My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 993: Scared!

Previously in the remote Hejia Village, Tang Ye worried that the spider web would be disadvantageous to He Zhiqiu and Xie Ruyan, so he came to Hejiacun to pick up He Zhiqiu and Xie Ruyan. And He Zhiqiu wanted to walk the rivers and lakes with Tang Ye, so Tang Ye took her.

Xie Ruyan's words would be escorted to the Dragon Mansion of the God Capital City. However, because of the uncertainty of the enemy's actions, Ding Sansi temporarily arranged spies to protect her.

Now that the Quartet is stable, Xie Ruyan is no longer in danger, and Tang Ye sent her to God City. It just so happened that Tang Ye married Long Qingcheng and she could help.

Now the time for the Long Family Young Master’s wedding is tight, so the person escorting Xie Ruyan rushes faster. No one dared to neglect the important affairs of the young master of the Long Family. That is the man who wants to be king. Isn't it just killing him to make him angry?

However, Xie Ruyan was worried. She asked Tang Ye's identity when she was separated before. Tang Ye didn't explain, only that she was doing business in Shendu City. She knew that Tang Ye deliberately concealed it, so she didn't ask again. The person who had been protecting her now suddenly speeded up and rushed to Shendu City. She was worried that something happened to Tang Ye.

Reminiscent of the recent major events in the arena, the Long Family wiped out the resistance forces one by one and achieved unification. She was worried that Tang Ye was a member of the resistance. Because Tang Ye's identity in Hejiacun was rather strange before, and he was troubled by forces from the capital city. And the Long Family happened to be in the Divine Capital City!

It's just that Xie Ruyan is wondering again, if Tang Ye is dealt with by the Long Family, what else would he do in Shendu City? Isn’t Shenducheng more dangerous?

For a while, Xie Ruyan was in a mess and was very worried. She wanted to open the curtain several times and asked the guard who escorted her. She doesn't care if Tang Ye will be dealt with by the Long Family, she only knows that Tang Ye helped her daughter and changed her daughter's fate. She thinks Tang Ye is a good person, so she will not succumb to the power of the Long Family.

Thinking about this, Xie Ruyan shook his hands, determined that even if Tang Ye was dealt with by the Long Family, he would not do anything to sorry Tang Ye.

Xie Ruyan plucked up the courage and uncovered the curtain in front of him, wanting to ask if something urgent happened to the guard, and what happened to Tang Ye and Zhiqiu. However, the carriage stopped, and she happened to see a city wall in front, along a moat, and an arch bridge in front of it, and on the front of the city was written three great characters: God City.

Xie Ruyan was surprised, he arrived in the city of God?

The **** driving the carriage got out of the carriage and said respectfully to Xie Ruyan: "Madam, the city of the gods is here. There are regulations in the city that you can no longer ride on horses, so I will just take the horse in. You will sit for a while."

Xie Ruyan felt that the guard was too polite, and quickly returned the gift. She is just a rural woman and has not been to any big city yet. Now she went directly to the largest city in the rivers and lakes, and seeing the magnificent city head, she was deeply shocked and deeply felt that she was insignificant.

She has a dreamlike feeling. Why can someone like herself get out of the mountain and take a look outside?

She used to live in the extremely remote Hejia Village. She knew that the farthest place she could reach in her life was the small town outside. Going to a place like Shenducheng was a dream, so she was very grateful to Tang Ye, who had changed the fate of Zhiqiu.

If Zhiqiu can look outside, instead of getting married at the age of fifteen or sixteen with a man in the village or the neighboring village, and doing things like her husband and child, she is willing to fight. of.

There is an unwillingness in the bones because of the chance meeting. When I meet the chance, I want to try it. Xie Ruyan was very thankful that his attempt was successful.

However, she still has that concern. Was Tang Ye dealt with by the Long Family?

However, the guard dismounted calmly and wanted to send her into the city. This calmness was not like being dealt with by a giant force like the Long Family.

Xie Ruyan became deeply puzzled, staying on the carriage very nervous.

