and thought of how nervous he was during the college entrance examination and how he struggled for a hundred days, and he felt even more emotional.

The only difference is that now that he sees this solemn test site, he can no longer arouse any interest.

"Chen Na, did you call Sister Li Ling on purpose just now?"

With countless thoughts in his mind, Li Yang looked at Chen Na who was leaning next to him with a straight face, and asked sinisterly.

"Oh, I didn't mean it. Oh, brother Li Yang, please spare my life. Oh, don't kiss me anymore..."

Chen Na rolled her eyes and said slyly, but as soon as she finished speaking, she begged for mercy with a depressed look on her face, regretting her provocative behavior just now.

"I made some soup for Li Ling. It will definitely taste delicious from now until the morning."

Dai Yueming, who came from the kitchen with a spoon in hand, walked in with a smile, then turned around silently and closed the room.


The traditional college entrance examination time in 2024 is: June 7, 9:00 to 11:30 Chinese; 15:00 to 17:00 Mathematics.

June 8, 9:00 to 11:30 Liberal Arts Comprehensive/Science Comprehensive; 15:00 to 17:00 Foreign Languages

The current college entrance examination is divided into the traditional college entrance examination and the new college entrance examination. The traditional college entrance examination is divided into liberal arts and science, while the new college entrance examination is a compulsory course in addition to language and mathematics. It is "matched with electives" to give students more opportunities to choose, so it is called the new college entrance examination.

Of course, it's not just the college entrance examination that's divided, teaching has already been separated in high school.

Chinese, English, and comprehensive science are Li Ling's strengths, so Li Yang didn't worry about it on the morning of June 7. He just asked how Li Ling was doing as usual, and after confirming that she was performing well, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Li Ling, come and try the soup that my sister made specially for you."

Dai Yueming brought up the soup he had cooked in the morning with a smile. Li Ling took a sip and immediately praised it, which made Dai Yueming very happy.

After dinner, Li Yang asked her to take some time to rest, but Li Ling was unwilling. He said that he wanted to study hard before the math test started. Li Yang thought about it for a while and did not disturb her, but silently took the first step. He took out two bottles of [Concentration Liquid] and let her take a whiff casually.

Li Ling thought it was mosquito repellent, so she didn't pay much attention to it. She didn't know why. She felt particularly relaxed when reviewing the key points at noon. There were many unexpected points and places that she couldn't figure out before. Suddenly, she thought of many angles. Then I understood.

She reviewed excitedly until 2:40. When she saw the bell ringing in the examination room opposite, she hurriedly closed the book and turned around to rush to the examination room.

Li Yang put the [Concentration Liquid] away in pain, thinking that my brother had spent a lot of money just for your exam.

[Spirit Condensing Liquid] For someone like Li Ling who just took a life-extending potion that is effective for ordinary people, it can continue to take effect for two or three days without fading away. This effect is enough for her to continue taking the spirit possession test in the examination room, which is an extraordinary performance. .

It's just that it's not God who helps her, but her brother.

Li Yang complained in his heart, and then saw Dai Yueming excitedly making a new soup. Chen Na got into bed to rest, so she stopped tossing them.

A man came to the window and silently practiced the quiet magic of [Soul Stun], mobilizing the power of his soul.

In the blink of an eye, the sky became dark, and at five o'clock in the afternoon, Li Ling came out of the examination room and rushed out of the school very excitedly. When he saw his brother waiting for him at the door, he immediately said happily: "Brother, I will take the last few big questions." It’s all solved.”

"You don't even know how I didn't know what was going on in this exam. I'm like a god of learning. I figured out a lot of questions that I didn't know how to answer all at once. I didn't stop until the last one. I'm a maths expert." Never performed so well on exams!”

Mathematics was originally her weak point, but now that her weak point has been used so well, one can imagine the effect it has on her.

"As long as you perform well, keep a low profile, let's go, your sister Yueming has made some soup for you, go back and drink more."

A test of spiritual possession?

A mysterious smile appeared on Li Yang's face, and then he waved his hand. With excitement, Li Ling turned and walked towards where he lived. Li Ling smiled happily, not paying much attention to the eyes of the people around him, cheering. He rushed to the room and showed off to Dai Yueming and Chen Na, who was still in a daze.

