My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 990: Dragon swallow!

Even if Qi Zhenwu was not as smart as Tang Ye, it wouldn't be much worse. On the other hand, because of Jianlongchi, his understanding of Qi Luck is no worse than anyone else. According to his arrangement, it is predicted that the Qi Yun of Tang Ye and the Long Family will have a backlash effect after the outbreak of the battle, and thus Tang Ye and the Long Family will die.

In the period before the battle, Tang Ye and Long's luck will continue to increase, because after victory, their luck will increase, and their luck will last for a while at the peak. However, after maintaining for a period of time, it will begin to collapse. This must have happened before Tang Ye and the Long Family completed their kingship.

However, now that the Long Family is about to become king, Tang Ye and Long Family's luck have not had any problems. Qi Zhenwu knew that there was a problem with his layout. Finally, under the intelligence of secret agents, he guessed what was the reason-Tang Ye did not call the king, but the Dragon family still called the king!

Tang Ye didn't claim the title of king, and then transferred his luck to the Long family, then the problem of the limit of luck could be solved. The dragon family became king, the qi flowed into the house of the emperor, and the Jade Seal of the Kingdom was reproduced. There was no limit to the Qi Yun, and the problem of Qi Yun backlash was solved.

This method is indeed feasible, but there is a key point, that is, a suitable dragon family is needed. The problem is that there are only Tang Ye and Long Xingtian in the Long Family. Long Xingtian had already retired, and it was impossible to do this. So in the end, isn't Tang Ye the king?

Once Tang Ye is king, something will happen. However, Tang Ye does not claim to be king, and there is another dragon family!

The newly bred dragon family!

The Long Family bred by Long Qingcheng can play that role!

Qi Zhenwu finally wanted to understand why Long Qingcheng returned to the Long Family, but did not publicize it, because after Long Qingcheng conceived the Long Family, he used it to resolve Tang Ye and the Long Family's luck problem!

Big thing missed by a woman!

"Damn it!" Qi Zhenwu yelled angrily. What he arranged carefully and waited patiently was destroyed like this!

Originally, Qi Zhenwu was waiting for Tang Ye and the Long Family's luck to be eaten back, and then he seized these two great fortunes, which would be enough to breed a super real dragon and break the profound gate.

Such a plan is not an exaggeration to say that it is a millennium plan. However, it was destroyed just like this, Qi Zhenwu was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Tang Ye must be stopped!" Qi Zhenwu said angrily.

Now that the Long Family has not yet become king, and the descendants of the Long Family have not yet been born, just kill the child!

Qi Zhenwu was going to kill Long Qingcheng, or the kid in Long Qingcheng's stomach, so that Tang Ye's plan could be stopped.

He felt that he had completely underestimated Tang Ye, and actually let Long Qingcheng conceive a child in order to resolve the problem of the limit of his luck. This is really no bottom line! Isn't Long Qingcheng's body important? If Long Qingcheng is really Tang Ye's sister, would Tang Ye do the same?

This kid has no moral bottom line... Qi Zhenwu is very angry. Prior to this, he had never thought that such a thing would happen. After all, it is a big deal to have a child, and you have to hand over your body. This is not a simple matter. With children, life will change in the future!

"Tang Ye, Tang Ye, you really want to do whatever you want to achieve your goal!" Qi Zhenwu satirized Tang Ye heartily, but it had no effect on Tang Ye. Tang Ye and Long Qingcheng had a deep relationship with each other, and it was inevitable to come together to linger. What happened, Qi Zhenwu's irony was nothing more than his way of venting his anger.

Qi Zhenwu scolded Tang Ye to himself for a long time, calmed down, opened up to see Long Chi, and figured out **** Long Qingcheng.

There is no doubt that the Long Family will do their best to protect Long Qingcheng, and Long Xingtian's strength cannot be underestimated, and Tang Ye will definitely arrange a lot of guards to protect Long Qingcheng even if he is fighting abroad, so killing Long Qingcheng is not so easy.

Then we must pick a good time.

When is the best time?

Qi Zhenwu thought for a while, and then discovered a huge loophole in Tang Ye's plan!

He knew why Tang Ye had come back to the Dragon Mansion every month even though he had been fighting abroad. In addition to visiting the pregnant Long Qingcheng, this is also a transfer of luck!

That is, although the child Long Qingcheng was carrying had not yet been born, Tang Ye was already shifting his luck. By accompanying Long Qingcheng, he has a subtle influence on the fetus.

It is not difficult to imagine that this child will be a very powerful existence as soon as he is born! When he was still a fetus, he had already received strong air luck, and he became an emperor after he was born. If you keep him, it will become a hidden danger!

Fortunately, Qi Zhenwu found a loophole. That is when Tang Ye is transferring her luck, her own luck will decrease. This is the time to kill Tang Ye!

However, even if Tang Ye's luck was diminishing, it was not easy to kill him. Then you need an absolutely good time. This time is when the child is born!

At the moment the child is born, Tang Ye's overly strong luck will be transferred to the child in large quantities. At that time, Tang Ye didn't have luck to protect him, it was a good time to kill him. In addition, Long Qingcheng had to be extra careful when giving birth. If someone disturbed him, Tang Ye would be distracted and it would be easier to kill Tang Ye.

Considering that Tang Ye will deploy a lot of protective power, Qi Zhenwu will also find a group of powerful people to go to the Long Family to take action. He has been planning in Guwu Jianghu for so many years, how can he not have some manpower?

Even people from Wonderland!

The most important thing is that he intends to do it himself!

Now Li Haoran is busy with the conflict in the profound realm, and has no time to care about him. As long as he doesn't use it, or rarely sees Longchi, Li Haoran can't chase him.

"True dragons that have been raised for so many years are disappointing. If so, then turn you into evil dragons. I eat evil dragons, after evil dragons eat dragons!" Qi Zhenwu sneered.

He opened to see Longchi and observed the luck that had become a real dragon inside, then put it away and saw Longchi leave immediately. He knew Li Haoran would come after. Now he is going to transform those true dragon spirits and raise an evil dragon! When the time comes, he and the evil dragon's qi luck will become one. When he arrives at the Long Family, at the moment Long Qingcheng gives birth to a child, he will be able to transform into the evil dragon's qi luck after he swallows the Long Family.

That is the combination of Tang Ye and Long Family's luck. With this air of luck, Qi Zhenwu can directly break the Xuanmen!

"Haha!" Qi Zhenwu burst out laughing, feeling that the original plan that had been destroyed had turned into a big opportunity for him to succeed in one step.

Soon after Qi Zhenwu left, Li Haoran appeared where he had just stopped and opened to see Longchi. Li Haoran appeared, he could feel it. She thinks Li Haoran is the same as before. At the same time, he knew that the plan in the profound realm had begun, and then Li Haoran could no longer stare at him like this every day, so he could safely arrange the plan of "Evil Dragon Swallows".

After Li Haoran appeared, he was not in a hurry to chase Qi Zhenwu, looked at the front of Qi Zhenwu's breath, squinted his eyes, and hummed: "I hope your plan is useful. Qi Zhenwu is not a simple person. I will get in huge trouble!"

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