My world double door

Chapter 126 Everything is ready (please subscribe for more updates)

The palm-sized cloth bag is very light in the hand, and feels about the same weight as an egg. But when you look into it mentally, you can feel the square space of 1,000 cubic meters inside. It is very wide, and it is enough for storage space. It can even fit all of his current treasures into it.

"Master Megawati must also know that I have just been involved in magic practice. I would like to ask if you have any potions to assist in practice. If so, can you sell me some."

Li Yang pointed to the more than 7,000 silver coins left in the box. He had no intention of taking these silver coins back with him this time.

"Yes, of course there is. High-level and above magic power-enhancing potions are precious, but you are still in the entry-level stage. There are many potions that can be used at this stage. What level is your magic power now?"

The smile on Megawati's face grew wider, and then she touched the [Space Bag] inside her robe and three potions appeared in front of her eyes, and asked him with a smile.

Magic power is different from mental power and physical power. It is almost invisible and difficult to judge through experience. Therefore, before a transcendent shows his strength, basically no one will know what stage his strength is.

"Oh, I was lucky enough to become a mage apprentice."

Li Yang raised his eyebrows as he looked at the three potions that Megawati took out, and said with a smile on his face.

His thunder and lightning had just undergone a transformation and was indeed in the apprenticeship stage.

"A transformation?"

Megawati raised her eyebrows, secretly surprised at how fast this mysterious mage practiced. It would take at least three years for an ordinary person to go from scratch to the apprenticeship stage, and four years for slow people. Five years is common. Those who didn't have enough qualifications for ten years might not be able to reach the apprenticeship period, but he actually mastered it so quickly.

But then I thought again, the other party's inheritance is unique, and it is normal for this effect to be achieved due to the deep foundation of body and soul. At that moment, I took out the first bottle of potion with relief: "This is just right for you. Your magic power is still immature. , it’s just right to take one bottle a week, otherwise it will cause a waste of medicinal effect and make your practice difficult.”

"Each bottle can increase your practice speed by approximately 20%. This is already the best potion I have for you at this stage."

Megawati chuckled and spoke, then when Li Yang looked over with a probing gaze, he held out a finger with a bright smile: "A bottle only costs ten silver coins."

"Oh, then give me ten bottles to try first."

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, immediately asked for ten bottles, and then gave him a hundred silver coins.

"Based on the normal speed of cultivation, you may need five hundred bottles of potions to cultivate to the second transformation. Do you need to buy more reserves?"

Megawati collected the money, took out a large wooden box from the [Space Bag], opened it, and bottles of separated potions appeared in front of her eyes, and said to Li Yang with a smile.

"...Ninety more bottles."

Li Yang silently gave him another nine hundred silver coins. Megawati put the medicine he needed into a new empty box with a smile. After putting it in, there were still ten spaces in it. Li Yang silently put the medicine he needed. Ten bottles were also placed inside, and then he touched the [Space Bag] with his palm and put a box of medicine into the newly purchased space bag.

The spiritual power penetrated into it. In the dusty space, a large wooden box containing a hundred bottles of medicine appeared in the corner. He smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "Have you increased the reduction of physical load during practice? The medicine is suitable for me?"

"Yes, of course there is. I have three delay potions with different effects here. They can respectively increase the training time by 30%, 60%, and double the time. The first one costs 100 silver coins per barrel. The second type is five hundred silver coins per barrel, and the third type is one thousand silver coins per barrel. Which one do you want and how much do you want?"

With a bright smile on her face, Megawati took out three large barrels of cyan slurry from her storage bag, pointed at the barrels with different markings and asked him with a smile.

Li Yang twitched the corner of his mouth, it was really expensive, but after thinking about it, this kind of slurry is mainly used to break through the realm, so it should be more expensive.

But...he only uses it for daily practice.

“How many times can a bucket be used?”

