My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 995: The key to victory!

Although don't let the beauty wait for a long time, because of Long Qingcheng's situation, it is impossible to have another vigorous spring night. It only took about a month before Long Qingcheng was about to give birth, so be careful.

Long Qingcheng was still wearing a red hijab, and when she heard footsteps, she knew it was Tang Ye. I love someone so deeply that I can even hear his footsteps. So Long Qingcheng didn't worry that it was an enemy attack, and nervously intertwined his hands. In fact, it is uncomfortable to sit with a big belly for a long time, she has changed several positions, everything is for the sake of the child. Now that Tang Ye came in, she tried to sit up as much as possible, tensing her body, like a good girl who had never done anything between men and women, waiting for her husband to have sex.

This should be the most wonderful thing in a newlywed, looking forward to the result of the body blending together after falling in love. It's a pity that Long Qingcheng no longer has this opportunity. She is already a wife, almost the mother of a child.

Tang Ye saw that Long Qingcheng was sitting so upright with a big belly, and his body was tense. He hurried over to support her and said, "What I told you, pay attention to your body."

Long Qingcheng was abiding by the rules. The red hijab just waited for Tang Ye to reveal it. He only nodded slightly when he heard Tang Ye's words.

Tang Ye knew that Long Qingcheng was still very traditional in this regard. For example, when she changed her posture to pull her when she was lingering, she would only close her eyes and stay motionless. Looking at the appearance of her former serious eldest sister, she would never think that she was conquered into that appearance when she was lingering.

Tang Ye shook Long Qingcheng's hand, not daring to keep her sitting upright for too long, stretched out the other hand and slowly took off her red hijab.

Seeing Long Qingcheng put on a heavier makeup than usual, the most conspicuous thing was her bright red lips.

Sometimes a woman with too heavy makeup is really not beautiful. The strange thing is that when a woman only paints her lips bright red, the man's attention will be attracted more by the lips and feel very sexy. Of course, if you look really sorry for the audience, the flaming red lips can't save it. And if a beautiful and beautiful woman like Long Qingcheng is beautiful, she would be a beautiful woman no matter what.

Tang Ye looked at Long Qingcheng in a bit of pain. Long Qingcheng was very beautiful and charming. In today's atmosphere and under the blazing red lips, he had a man's impulse. But Long Qingcheng had a big belly, he couldn't do that anymore, he had to endure it.

After watching Long Qingcheng for a long time, Tang Ye couldn't do anything. He could only praise Long Qingcheng, "Qingcheng, you are so beautiful."

Long Qingcheng lowered his head somewhat shyly, very happy that Tang Ye said that. But when she lowered her head to see the situation under Tang Ye, her face was flushed suddenly, and she felt embarrassed, and said, "You...can't help but..."

"I know, you want me to solve it outside. You want to give me money to go to the brothel, right?" Tang Ye looked at Long Qingcheng and smiled, knowing that Long Qingcheng is a very virtuous and enlightened woman.

Once when he called Long Qingcheng Yisheng Sister, Long Qingcheng thought he was a big man, didn't he give him prostitution!

However, as soon as Tang Ye said that, the black line appeared on Long Qingcheng's face, and he stared at Tang Ye angrily, "No, you have to bear it!"

Tang Ye was stunned. Ah... only then did I realize how deadly what I said. Although he said that because Long Qingcheng had given him prostitutes, he made a joke, but it was too **** to say it. Today is Long Qingcheng’s wedding day. Because of pregnancy, he can’t do that and the husband ran to the brothel to solve it?

On the day of the woman's wedding!

If any man does this, he is a scum among scum!

Tang Ye was very sorry, but looked at Long Qingcheng and apologized: "I'm sorry, Qingcheng, I shouldn't be joking all the time!"

