My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 972: Sew up!

The night was long, Long Qingcheng fell asleep, and Tang Ye hugged her. This is Tang Ye's attitude, she can't sleep with a woman and leave her alone in a blink of an eye. Handing over the body, when a woman wakes up, the first thing she wants to see is the man who wants her, which gives her a sense of security.

Even so, Tang Ye was holding Long Qingcheng at this moment, and in retrospect, he still found it strange. Once called to Long Qingcheng for sister, now Long Qingcheng is sleeping in his arms.

This seems a bit deviant. However, Tang Ye knew that his feelings for Long Qingcheng were very real. If he only regarded Long Qingcheng as his sister, it would be impossible for him to do what he had just done.

Perhaps after the exposure of Long Qingcheng's identity, he knew that Long Qingcheng did not have the blood of the Long Family, and that Long Qingcheng showed tremendous emotional changes, so that relationship slowly began to change, and finally became what it is now.

It's barely a reason. Compared with this, Tang Ye has bigger things to consider. That is another huge problem. If the problem of the limit of air transport can be solved, then he has a reason not to leave in Guwu Jianghu. Wife, children, parents, etc. are all inside, can we go back to the big world?

It's impossible to let go of all this.

Tang Ye sighed, why did he always let himself face such things?

If you don’t want to be separated, how about breaking the Xuanmen and letting the ancient Wu Jianghu and the big world become one?

Nor does it work. The risk of doing so is too great. Firstly, it is difficult to control the powerful warriors of the ancient martial arts to enter the big world. Secondly, the limit of air luck changes, and the big world may give rise to demons and ghosts. Even, the shackles of heaven and earth were broken, and the scarlet demon that the old Taoist tried to prevent came again, destroying heaven and earth.

Thousands of years ago, there was an old Taoist who cut the shelter of heaven and earth with a sword. Thousands of years later, is there another old Taoist?

To say that Li Haoran, although she is very strong, but Tang Ye has seen the ability of an old Taoist priest, Li Haoran is far from able to match.

Worried about these, Tang Ye couldn't help smiling slightly. When have you been noble enough to think about saving the common people?

Wasn’t it just a bubble girl, just hitting a beast? Why do you bother yourself so much?

Long Qingcheng woke up and turned to look at Tang Ye, a little bit ashamed. Contrary to Tang Ye's ****, the skin-to-skin blindness made her always think this was absurd, but she was very happy in her heart.

"I're gone." Long Qingcheng slightly buried his head and said softly without going to see Tang Ye.

Tang Ye hugged her tighter, she was stunned, knowing Tang Ye's attitude, she also stretched out her hands to hold Tang Ye, let go, and said: "It seems... a bit strange."

"It's a bit strange." Tang Ye smiled.

Long Qingcheng raised his head slightly, looked at Tang Ye and said, "Then what should I do?"

"What else can I do?" Tang Ye said as if a rascal, "I have already said that if we do this, you won't be able to leave."

Long Qingcheng was very moved, watching Tang Ye's expression gentle and full of love. However, she couldn't hide a sadness between her brows. She whispered: "I'm not leaving, you are leaving, right?"

Tang Ye was taken aback, looked at Long Qingcheng in doubt, and quickly figured out what was going on.

"Han Yue told you more things than I thought. I thought she would not talk to others." Tang Ye stroked Long Qingcheng's smooth back and forth.

"Han Yue is not dumb, so why wouldn't he not talk to others!" Long Qingcheng felt that Tang Ye's words were very rude to the princess, a little annoyed, and smashed the princess, and said: "I and Han Yue are good friends."

Tang Ye was surprised and looked at Long Qingcheng and said, "Are you... good friends?"

What he wants to say is, "I put you to sleep, you become friends?"

This way the harem group is too easy to manage!

Long Qingcheng knew what Tang Ye was surprised and was not angry. He said, "I haven't lived in the big world before you. I don't know how you think about this. Anyway, I know that a man like you, three wives and four concubines It’s normal. Besides, you have not only me and Han Yue, but also Deng Ya."