Then he danced and talked about how awesome he was in the examination room. Li Yang laughed and said nothing.

It wasn't until after dinner that Li Ling's excitement dissipated. He returned to his house, picked up his cell phone and started chatting wildly with his sisters and classmates. After chatting, he started to pick up the general science questions and started talking again. I devoted myself to learning for once.

"I'll go and I'll actually understand the truth!"

After opening books related to science and technology, Li Qing felt the powerful state of his brain, his eyes brightened, and he stayed up until late at night before reluctantly going to bed at Li Yang's urging.

Li Yang shook his head and silently used his mental power to deepen her sleep state to prevent her from getting sleepy in the exam tomorrow. Then he returned to the room and got into bed with Chen Na and Dai Yueming.


The night passed in the blink of an eye, and Li Ling woke up early the next morning and felt refreshed. She looked at the time and saw that it was only half past six. She hurriedly took the time to review Science and Comprehensive Science, and continued to review after breakfast. At 8:45 in the morning, I hurriedly and nervously headed to the examination room.

At 11:30 p.m., the comprehensive examination was over, and Li Ling almost jumped when he ran out of the examination room.

"Brother, I am invincible at all things. Hahahahaha. I have solved all the difficult problems. It really tests my ability to possess me!"

Li Ling, who performed exceptionally well, almost forgot about it. In sharp contrast to the students around her who were either worried or crying, Li Yang smiled calmly on his face and pulled her back to eat the soup cooked by Dai Yueming.

In the afternoon, the test was English, and the improvement brought by a flexible mind was not big. It all depended on accumulation. Fortunately, Li Ling was good at Chinese and English, and he was sure of success.

So, in the blink of an eye, it’s five o’clock in the afternoon on June 8, and another college entrance examination is over.

After the last exam, students walked out of the exam room like a wave. Some were nervous, some were looking forward to it, and some were indifferent.

At this moment, most of them have no clear idea of ​​what the end of the day means.

For them, this is their first opportunity to counterattack in life, completely frozen.

They did not realize that the end of a total of twelve years of hard study, six years of elementary school, three years of junior high school, and three years of high school, was actually only part of the meaning of today.

The real fatal blow is the end of a large number of opportunities in the next few decades of life.

"Let's go home and eat."

Li Yang, who was standing at the school gate to greet his younger sister, looked at the surging crowds around him, chuckled and took his younger sister home. Li Ling performed steadily in two of the four games, and Li Ling, who performed exceptionally well in two games, was obviously in a good mood. She I happily followed Li Yang back to eat. As I walked, I kept talking, venting the invisible tension of the past two days.

"Originally I thought it was a bit mysterious, but now I suddenly feel like I can do 985!"

"Hey, brother, I have a class reunion tomorrow. You bring me some money and I want to have dinner with my classmates. This is our first gathering. I must go."

"After such a long vacation after the college entrance examination, I want to travel, I want to go to the beach, I want to go to the capital!"

After finishing the exam, Li Ling felt that the constraints all over her body and the invisible pressure from her senior year of high school were gone. She enthusiastically recited a lot of thoughts to Li Yang that she had suppressed for a long time.

"Okay, here, go."

Li Yang nodded indifferently and agreed. When he got home, Li Ling kept talking to Dai Yueming and Chen Na. He didn't quiet down until he turned on his mobile phone. He kept chatting on the mobile phone. Dai Yueming gave her I finished the soup after it had cooled down. Then I said, "I'm going to go back to sleep." Then I ran back with my phone and charger.


Li Yang took a sip of the soup, looked at his sister's closed door, shook his head slightly and smiled, then hugged Dai Yueming and Chen Na back to the room to sleep.


The results of the college entrance examination will not be available until June 22-25. In Li Ling's words, she will have to play hard during this period.

Apart from gatherings with friends, the rest of the time is spent playing games, and I have to wait until the results of the college entrance examination are released before traveling.

"I want to make up for all the games I haven't played in three years of high school."

The next day, after breakfast, Li Ling went to her room next door with her mobile phone in her arms. Today's party wouldn't start until the evening, and she wanted to have fun before that.

She played, and so did Li Yang. He turned around, hugged Dai Yueming and Chen Na, closed the door, and started playing.


