My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 964: Great things can happen!

Although Nangong Susu never thought that Tang Ye and the princess were already a husband and wife, but now that the princess said it in person, she was not unacceptable.

Think about it, Tang Ye and the princess are both born out of the sky. It seems that this is not a coincidence, so it is reasonable to know each other before then. Tang Ye is from the outside world, so Han Yue, who has such a close relationship with Tang Ye, probably too.

Nangong Susu is very curious about the princess, but it is difficult to ask too much. She did not ask, the princess would not take the initiative to explain. The princess froze Guan Hanqing again, stood in front of the gate of Guanghan Tiangong, and then went back inside.

Nangong Susu followed in. Now the strength of the princess has reached the fairyland, but she has not arrived, which makes her feel quite complicated. She is the Lord of the Guanghan Temple, and the presence of the princess makes her standing in this position very embarrassing.

The princess saw Nangong Susu’s silent expression and knew that Nangong Susu had a knot because of her. After thinking about it, she did not want to delay Nangong Susu, and said: "If you know more about me, probably There won't be any depression."

Nangong Susu looked at the princess suspiciously.

The princess smiled and said: "Let me tell you something about me, after all, I shouldn't have much time here. Palace Master, do you know...the reincarnation?"

Nangong Susu was taken aback, and then smiled: "Of course, reincarnation is something that can only be done by the powerful Mahayana in Wonderland. Using enough aura, fusion of one's own blood and magical powers, the primordial infant is born, and then implanted in Gang Among pregnant women. In this process, countless efforts are required, and the right person must be selected to ensure the success after reincarnation. And this reincarnation is not a success in one generation. Those who carry blood and magical powers, It may be that he awakened in dozens of his descendants. So there will be some reincarnated people who actually belonged to hundreds of years ago."

The reincarnation magical powers of Yuan Ying's pregnancy body are not unfamiliar among powerful warriors, because being able to do such a thing shows that this person is so powerful that he is already in the Mahayana stage of the fairyland, and it is said that it is an absolutely powerful existence who has begun to sprint into the gods. The world cannot communicate with God, and the strongest is Mahayana in Wonderland, unless it breaks the shackles of heaven and earth.

The princess smiled at Nangong Susu: "You understand very clearly."

Nangong Susu happily said, "This is because the reincarnation of the Nascent Soul's magical powers means that they have cultivated to the point of absolute strength. This is the pursuit of every warrior..."

Nangong Susu said, suddenly realized something, and looked at the princess in shock, "Han Yue, are you... the reincarnation of Yuan Ying?"

The princess nodded and said: "Otherwise, why do you think I can make such rapid progress? I have a deeper understanding of the profound ice technique than you, and these are all memories of my previous life."

"This..." Nangong Susu doesn't know what to say. If you count it this way, Han Yue has a memory of a previous life, isn't it a few generations older than himself?

Nangong Susu immediately thought of the relationship between the princess and the Guanghan Temple. If Han Yue was her ancestor, then she would appear rude to speak like this. She looked at the princess and asked carefully: "Han Yue, then your relationship with Guanghan Tiangong..."

"I'm not from Guanghan Temple." The princess said directly, dispelling Nangong Susu's concerns.

She didn't want to say that she was the master of Guanghan Tiangong's ancestor. That would definitely frighten Nangong Susu, and maybe Nangong Susu would think about something.

Nangong Susu finds it strange that people who are not from Guanghan Tiangong can also use profound ice technique?

The princess flicked her and said: "The time I lived in was much more prosperous than this time. The Guanghan Temple has not yet appeared. It is not surprising that only one person understands the mysterious ice technique, so it is not surprising that I also understand it. Maybe I will talk to you. The Hantian Palace may have a great relationship."

Nangong Susu suddenly became very respectful to the princess, thinking that the princess was at the level of her old ancestor, and looked at the princess and said, "Han, senior..."

Suddenly, Nangong Susu found that it had become difficult to call the princess. It is also called Han Yue, which is very disrespectful, but it is like an ancestor. But if you call it senior, the princess is so young now, as a woman, she should not like it even more!

The princess shook her head lightly and said with a smile: "Just call me Han Yue, this life is this life, the past life is the past life, live in the present."

This insight into life, the princess learned from Tang Ye. It's really good to live in the moment. But Tang Ye said this is very disgusting, because he lives in the present, he lives under his crotch. When facing a woman, he can't help but feels like he lives in the present, what he wants to do in his heart. The princess didn't want to talk about Tang Ye anymore, there were so many hateful places!

Nangong Susu was still a little uncomfortable and smiled awkwardly.

The princess stopped talking nonsense with her, and said: "When Tang Ye arrives at Guanghan Temple, you promise to help him. This is the general trend. The rivers and lakes need to be unified, and only by unified can they get a great atmosphere to break the shackles of heaven and earth. This is a warrior. You will benefit for life. There is no end to your cultivation journey. Your talent is very high. You don't want to be able to move forward when the pace of cultivation reaches its peak one day in the future, right?"

Nangong Susu was silent. Since other methods cannot break the shackles of heaven and earth, it is indeed a good way to dominate the rivers and lakes, establish a dynasty, and let the emperor accumulate luck in his body.

Even if the emperor fails, there is another long-term solution. After the establishment of the dynasty, the Jade Seal of the Kingdom will reappear. The Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom will surely accumulate air luck, and you can break the shackles of heaven and earth without going to the outside world!

The princess was worried that Nangong Susu would not help Tang Ye because of his prejudice against Tang Ye, and said: "I have some insights about the mysterious ice technique, which can be taught to you, so that your mysterious ice technique can be upgraded to the next level. "Wan Li Bingfeng" can also be passed to you, but the condition is that you help Tang Ye. What do you think of this condition?"

Nangong Susu was flattered and felt that it was too polite for a figure like the princess to negotiate terms with her in a good voice. Mainly, she felt that the princess was at the level of her ancestors, and she always respected the teacher, so she shook her head to the princess and said that she should not be so polite.

The princess smiled and said, "Because of your relationship with Tang Ye, you can't agree?"

"No, I have no special relationship with Tang Ye!" Nangong Susu nervously explained to the princess.

Wang Hao said that, as if she had some improper relationship with Tang Ye, as if she had hatred because of love. She and Tang Yeqing are innocent, but there is no such a mess.

The princess smiled and said: "Then you agree?"

Nangong Susu curled his head and said, "It's nothing to help Tang Ye. Listening to what you said, it is indeed a good thing to realize the unification of the rivers and lakes. Perhaps...this rivers and lakes should be changed. It has been so long in the past. I want to break the shackles of heaven and earth, but I have been unsuccessful. Now, it’s good to try other methods."

The princess smiled. In this way, with the help of Guanghan Tiangong, the Long Family won't have any problems in taking this arena.

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