My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 953: Why don't you mind?

Until now, Tang Ye was still raging in the arena at the beginning, did everyone shout and fight for less evil?

Obviously not.

Although there are still people who have been affected by the notoriety created by the spider web, after so many things, Tang Ye has appeared in more and more places, met him in person, and more and more people have known him. The truth can eventually defeat the unwarranted. Notoriety!

In fact, even if there is still notoriety, for the current Tang Ye, there will be many people coming to him. This is especially true as the influence of the rumors that the Long Family wants to unify the arena has expanded. Since ancient times, there are many people who want to follow the emperor. Whether the emperor is a wise man or mediocre, becoming a minister of the dragon is a matter of history.

People like Deng Suifeng, as the head of a party, always know Tang Ye better than others. Because sitting in that position, you must grasp the situation of other forces. For the young master of the Long Family, the spy had already been asked to collect information. Therefore, even if you can't understand Tang Ye thoroughly, you will get a general idea. Deng Suifeng knew what kind of person Tang Ye was, and knew that he was worthy of entrustment, so he was not afraid to hand Deng Yaya to Tang Ye's care.

If Zeng An had not happened, Deng Suifeng would not negotiate with Tang Ye like this. After the Zeng An incident, Deng Suifeng was not only angry at Guan Dao Escort, but also saw the essence of Guan Da Escort. Although the gang is huge and the number of people is large, it is too mixed. The three religions are gathered together. Even Guan Hanqing, the head of the gang, is the kind of despicable person. How can it be a big thing?

Compared with Tang Ye, if Tang Ye wanted to kill, he would boldly kill, and his calculations would depend on plotting on the spot, and would not use some innocent people as pawns. Deng Suifeng will undoubtedly choose Tang Ye instead of Guan Hanqing!

In addition to solving the problem of stance, Deng Suifeng also focused on longer-term things. He was very confident that the Long Family's **** of the rivers and lakes would come true, when Tang Ye was the king, then Tang Ye's woman would be the princess. Not only Deng Suifeng wanted this status, but many other women wanted it.

If he could be a princess, Deng Suifeng felt that he would not feel wronged to Deng Xiaoyao.

Of course, the most important thing is Deng Yao's attitude towards Tang Ye, an attitude of liking, appreciating and expecting.

Deng Suifeng knows his precious daughter very well. He saw Deng Yaoyao look at Tang Ye's eyes, admiration, passion, and longing. He believes that as long as Tang Ye teases Deng Yaoyao a few times, Deng Suifeng will be overwhelmed. Live to the death.

Since Deng Yaoyao had this mindset, Deng Suifeng dared to take this move.

When discussing matters with Guan Hanqing and Li Guangxiong, he behaved smoothly and was not guilty of both sides. This is not because he is timid and able to do this step, it just shows that he is thoughtful and masters both situations.

Now he is standing on Tang Ye's side, confident that Tang Ye's success rate will exceed 70%!

However, Tang Ye was quite puzzled about Deng Suifeng's choice. He did not expect that Deng Suifeng would talk about Deng's lifelong events. However, Tang Ye was only surprised at the beginning, and then reacted to think about it, Deng Suifeng's decision is not difficult to understand, it was affected by the upcoming throne!

If the Long family really became the emperor’s family, then his Deng family would be the emperor’s relatives. Perhaps the harem of a woman married to the emperor has many merits, but the fate of becoming a princess is already extraordinary. These are all considered by Deng Suifeng.

Judging by the chaos in the current situation, Deng Suifeng dared to make such a decision, indicating that he had the same decisive courage as Tang Ye.

Tang Ye liked Deng Suifeng.

Now that he understood why Deng Suifeng made such a decision, Tang Ye was no longer so surprised, and calmly discussed this matter with Deng Suifeng, and said, "Master Deng, would your decision be too hasty? Or maybe you need to consider Deng Suifeng. The girl's thoughts, and... my thoughts?"

Deng Suifeng laughed and said, "My decision made by Deng will not be hasty. This is also the reason why the ethereal door stands on the east side and has nothing to do all year round. I am not boasting. , It’s not that I did it for profit. Although there are benefits, it’s definitely not the first one. She likes how you feel for Young Master Long. This is enough."

"Enough?" Tang Ye disagreed with Deng Suifeng's point of view, and said, "I only get along with Miss Deng for a few days. Even if Miss Deng doesn't hate me, it's not enough to talk about marriage, right?"

Tang Ye's thoughts are full of thoughts from the outside world, not everyone plays flash marriages or the like. Many men and women meet first, talk for a while, and get together and formally fall in love. When you are in love, you have to get along and talk for a while, and then you can talk about marriage when you think it’s suitable. This approach is quite different from the Guwu Rivers and Lakes. In the ancient Wu rivers and lakes, marriage is still the order of the parents, and most of the words of matchmakers, and there are very few cases of free love and often together and slowly dating.

The princess's attitude towards Tang Ye was very out of the ordinary for Gu Wu Jianghu, so she was often scorned and abused by others, but she ignored it.

However, Deng Suifeng's consideration was not about young people's love issues. He said to Tang Ye: "It's really not enough, but, Young Master Long, do you think there is still time for you to get along with you slowly?"

Tang Ye squinted slightly and roughly guessed some of the questions Deng Suifeng said.

If the Long Family starts to march, the rivers and lakes will start to fight. Tang Ye, as the main cause of the war, must be out of war. How can there be time to slowly play with women. And, at that time, the rivers and lakes were messy, Deng Suifeng would arrange Deng Ya and them so as not to put them in danger. So now we need to determine this directly, not slowly!

Tang Ye felt embarrassed.

He didn't want to be opposed to the ethereal door, but he also didn't want to have a marriage with Deng Yaoyao. He has promised to choose another day to marry Lin Yourong. However, this matter has obviously been postponed, and will be pushed again and again. Because the battle has begun. So, are you planning to come to a universal celebration after dominating the rivers and lakes, giving Lin Yourong the most beautiful wedding, and let Lin Yourong directly become the queen?

Tang Ye had this kind of thought. However, many people don't seem to think he can be king.

Even if it is a dead master.

Deng Suifeng saw Tang Ye's contemplative expression, and tentatively asked, "Can't Young Master Long agree to this?"

Tang Ye glanced at him and said, "Master Deng should know about my marriage with Qian Hanyue. Hanyue, I will definitely marry."

Deng Suifeng squinted slightly and said, "Even if you want to marry, it can't be the time right now. There will be such a thing when the big event of the Long family is a foregone conclusion. Then, the matter between you and the little girl is just settled, and you There is no conflict with Qian Hanyue's affairs. I also know that a real good day is not so fast. So I only ask to settle down first, and then discuss it slowly."

Tang Ye rolled his eyes. Why don't these people understand... We mean, if you have a woman, why don't you mind?

Is it true that Guwu Jianghu is so open to such things?

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