Li Yang couldn't help but ask, and Megawati smiled: "It can be used ten times. The first one is more suitable for daily practice, and the last one is more suitable for breakthrough use. The middle ones are all fine, depending on your needs."

"Then I need ten barrels of the first type and two barrels of the second type."

Li Yang rubbed his eyebrows, and Megawati took out the things happily.

Li Yang touched the [Space Bag] and found twelve more barrels of slurry.

I looked at the silver coins in the big box beside me. In the blink of an eye, there were only four thousand left.

"Is there anything that can help with soul power cultivation?"

Li Yang thought about his purpose, and instead of being stingy with the silver coins, he asked directly.

"Oh, you should ask the right person about this."

Megawati raised her eyebrows, and took out a bottle of perfume from the space with a smile: "This is the [Spirit Concentrating Liquid]. As long as the cap is removed, the concentration liquid inside will automatically emit out, making people feel refreshed. Quick tranquility is helpful for soul power recovery and improvement."

"A bottle of [Concentration Liquid] can be used thirty times. It sells for one thousand silver coins. How much do you want?"

Megawati spoke with a smile, and Li Yang silently ordered two bottles.

"In addition to these, I also have potions here that can warm the body, help improve the body's constitution, and restore injuries. They are priced at ten silver coins a bottle, fifty silver coins a bottle, and a hundred silver coins a bottle. Do you want some?"

Megawati took out three more white potions and asked Li Yang with a smile.

Li Yang pushed all the money in the box over, took some of the three potions, and then walked out of the Riley family in a relaxed manner as Megawati sent him off with a smile on his face. .

"No wonder Megawati is so rich. He makes money much faster than Ali Gong."

Flying out from the Riley family, Li Yang touched the storage bag on his waist, looked down at the noble and luxurious decorations of the Riley family, silently complained in his heart, and thought about the smile on Megawati's face just now. His appearance always gave him a treacherous feeling.

Fortunately... he doesn't care about silver coins at all.

Then he looked down at the City Lord's Mansion below, with a bright smile on his lips, and with a movement of his body, he left the air and flew into Nanshan.


After a while, many strange things suddenly appeared in the city lord's mansion. They were hidden squarely in the corners of the rocks and were not noticeable.

Outside the city, in Nanshan, Li Yang revoked his invisibility technique, and the smile on his face became stronger.

Aligon was recovering from his injuries, and no one in the city lord's palace could detect his invisibility. The placement of the camera was completed quietly.

[Breeding No. 9] comes with powerful signal release and transmission capabilities. As long as the camera has power, it can keep monitoring.

"You can't leave Black Rock City for more than one day. It depends on how long you can last."

Li Yang walked from the forest to his valley, looking at the busy people below, a smile appeared on his lips.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

At the edge of the valley, the sound of gunfire continued. The soldiers who had obtained the guns were quickly familiarizing themselves with the use of the guns. Each of them had fifty rounds of ammunition per day, and they had to practice until the barbarian troops invaded.

There was a lot of ammunition snatched, and even if it was not enough, they could always return to the real world and use it, so Li Yang was not stingy with their training.

How to use firearms has been imprinted in their minds. They only need to let their bodies adapt quickly to form combat effectiveness. This process will not be too slow.

Looking at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock in the morning. Udi, who went out to search for the villagers, had not come back yet. He was not in a hurry to do other things. He called the maids responsible for healing the wounds and diseases, and began to use his intelligence and brain power. The mental power quickly transmitted medical and first aid knowledge to them, and they thought about going back to the real world to get some medical drugs after lunch.

Not long after, lunch was ready, and Li Yang enjoyed his lunch comfortably under the service of five personal slave girls. Then he came to the secret room alone, looked at the arms around him, waved his hand, and all received the [Space Bag]. among.

One thousand cubic meters is really a large enough space. Even if all the weapons are put in, it will only occupy one third. Li Yang disappeared from the secret room and came to the real world again.

