My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 969: Women are great!

Nangong Susu knew that she couldn't defeat Tang Ye. Tang Ye had reached the Tongxuan Realm long before, and she had mastered a variety of magical powers, and she had the dragon halberd in her hand. Now that Tang Ye has mastered a state of transforming demons, it will be even more difficult to defeat. She was almost numb to this kind of thing, Tang Ye became stronger along the way, she could see it. She can only say that Tang Ye is God's own son!

How can you be so lucky, every time you are about to hang up, but you can reverse and become stronger?

She couldn't beat her in strength, and she couldn't speak well. Nangong Susu could only give up, watching Tang Ye trying to stay calm, telling herself that no matter how much Tang Ye was angry, she wouldn't take it seriously.

But she never thought, why did she come here to talk to Tang Ye?

Just to mock Tang Ye for not being king?

This sounds too arrogant and emotional. But does Nangong have a relationship with Tang Ye?

"Whether you are responsible or irresponsible, this river and lake will not be yours!" Nangong Susu coldly snorted to Tang Ye, trying hard to hit Tang Ye.

Tang Ye couldn’t say that he didn’t care about this. He took his life to experience and work hard. Although it was not the original wish to win this arena, but when the situation had to take it, and then he was ready to win, he was told that he could not. When I took it, I felt like I was being played with.

However, as Wang Hao said, she can realize the problem, and Tang Ye, a smart person, can certainly notice. Tang Ye knew a lot about luck. When he was in the big world, he once dissipated his luck to protect the people, and distributed his luck to those who were born to fight evil, such as the heirs of the eight great artifacts, so that they could gain the power to deal with the blood demons and the black and yellow co-lords. Wen Zhongyuan in a suit.

Having mastered such a strong qi luck, Tang Ye can naturally perceive it when facing a problem with qi luck. The luck is too strong, but the environment in the Guwu rivers and lakes makes him unable to carry it. At least he himself didn't know how to deal with this excessively rich luck. He also knows that if he claims to be the king, if there is a decline in luck, everything in the past will be destroyed. Therefore, he cannot be called king after all.

In fact, it doesn't matter if he can't be called king, he is still worried about that kind of trouble. Being an emperor is also hard when looking majestic. So he is even more troubled, since he can't be the king, who should be the king?

He knew that his father had no intention of participating in these things, so he could only choose other people. It is a pity that there is no one in the Long Family except Long Xingtian and him. He thought of Long Qingcheng, who didn't have the blood of the Long Family, and that wouldn't work. Perhaps it is not the Long family that is the king?

Thinking about this, Tang Ye felt that Long Qingcheng was okay. Perhaps the people of Guwu Jianghu think that the emperor should be a man, not a woman. However, Tang Ye came in from outside the big world, and now it is too much for the superwoman to hold up the sky, what about the female emperor?

However, if this kind of thing is incompatible with the thoughts of the broad masses of the ancient Wu rivers and lakes, it will inevitably be greatly rejected. At the beginning of the dynasty, there were still various problems that were difficult to deal with, but doing so on the top priority of the emperor might make it even more difficult.

Whenever he thinks of these things, Tang Ye gets a headache. Can't think of a perfect solution!

Regarding Nangong Susu’s irony, Tang Ye didn’t bother to pay attention, and said casually, “I do not do what the emperor has to do with you? Are you really afraid that I will destroy your Guanghan Temple and capture your women in Guanghan Temple one by one to enrich it? The Sixth Courtyard?"

"You dare not." Nangong Susu coldly hummed.

Tang Ye smiled and said: "I really don't dare, but it's not because I don't have the ability, but because my morality doesn't allow it. As for me, I have always tried not to be a bad person. Some of the previous methods were indeed **** and arrogant. , But, according to the previous situation, I don’t do that, it’s me who is dead, so I don’t feel guilty even if I do it. Now, if I don’t have those threats, I won’t have those methods anymore. Do good things."

"It's so nice!" Nangong Susu coldly hummed.

Tang Ye continued to laugh and said: "You come over and tell me it's good to talk, so that our relationship will not be so rigid. I always feel that there is no contradiction and hatred between us. You used to say it was all for the cold, but Now that you know Han Yue’s identity, you should also know my identity. I have had that kind of relationship with Han Yue, so it’s not my peerless genius who robbed you of the Guanghan Temple. So, what can there be conflicts between us? What?"

Nangong Susu was taken aback, as if it was indeed the case.

Tang Ye smiled again: "So, Palace Master Nangong, we'd better be polite in the future, and you shouldn't always give me a straight face, as if you are angry with me. This is very easy for people. Misunderstanding, misunderstanding we have a deeper relationship."

"What... a deeper relationship?" Nangong Susu asked with a glance.

Tang Ye rolled his eyes and didn't understand it, indicating that Nangong Susu was a woman with low EQ.

"That is to say, we are close, there may be... adultery!" Tang Ye said.

"Bah!" Nangong Susu immediately took a sip, staring at Tang Ye and said: "You are really shameless, don't talk nonsense!"

Tang Ye shrugged and smiled, without speaking, Nangong Susu would understand this in his heart.

Nangong Susu turned around and left, no longer babbling with Tang Ye, but after walking a few steps, she suddenly turned her head, staring at Tang Ye for a while and hesitated, after all, she hummed, "Do you want to find a gatekeeper for a deal? Do this, otherwise you will become a public enemy of the rivers and lakes. No one will let you go as a minion's running dog. Only then will the real thing be the opposite!"

Tang Ye was stunned, but he didn't expect Nangong Susu to say such things.

Nangong Susu has gone far.

Tang Ye frowned, this seemed to be a problem. Nangong Susu must have heard what he said to himself just now and asked to see Li Haoran. Li Haoran is the master sister of the gatekeeper, not only in the profound world, but also in the Guwu rivers and lakes. She is also an active watcher in the Guwu rivers and lakes. However, due to the particularity of gatekeepers, almost all warriors regarded them as enemies. Therefore, helping the gatekeeper to do things is truly an enemy of the warrior.

"Heh..." Tang Ye sighed helplessly, there are so many things to worry about.

Tang Ye continued to stand on the high ice crystal wall and meditate alone, trying to solve the problem of the limit of luck. Solve this matter first before doing other things, otherwise the so-called unifying the world is an empty slogan.

Unfortunately, until nightfall, Tang Ye could not think of a solution. He went back to eat and used to be called the princess. He feels a little strange when he thinks that the princess said to let him go to her room during the day.

Doing that with that cold-tempered woman of the princess, there is always a different feeling.

After thinking about it, Tang Ye shook his head slightly and smiled embarrassedly.

What is going on when a big man suddenly screams.

He opened the door of the princess's room and went in, calling for the princess but no one answered. Walking to the inner room, he saw Long Qingcheng sitting dignified in the middle of the bed.

Long Qingcheng saw two blushes on his face immediately.

"This..." Tang Ye frowned slightly, then looked complicated.

He vaguely guessed what it was, and couldn't help feeling that, woman...It's really great!

At this moment, the problem of luck that plagued Tang Ye was solved, and the method of the princess and Long Qingcheng was really perfect. However, before this method is implemented, there is a gap that is much more difficult than this perfect method, and maybe... it simply cannot be crossed.

Tang Ye sat on the chair and looked at Long Qingcheng, silent.

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