My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 955: Please choose directly!

Guan Dao Escort took the lead in launching a war and burned, killed, and looted venues related to the Long Family outside of the Capital City. The reason was that the Long Family wanted to be a bully and bullied the entire Guwu Jianghu. Guan Dao Escort was the first to refuse!

With the first place of smashing and looting, there will soon be a second place, a third place, and more. There are still many places and industries involved in the Long Family in Guwu Rivers and Lakes. The act of closing the knife and **** attracted a considerable number of people who hated the Long family. These people gathered together and began to attack the Dragon Family frantically.

At the same time, among the strength of Guandao Escort, Qi Juefeng joined!

In addition, the Great Moon Dragon Eagle in Xihuang City also took action. The reason was that the Long Family was forcing Xi Huang City, and the Moon God Lord in Xihuang City was not there, so the Great Moon Dragon Eagle had the final say!

In addition, Tiger Lion City replaced a family in the upper ranks of the Bai family, the Lu family, and also announced that they would attack the Long family!

The most surprising thing is that the Yang family of Doutian City originally wanted to kill the Yang family from the Su family before. Tang Ye helped the Yang family and let the Yang family continue to be the masters of the Doutian City. The Yang family and the Long family united together. Unexpectedly, this time the full-scale war caused by the Guan Dao Escort, the Yang family also joined in, against the Long family!

This result is very ironic, betraying the Long Family, and smashing Tang Ye's face alive, encouraging more people to join the action against the Long Family!

This happened shortly after Tang Ye left the capital city. When he heard it on the road, he was so angry that he wanted to go to Doutian City to kill Yang Gaopeng. He actually betrayed? !

"Heh..." Tang Ye was so angry that he laughed ironically. However, although he satirized himself, but also satirized Yang Gaopeng.

Yang Gaopeng said that he hoped he could make a wise choice. At first, Tang Ye thought that this sentence was what Yang Gaopeng said to him after choosing to cooperate with him. However, it now appears that this is not the case.

The wise choice?

Is it a wise choice to fight against the Long Family?

Let’s see if this is a wise choice!

Now Guan Dao Escort, Qi Jue Peak, Xihuang City, Tiger Lion City, Doutian City, and Yin Yang Gate are united to deal with the Long Family and Tang Jiabao!

As for the Misty Gate, Guanghan Tiangong, and Blue Sky City, which have yet to determine their positions, Tang Ye is now fighting for their alliance.

If you are fascinated, you can achieve an alliance relationship with Deng Yaoyao. Guanghan Tiangong has no time to pay attention to it for the time being, but Tang Ye feels that Nangong Susu’s maiden virtues, after being fooled by others, estimated that he would attack the Long Family for Qian Hanyue, a rare genius in a century. Shot.

As for Blue Sky City, Tang Ye is now rushing over, halfway through, so he can't give up halfway. Fortunately, there is a powerful old man at home and a mother who is proficient in plotting. He is not very worried.

The war of Guwu Rivers and Lakes has been fully launched. Under the joint attack of the six forces of Guandao Escort and Qi Jue Peak, many of the division forces of the Long Family were destroyed. The six forces formed an encirclement and encircled the city of God, planning to destroy the gods first. capital!

The situation is very unfavorable to the Long Family. How can the Long Family alone be able to fight against the six forces?

Everyone ridiculed the joke, saying that it was the Long family's own fault. Previously, the young master of the Long Family walked around the rivers and lakes and offended the forces of the rivers and lakes all the time. This would be a joint attack, no wonder who.

When the situation was unfavorable for the Long Family, Tang Ye arrived at the gate of Blue Sky City.

"Who?" A guard on the top of the city shouted to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye has never been to Blue Sky City, so many people don't know him. He looked up at the guard and shouted, "Young Master Long Ye!"

"What?!" The guard was shocked when he heard, "Young Master Long Family?"

You take a look at the several guards on the top of the city and I take a look, don’t know if you should believe it. How did the young master of the Long Family come to his city? Does the Long Family still want to take action against Blue Sky City?

The matter was of great importance. Regardless of whether Tang Ye was the real Young Master of the Long Family, a guard immediately went to the Qin Family to report.

Qin Youxie got the report and immediately came to the city to see that it was indeed Tang Ye. He bowed his hands and said, "Young Master Long is here to welcome you. Please forgive me!"

After all, Qin Youxie said to the guard: "Open the gate, welcome Young Master Long!"

"Yes!" The guard became excited. Unexpectedly, it was really the Young Master of the Long Family!

Many guards watched Tang Ye carefully, to see how this legendary young master who made the Guwu Rivers and lakes was raging.

Handsome, handsome, talented, persevering... This young master of the Long Family is very charming!

There was a commotion among the many guards. I thought that the young master of the Long Family really looked fierce and tyrannical, it turned out to be a lie!

Qin Youxie went down to the city head to welcome Tang Ye in front of the city gate avenue, and said, "I don't know if Young Master Long is here, it's rude."

Tang Ye got off the war horse and was equally polite and polite. He clenched a fist and smiled at Qin Youxie: "Brother Qin must be polite. You know I am not a person who likes red tape. Today, I came to Qingkong City. Discuss. Now the outside situation does not allow me to stay slowly, I hope Brother Qin will not mind, can I go directly to the mansion to talk?"

"Of course." Qin Youxie said with a smile, and then waved his hand to take Tang Ye to the Qin Mansion.

When he arrived at the Qin Mansion, Qin Youxie's father Qin Huangdao was already waiting, as if he knew why Tang Ye was here.

Tang Ye smiled. That's also good, the fighting outside is burning, he doesn't want to delay too much, and he rushes back to the capital city early and starts fighting early. The Guwu rivers and lakes are not big, even if they fight, they will not spend too much time. It can be said that as long as a decisive battle can determine the direction of victory. Although there will be many reactionary forces in the future, they will all be repaired. Tang Ye wanted to end as soon as possible, and then condensed luck to contact the gatekeeper, looking for opportunities to return to the big world.

Qin Huangdao looked at Tang Ye with a light smile, and said, "Young Master Long has come, and he has missed far to welcome him. It is Qin who is rude.

Tang Ye smiled easily and said, "Patriarch Qin is polite. You must be aware of the situation outside, so I don’t have much time to chat with you. This may be a bit arrogant and arrogant, and I hope Qin Patriarch, forgive me, but I really want to discuss business with Patriarch Qin directly. As for other things, after the outside affairs are over, time and opportunity are right."

Qin Huangdao looked at Tang Ye for a moment, then laughed and said, "Okay."

It was not the first time he saw Tang Ye. The last time the Long Family suffered a major crisis of siege, it can be said that Tang Yeyi had completely turned the tide. That kind of terrifying strength and displayed courage, everyone has to admit that Young Master Long Family is definitely not an ordinary person. Those who don't admit it just deceive themselves and others. Qin Huangdao did not plant the seeds of hatred for Tang Ye subjectively, so his evaluation of Tang Ye was very objective. Once objective, I can't help but appreciate, this young man deserves respect and fear!

Tang Ye didn't talk nonsense, and looked at Qin Huangdao and asked directly: "What happened outside involves the entire ancient Wu rivers and lakes. I want to ask Patriarch Qin whether he would fight my Long Family with the six forces or stay still, or ...Help my Long Family?"

Qin Huangdao squinted slightly, and Young Master Long's directness was really not covered. Is this just letting yourself stand in line?

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