My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 958: Follow to the death!

Now, Tang Ye is not alone, and the Long Family is not fighting alone. Although Tang Ye was once notorious, and although the Long Family was once said to be suppressed by all major forces, there is always justice and love in the world. Tang Ye is not wrong, Long Family is not wrong, then he shouldn't have been treated as a villain, he will always be recognized.

Seeing Luo Dabao's confrontation with Guan Dabao, Tang Ye became more determined and confident in what he had done. I am not going against everyone. Since someone is on my side, it proves that it is not denied by everyone. Perhaps, a considerable number of people in the ancient Wu rivers and lakes hope to unify and form a decent country.

It's like Luo Dabao, who used to be a member of the Jianghu League, similar to the kind of official hunting head, but this position must be very aggrieved. Because the Jianghu League is not a government organization at all, it interferes a little with the rich and the Sanxiu sect, and the two can’t manage too much. Sometimes they are afraid of each other. This is not the same. Order management does not work at all, but instead breeds various corruption phenomena.

These are unreasonable. Anyone who is knowledgeable and ambitious will not want to be managed by such an organization. Then they will expect a better organization. This is the reason they came to Tang Ye's side. Tang Ye wants to unify the rivers and lakes. This is unification in the true sense. It is the kind of building a country that will achieve comprehensive system management.

In this way, if Luo Dabao were to be a head-catcher again, that would be a head-catcher in the true sense.

Not everyone can pursue eternal life, so these people will expect a stable and peaceful life. Therefore, when the rumors that the dragon family wanted to unify the rivers and lakes became louder and louder, these people began to have this idea, and slowly, these people developed into people who supported the dragon family.

The gathering of these people is a force that must not be underestimated.

"Brother, hold on! After this road, we will arrive at the city of God. When we can join Young Master Long's 1,000 warriors, then we don't have to worry anymore!" Luo Dabao once again encouraged and fought with Guan Dabao. His teammate said.

The rudder master of the Guan Dabao Bureau sneered and sneered: "Luo Dabao, you used to be a member of the Jianghu League, and now the Jianghu League was destroyed by the Dragon Night, you don’t need to help revenge, but you actually helped the gang to abuse him. Damn it!"

"Since you want to see Longye so much, then I will cut off your head and give it to him!" Guan Dabao saw that the victory would belong to them, and laughed playfully at Luo Dabao.

Luo Dabao was furious and rushed to kill him with his axe, showing that he would rather die than yield.

The sub-rudder and rudder master of the Knife Escort screamed, and many of his men rushed over to take Luo Dabao's head.


Suddenly, a strong wind blew, sweeping through the small battlefield where Guan Dabao and Luo Dabao were fighting, and all of them were blown to stop their actions to resist the fierce wind.



When everyone was restrained by the gale wind, suddenly a line of flame vines protruded from the ground, piercing through the hearts of the people in Guandao Escort, and they fell one by one.

"This..." Luo Dabao was taken aback when he saw such a thing, and then became extremely surprised, shouting: "It's Young Master Long!"

The people who had been suppressed by the Knife Escort and were about to be defeated when they heard Luo Dabao's words all gave a good expression. Young Master Long is here, then he will be fine!

Encouraged at the same time, these people made up for those who were pinned down by Tang Ye's flame vines, and stabbed them to death!

Ahhh... Suddenly the screams kept screaming, and most of the people who closed the knife and dart board were killed in an instant, and there was no chance of winning.

The master of Guandao Escort Division Rudder, who had originally sneered triumphantly, saw this situation, and before God got over, he threw away his weapons and turned and fled.

Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that the power of the young master of the Long family is strange and unpredictable. For example, the power of the flame can be varied. In addition to vines and tentacles, it can also conjure flame pythons and even listen to the beasts. Marvel that it is the magical power of heaven and man.

All in all, once you see someone playing with fire mysteriously, then it must be the young master of the Long Family that is right!

The young master of the Long Family is here, don't you still run away and wait for death?

It's a pity that the sub-rudder and rudder master can't escape. After he threw his helmet and armor and turned to escape, a strong wind directly blew him back and fell to Luo Dabao's feet.

Luo Dabao kicked him and hit him in the chest. He vomited blood and was seriously injured on the ground, groaning in pain.

At this time, Tang Ye slowly walked out from the front, everyone on Luo Dabao looked excited.

Tall, resolute, and extraordinary, that is the young master of the Long Family!

Originally, everyone hesitated to follow Young Master Long's decision because of the bad reputation of Young Master Long. Now seeing the real person, everyone suddenly lost that hesitation. Because for this kind of high-spirited and resolute temperament, everyone thinks it can't be as bad as the rumors.

This must be an upright person!

Those who followed Luo Dabao to follow the Long Family felt that their choice was very correct at this moment and looked forward to the future!

The people who closed the knife and **** had a deep bitter face. They regret it very much. The Young Master of the Long Family alone seems invincible. Can they really defeat the Long Family?

Luo Dabao stepped on the rudder and rudder master of Guan Dabao. After struggling for a few times, he couldn't get rid of it. He glared at Tang Ye and said, "Longye, do you think you can defeat us? Huh, let me tell you that the six-party alliance has Coming to surround the capital city in a big way, you can't escape the Long Family!"

Tang Ye looked at him and smiled: "My Long Family needs to escape?"

"If you don't run away, just wait to die!" Guan Dao Escort sub-rudder master shouted angrily.

Tang Ye shrugged and said, "Before that, you will die first."

"You..." The master of Guan Dao Escort Division Rudder choked with anger. He thought that frightening Tang Ye could live longer, such as Tang Ye keeping him to negotiate with Guan Hanqing.

After Tang Ye said that he would die first, Luo Dabao raised his big axe and smashed it on his head.

"No..." He didn't want to die, but knew that begging for mercy would not survive, so he could only panic for a while. He thought it was too ridiculous. He thought he had taken Luo Dabao's head before, but now he was smashed by Luo Dabao's head!

The rest of the guards saw that the boss had his head smashed, and the young master of the Long family appeared again. After half of the fighting spirit was gone, they all dropped their weapons and surrendered.

Luo Dabao was excited, walked towards Tang Ye, and immediately bowed down to salute Tang Ye, and exclaimed respectfully: "I have seen Young Master Long!"

Tang Ye smiled and said, "Brother Luo, why are you so polite? I haven't seen you for a long time, everything... feels like something is wrong."

Luo Dabao was taken aback, looking at Tang Ye and wondering what to say. The young master of the Long family is like this, he is easy-going and close to the people, just like the last time I saw the talk and talk, it makes people think that he is not a superior young master, but a good friend and a good brother!

Such a person, swear to follow, no complaints or regrets!

Luo Dabao has this sentiment, and the others are the same. They chose this path, apart from following Tang Ye closely, it had no other meaning.

When Tang Ye arrived, it was actually an accumulation of luck!

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