Long Qingcheng knew what Tang Ye was like. The so-called going to the brothel to solve the problem was a joke. Tang Ye never lacks women, she can't, so can the princess. The princess can't do it, and there are two girls waiting. Now Donglai and Xiqu were summoned by Mrs. Long and came back, staying beside Long Qingcheng to take care of Long Qingcheng. According to the general tradition, after a few years, if the maid accompanying Long Qingcheng, the mistress, is qualified, she will be accepted as a concubine to help the mistress.

So now the east and west are too happy. Especially Dong Lai, who has a deep love for Tang Ye, how much he hopes that one day Tang Ye will be accepted as a concubine. If you go west, you have to be more reserved, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't think about this.

Although she knew that Tang Ye was joking, Long Qingcheng still puffed up her mouth and was angry. She would not let this rare opportunity to act like a baby. Every woman can show this in front of her beloved man. It's not good to be too hypocritical, but it's not good not to be hypocritical at all. Appropriate hypocrisy is an excellent flavoring agent for two people's feelings.

Tang Ye couldn't help seeing Long Qingcheng's appearance, and gently hugged her over, without affecting her stomach, then bowed her head to kiss, grasping the scale and covering it as much as possible.

Long Qingcheng was very shy, but cooperated as best as possible, and even let out a sultry pant.

A moment of spring night is worth a thousand dollars, only one kiss can quench your thirst. After that, Tang Ye took care of Long Qingcheng very tenderly and carefully, allowing her to sleep peacefully.

The festive atmosphere of the Long Family Young Master’s wedding lasted for several days. After the celebration slowly disappeared, another important day came, and Long Qingcheng was about to give birth!

There are not many long family members, so it is self-evident how important this child is. And the dragon family is about to become king, the weight of this child is even more important. Therefore, Long Qingcheng's childbirth has become a matter of concern for the whole Jianghu.

Tang Ye also knew that this matter would determine the survival or death of him and the Long Family, and even the pattern of the whole arena. If this child cannot be born smoothly, then the plan that has been prepared for more than a year will fall short.

Tang Ye knew that Qi Zhenwu would definitely take action. Qi Zhenwu had only this opportunity to deal with him and the Long Family. If the child is born smoothly, his luck is successfully transferred, and the Long Family’s luck breaks through, then Qi Zhenwu will no longer be able to interfere with this shaping of Qi Zhenwu, then Qi Zhenwu will be held back by the Long Family!

How could Qi Zhenwu allow this to happen?

It's like the final battle, each other will do their best. Qi Zhenwu raised the evil dragon and contacted everyone who could use it.

On Tang Ye's side, he also contacted everyone who could use it, and he drew circles every day to analyze whether there would be loopholes in the test.

Qi Zhenwu is not such a simple person. He will surely possess supernatural powers for more than ten years under Li Haoran's pursuit. Tang Ye was most worried about what he thought of, Qi Zhenwu thought about it all, and arranged a plan to kill Long Qingcheng.

Tang Ye was very anxious. It's about Long Qingcheng, it's about the child, it's about Long's family, it's about himself, so there can be no sloppy. He couldn't afford to lose this time. Once he lost, Long Qingcheng, his children, and the Long family were all over. In the end, even if he can live, he can't really live anymore.

Qi Zhenwu would definitely have a coup, but Tang Ye couldn't guess. This is the cause of his anxiety. He has to solve this problem, so he thinks he also has to have unexpected moves.

Qi Zhenwu had a holistic perspective, so that this last move was something that no one could guess, not just Qi Zhenwu.


So Tang Ye went to the ice cellar of the Long Family Courtyard to visit a living dead—Ling Fuping!

Everyone in the arena thought that Ling Fuping was killed by Tang Ye. When he went to settle accounts with Daogu, Tang Ye didn't refute or clarify this matter when he mentioned this matter. It was just that he had killed Ling Fuping. However, Ling Fuping was not dead. Ling Duckpin was seriously injured that day and was dying, and there was no way to save her, so Tang Ye used her to experiment, experimenting with the Ghost Acupoint Reincarnation Technique!

At this time, Tang Ye was thinking, can Ling Fuping play a role in this matter?

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