[Wang Qiang: Mr. Li, all your silver coin orders were completed last month. When will you have time to come over and inspect them? 】

"Okay, I'll go there in a few days, probably around June 14th."

While Li Yang was playing, his mobile phone received a message from Wang Qiang from Linhai. He smiled and replied twice, then continued playing.

Playing until the afternoon, Li Ling, who had been playing all day, finally went out, took the money given by Li Yang, and gathered with a few little sisters to attend the class reunion.

After playing for a day, Chen Na lay lazily on the bed and slept. Dai Yueming rested for a while and got up to cook. Li Yang stretched and moved his body alone and continued to practice his magic silently. .

Not long after, Dai Yueming prepared a meal, and the three of them sat down to have a simple meal. Knowing that Li Ling was going to a class reunion, he didn't leave any food for her.

"Hey, Li Yang, aren't you coming back today?"

Not long after finishing the meal, my mother called me to inquire, and her words were full of exploration.

"Li Ling is going to have a party with classmates and will come back tomorrow."

"We're having a class reunion again, Ni, you have to keep an eye on this."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Li Yang finished replying to his mother with a smile, and then asked Dai Yueming and the others to wash up and go to bed first. While he was practicing various magics, he quietly waited for Li Ling to come back.

At 8:30 in the evening, his cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Li Ling's cell phone. He answered it with a smile.

"Hey, brother, someone is making trouble here and wants to harass the female classmates in our class. Can you come and help us?"

Li Yang frowned, the smile on his face disappeared, and he stood up from the chair: "Where are you eating and no one is around to stop you? Send me the address."

"There are two big brothers stopping him, but that person is so arrogant. I will send you the address right now."

There was a faint noisy voice on the other end of the phone, and there were several girls beside Li Ling who agreed. Li Yang's eyebrows wrinkled: "First take the female classmates around you and find a safe place to stay. , If not, take the car back first."

"I sent you the address. We are fine. The boys in the class are protecting us. That person has been beating our male classmates. The male classmates in our class are having sex with them, but there are so many of them that we can't beat them. Brother, come quickly!"

An address was sent, and the voice on the other end of the phone became noisier.

Li Yang frowned, looked at the location, and quickly went out and drove over.

Fortunately, the county town is not big. Li Yang, while telling Li Ling on the phone to stay away and pay attention to safety, drove to the scene within two minutes. As soon as he arrived, he saw a group of gangsters with various hair colors. , and a group of male students were controlled by the police and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

One of them, a young man with several earrings on his ears and a necklace around his neck, stood proudly with his hands behind his back. He was the only one in the audience who was not controlled.

Both sides were bruised and swollen. He glanced around and quickly looked around. When he saw Li Ling being questioned by several policemen on the side, he felt relieved that nothing happened and walked over with a frown.

"A crowd gathered to fight. Do you know the nature of this? They were eating. Why did you cause trouble and conflict with them? Before you get to the police station, you should explain your words clearly here. If you confess, you will be lenient."

Two men wearing hats asked a few standing female students sternly, and the girls stamped their feet anxiously: "It's not us, it's us having a nice dinner together, and they came to harass Peng from our class. Feifei, we are the victims."

"Peng Feifei, who is Peng Feifei? It was you who started the incident, right? Why did you take the initiative to stir up trouble and instigate conflicts and fights between classmates and migrant workers?"

When the man in the hat heard this, he immediately noticed a beautiful girl in the crowd, called her out and questioned her sternly, which made the girls in front look in disbelief. At this moment, Li Ling brightened up and hurriedly said to the girl who was walking over. Li Yang waved his hand: "Brother, here it is, here it is."

"Who, who is your brother, fighting and gathering people outside the venue, right? Stop it, stop it, who are you, what is your name, why are you here, please explain clearly."

When a man in a hat heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows and asked someone to stop Li Yang who was walking over. He frowned and asked softly.

Li Yang looked around and narrowed his eyes.

"My dad is here, dad, I'm here."

At this moment, there was a loud shout from behind. Li Yang looked back and saw a man walking over with a straight face surrounded by a group of people. Suddenly, his eyes subconsciously glanced and noticed Li Yang. I was stunned for a moment.

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