"Um... can I ask Tang and Young Master Tang what happened?" Xie Ruyan asked the guard nervously.

"Young Master Tang?" The guard was taken aback, then looked at Xie Ruyan with a weird expression.

He knew that Young Master Tang was called to Tang Ye, but few people in the rivers and lakes dared to call this title, because Young Master actually devalued Tang Ye, that was Young Master!

The young master is much more senior than the young master.

Tang Ye ordered not to be rude to Xie Ruyan, so the guard knew that Xie Ruyan was a very important person to Tang Ye, so he smiled to Xie Ruyan and said, "Madam, young master Long has indeed happened. Married, do you think this is a big deal?"

"Huh?" Xie Ruyan was taken aback, staring at the guard, with a bad premonition in her heart, thinking that something great would happen to her, and it might even be something she couldn't bear.

She took a sip of water and looked at the guards and said: "I have heard some news about Long and Young Master Long's wedding, but...what does he have to do with Young Master Tang?"

The guard was taken aback, and understood that Xie Ruyan didn't know that Young Master Tang in her mouth was Young Master Long Family!

The guard chuckled and said to Xie Ruyan: "Madam, Young Master's Young Master Long."

"Ah...!" When Xie Ruyan heard this, his body trembled and his head went blank.

Sure enough, something big happened! She never expected that Tang Ye was the Young Master of the Long Family!

She thought that Tang Ye's identity was unknown, and the people in the city of God asked for trouble. Tang Ye told her that his family was doing some business in Shendu City, so she had never thought that Tang Ye would have a relationship with the behemoth family of the Long Family. After all, how could this kind of family go to such a remote Hejia Village!

"Tang and Tang Ye are the young masters of Long?" Xie Ruyan asked while looking at the guard. The news was too shocking for her to accept it for a while.

She thought that Tang Ye was being dealt with by the Long Family, but the result was that Tang Ye was the supreme Young Master Long, the man who was about to become king and create a new era of ancient Wujiang Lake!

The guard smiled and wanted to say yes to Xie Ruyan, when a girl’s excited cry suddenly sounded over the city: "Mother!"

The guard and Xie Ruyan both looked up, and the other pedestrians also looked up and saw a beautiful girl in a yellow gauze skirt who had just grown up and flew directly from the city.

The goose yellow dress is fluttering and the dress is flying, and it feels like a little fairy!

Everyone looked a little dazed.

Soon everyone knew that this was the noble girl who often appeared next to the young master of the Long Family, and was the apprentice of the young master of the Long Family!

After He Zhiqiu flew down, the guards half kneeled and saluted, and said respectfully: "I have seen Miss He!"

Thanks to Tang Ye's status, He Zhiqiu was also revered as the eldest lady.

Xie Ruyan saw He Zhiqiu and was taken aback again. My daughter is so big and so beautiful? It feels like you can get married!

Xie Ruyan was even more surprised that the rural girl who used to live with her in a remote village and had to go to the fields to help with farming at a young age turned out to be a noble lady!

Xie Ruyan was a little dizzy when he was surprised. It was Gao Xiang who had burned his life for so many years before he encountered such a good thing!

At this moment, another young man dressed in black, dressed in black, flew down from the head of the city, was Tang Ye, a young man with a tall figure and a handsome appearance.

When many guards saw Tang Ye, they knelt deeper and bent their backs harder, and respectfully said: "I have seen Young Master!"

Tang Ye waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you should leave first."

"Yes!" Many guards responded in unison.

However, there were still many people watching, all wanting to see who made Young Master Long Family greet him personally. The identity seems to be known, is He Zhiqiu's mother?

Tang Ye walked to the carriage and looked at Xie Ruyan, who was unable to move while sitting in the carriage, opened the curtain with one hand, and said with a smile: "Sister Ruyan, you have finally arrived."

"Ah...?!" Xie Ruyan was frightened again and wanted to faint. It was really flattered to be greeted so kindly by the Long Family Young Master.

Xie Ruyan wanted to get off the carriage and salute, but found that his legs could not move. I was shocked by Tang Ye's identity!

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