"Deng Yaoyao?" Tang Ye remembered that lively and lovely girl Deng Yayao.

Long Qingcheng hid behind his back and watched many things. The so-called onlookers said: "This time the Long Family has to fight for the six-party joint forces and must win support from multiple parties. The alliance with the ethereal door is based on the marriage between you and Deng Tan. Dad. My mother has agreed to this matter. My parents’ thoughts are the same as mine. It’s not weird for a man like you to marry more women. Even my parents would be more willing to do this. There are too few people in the dragon family, so you need to add More."

Tang Ye rolled his eyes. This is to make yourself a pig?

Long Qingcheng said: "You can't escape the affairs of Miss Deng's family, otherwise you will lose faith in the rivers and lakes. The Long Family's battles in the rivers and lakes are not over. We must maintain good relations with all parties."

"But I have nothing to do with Deng Yaya..." Tang Ye said depressed.

Long Qingcheng looked at Tang Ye with a weird expression and said, "Isn't it enough that she is a beauty?"


Nima... Tang Ye feels that her character has never been trusted, so she has no bottom line, she wants to be a beauty?

Seeing Tang Ye doing this, Long Qingcheng smiled lightly and said, "You should marry a few more, Deng Yaoyao, and Donglai and Xiqu can be concubines in a few days. So... you are gone I don’t have to be too deserted..."

Tang Ye was taken aback, then sighed deeply. Long Qingcheng knew that he was going back outside the big world, and was ready for this.

Tang Ye fell silent, thought for a long time, then looked firm, and said, "I will unite with the gatekeeper and let them both let me out and let me in. I deal with the affairs of the outside world, so I will come in to accompany you. Ru Like Li Haoran, he can break through the void with one sword, and go wherever he wants, so there is no need to worry about not being able to accompany you."

Long Qingcheng was touched by Tang Ye's words again, tenderly, with brows and eyes, and looked like he couldn't wait to integrate himself into Tang Ye's body. She hugged Tang Ye tightly, hoping to do this forever.

She got much more than she thought.

I spent three days with Long Qingcheng in the Guanghan Temple, and then Tang Ye began to mobilize all parties and began to pursue the remaining six-party joint forces. Those who did not surrender and surrender would be killed!

Guan Hanqing is dead, Guan Dao and Escort are torn apart, and the six-party joint forces are left with five parties, Yin Yang Gate, Qi Jue Peak, Tiger Lion City, Xihuang City, and Doutian City. Among them, a considerable part of the guards of Xihuang City led by Dayue Dragon Eagle were members of the Dayue clan. At this time, Gu Luoxue passed the order in the name of the moon god, and the Dayue clan must not fight with the dragon family. The eagle's behavior betrayed the Moon God, and Gu Luoxue expelled him from the Da Yue clan.

The people of the Dayue clan have already noticed the current situation. The Long Family has united Tangjiabao, Guanghan Tiangong, Misty Gate, and Qingkong City. They can't be opponents at all, so they all obeyed Gu Luoxue's orders and rebelled against the six parties The united forces will no longer be an enemy of the Long Family.

At this point, the six-party joint forces were completely unable to confront the Long Family. But they still did not give up, retreated and scattered to various places, trying to make a comeback!

Tang Ye led troops out, and what he did was to eliminate these hidden dangers one by one. This takes a lot of time, and it's all about sewing and patching. When Tang Ye eliminated these hidden dangers, it was when the Long Family became king.

Nowadays, Tang Ye's luck is constantly rising as the rivers and lakes are unified. With the help of great fortune, he is about to break into the fairyland, and the emperor's appearance is faintly visible!

Everyone knew that Tang Ye was going to be emperor.

However, Tang Ye was not an emperor. Qi Zhenwu didn't know the plan of the princess and Long Qingcheng. At this time, seeing Longchi watching Tang Ye, he thought that she would soon be able to see Tang Ye being swallowed by luck.

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