It was midnight in the real world. Li Yang returned to the place where he last buried a bunch of treasures from the City Lord's Mansion and put the things into the [Space Bag]. Then he soared into the sky with satisfaction and flew all the way to an arsenal abroad. .

A moment later, Li Yang, who had replenished a wave of ammunition, came to a medical warehouse, took out a bunch of drugs and syringes with a wide range of applications, and then disappeared. .

Returning to the magical world again, it was already past one in the afternoon. Li Yang came to the [Zongheng Mecha] again, put all the contents of the [Zongheng Mecha]'s huge storage box into the [Space Bag], and put [Space Bag] Put some arms and medicine inside, and then returned to the Nanshan Valley Hall with a smile on his face.

"Only a thousand silver coins are left."

Li Yang looked at the remaining silver coins in the secret room of the main hall, and then at a large pile of copper coins and iron coins. After thinking about it, he did not touch the silver coins, but took these copper coins and iron coins and walked out of the main hall.

"Li Yi led the soldiers to stop training and handed over all the weapons here. Laimier prepared all the donkey carts and carriages in the valley, and then asked everyone to make room for rest, build new wooden houses, and prepare Bath supplies and new clothes, and make ten times more food tonight, a lot of people may come back.”

Li Yang shouted, and Li Yi and Lai Mier immediately obeyed the order and began to make arrangements hurriedly. All the soldiers in training lined up their firearms and handed them over, and the bullets were received by Li Yang into the [Space Bag] , then they changed their armor, picked up their weapons, and each of them mounted a horse.

There were a total of 200 donkey carts and horse-drawn carriages in the valley, and Laimier quickly sorted them out. There was a driver sitting on each cart.

"The female guards will stay in the valley, and half of the male guards will stay. The young guards and the rest of the guards will protect the convoy and set off for Black Rock City. You will make two trips back and forth today, the first trip to transport food, and the second trip to transport people."

Li Yang sat on the first carriage. With a wave of his hand, the convoy immediately walked out of the valley and headed out of the valley along the mountain road in front of the door.

Li Yang flew very quickly from Nanshan to Black Rock City, but there was actually a long stretch of dirt road. The convoy walked for an hour before reaching the city. The arrogant defenders stopped the moment they saw Li Yang, and respectfully took him to the city. They let in, and then Li Yang led the convoy all the way to the city lord's palace to search the granaries stored in the city.


Li Yang opened the door and waved his hand while the soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion who were guarding here did not dare to say a word. The coachman and guards swarmed forward, carried the grain to the carriage, and turned around with smiles on their faces.

It wasn't until the two hundred carriages were full and one-tenth of the grain was missing in the warehouse that Li Yang waved his hand with satisfaction and took the carriage to transport the grain back.

The food in the warehouse is not just for the city lord's palace. Now all the food in the city is here. There is food from the autumn harvest just now, which is to be eaten by the people of the city and the soldiers who defend the city. He took away a tenth of it. It is already a huge number, and the rest should be left to the common people.

As for what happens after the barbarian soldiers worst, he will take it back.

At the city wall, Lady Karin, the beautiful and noble wife of Knight Alagon, was wearing white gauze gloves in her hands, holding up her long skirt and pursed her lips as she looked at the majestic carriage convoy leaving the city in front of her.


Two hundred carriages were loaded with grain, and each carriage had an average of twenty bags of grain. When such a large amount of grain was brought back to the valley, people were immediately excited. The female slaves who stayed in the valley began to step forward to help unload the goods. By the way, follow the instructions and store them in the underground tunnel.

After the vehicles were emptied, Li Yang had people pull the empty carriage back to Black Rock City.

When the convoy arrived at Black Rock City again, it was already seven o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky had reached dusk. This time, Li Yang did not go to the granary, but left half of the convoy outside the city gate, and half of the convoy arrived at Fireworks Alley. , then the motorcade lined up one by one, and three signs were erected in the front, back and middle.

[Accepting female slaves and male slaves under 30 years old, female slaves will cost 500 iron coins to 3500 iron coins each (depending on appearance and age). Male slave 800 iron coins ~ 1 copper coin (depending on physical condition)]

[Field harvesting: 100~1,000 iron coins per acre (depending on the fertility of the field)]

[House closing: 300~3000 iron coins per room (depending on the size of the lot)]

The sign was put up and instantly caused a sensation in and outside the city.

People begging from everywhere came after hearing the news, and the people in the city who knew that the barbarians were about to attack the city dragged their families with them. Soon, people were surrounding each sign, and they lined up under the scolding of the guards. One by one, they were kissed by the young man. He got into the car under the inspection of the guards.

Each and every woman waited for their family members to collect the coins and then reluctantly got on the rows of carriages. There were 10 people sitting on each carriage, and 90% of them were women - qualified men. Most of them have been taken away by others or bought out by others.

In the end, in only an hour, when it was getting dark, the convoy rushed to Nanshan with a box of land deeds and the women in the car under the light of the 'bright magic wand' issued by the mage.

When we arrived at the mountain col, we happened to meet Udi who was leading a large group of young men and villagers from the tenant village. Suddenly, the valley became filled with people.

The new arrivals were divided into men and women, and they took off their clothes one by one, washed their hair, took a bath, and changed their clothes. After everything was changed, they all ate together in the canteen.

Fortunately, the food in the cafeteria was well prepared. The cafeteria was so crowded that we sat on stools to eat under the solar light outside. If we couldn't finish sitting on the stools, we sat on rocks. It was really impossible to eat standing up.

There were beggars and civilians among the new batch of people, but all of them were hungry. Now that they had washed up and had a hot and filling meal, many of them were so happy that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.

In this case, they listened to the shouts of the old people in the valley when they were cooking.

"These are all given to you by my master Li Yang."

Under such circumstances, after dinner in the evening, everyone was uniformly arranged to sleep in Datongpu. The houses in the valley that were originally empty were suddenly full of people.

Even the canteen has a floor.

"Master, according to your request, in addition to bringing the tenants here, I also found 1,500 young men between the ages of sixteen and thirty from nearby villages and beggars."

During dinner, in the main hall, Udi, who had finished his dinner, looked at the bustling slaves outside under the lights, and said with some worry: "Another 1,800 female slaves and 200 male slaves have been transported to Blackstone City. There were 230 villagers, and now there are 3,730 more people in the valley. Although we have a lot of food, it won’t last long if so many people eat it.”

"Don't worry about food. I have my own sense of discretion. Before going to bed tonight, you and Laimi can quickly arrange these people according to the experience I passed on to you. You will all have a sweet dream tonight."

Li Yang said with a smile on his face.

"The female slaves are all arranged to learn medical techniques, rescue techniques, and auxiliary tasks such as animal husbandry. The male slaves will start tomorrow. Except for some professionals with special skills, the rest will all put on weapons and start training."

"Every night we have a grievance meeting and ideological classes."

Li Yang ordered with ease, then opened his mouth to take a mouthful of soup from the slave girl Ivy's mouth, pressed Yading's head, and grabbed Laimier's plump ass with his left hand: "Udi, go and do your work, the tunnel needs to continue Perfect, day and night, when the barbarians invade, all the soldiers will be taken away by me, and you can only use these female slaves to work."

"I know Master."

Udy watched as Laimi held up the sturdy dining table with both hands and hurriedly retreated from the hall. Then he took a deep breath and started to enter the cave with the slaves who had been on duty every day to continue repairing and digging the tunnel.


"There are a total of 2,030 male soldiers plus personal soldiers. The female slaves will stay and continue to build the base. It is enough."

Li Yang lifted up Lai Mier's long skirt, looked at Bai Huahua's butt, and thought to himself with a smile on his face.


All is ready except for the opportunity.

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