My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 943: Visit withered!

Guan Han cleared away his wish to unite with other Sanxiu parties outside Fu Long's house, and also wanted to unite with other powerful forces. This was his biggest goal.

Uniting the power of the wealthy family is tantamount to opening up a huge **** market for Guan Dao Escort. When the time comes, the only obstacle will be the Long Family, and if the Long Family is destroyed, the double expansion of power and wealth can be achieved by closing the knife and **** bureau.

"Brother Deng’s idea is correct. There are only three of us now. Even if we unite, we can’t deal with the Long Family and Tang Jiabao. Then we have to unite more people. Guanghan Temple can give it a try. As far as I know, Nangong Susu wanted to kill Tang Ye many times. She was very opposed to Tang Ye and Qian Hanyue's affairs. You can use this to convince her."

Guan Hanqing made arrangements and said: "In addition, if the Long Family wants to unify the rivers and lakes, it is not only our sects that will be affected, but also the wealthy forces. If they do not want to be ordered by the Long Family, they will definitely resist. And , Tiger Lion City, Doutian City, and Xihuang City have just been bullied by Long Ye. First, they hated the Long Family. Second, they were damaged. If they want to resist, they must unite. As for Blue Sky City, Long Ye did not go there. We don't know the attitude of the Qin family, we need to send someone to explore it."

Li Guangxiong and Deng Suifeng had no objection, so things were arranged like this, and then the two left.

Guan Hanqing looked at Deng Suifeng's back and squinted slightly. After Li Guangxiong and Deng Suifeng disappeared in the house, Guan Hanqing called a spy to come in and talk about making Deng Suifeng hostile to the Long family.

The spy is Guan Hanqing's right-hand man named Zeng An.

Guan Hanqing said to Zeng An: "Deng Suifeng’s attitude is that both sides don’t want to offend, and they can please both sides when needed. Hmph, there is no such good thing in the world! Now we need to unite more people to deal with the Long Family. I look down, and I must come over. Think of a way to make Deng Suifeng resolutely oppose the Long Family and stand on our side."

Zeng An nodded and said, "Yes, don't worry, Darthead, I will do this well!"


After Tang Ye settled the Yin and Yang gate, he began to return to the capital city. After being out for so long, both Long Xingtian and Mrs. Long were very worried. They read hard at home and should go back to report their safety. He also needs a break. As for wanting to travel all over the rivers and lakes, look at the attitudes of those rivers and lakes to the Long Family, and plan to relax for two or three days before setting off.

When he arrived at the gate of the city of God, Tang Ye entered the city and saw that the streets on both sides were full of people, no longer fearing him or cursing him as before, but greeted him with flowers and applause. The wonderful girl no longer ran away with her skirt in fear, but winked at him with shame.

The image of the Young Master of the Long Family has been greatly improved. No matter what the outsiders say, the people of Shendu City live in this city and see with their own eyes how Tang Ye is usually a person. Moreover, Tang Ye went out to settle accounts, to seek justice for them and bring them back to make up. Tang Ye is dedicated to their interests. Who else do they support if they don't respect and support such a person?

Long Xingtian and Mrs. Long originally wanted to greet Tang Ye at the gate of the city, but the gate was occupied by people and they could only wait in front of the gate of Longfu. They were very pleased and happy to see the attitude of the people in the city towards Tang Ye. My son has great promise!

As for the recently rumored Long Family's plan to unify the arena, they never thought. They looked at Tang Ye's attitude and decided that if Tang Ye wanted to, then do it!

Tang Ye returned to the gate of Long Mansion, Long Xingtian and Mrs. Long greeted him together, loving this son so much, and liked to chat a thousand words.

At this time, Tang Ye was a little embarrassed and liked to pull the princess to help. As a result, the princess did not know how to deal with this kind of thing, so it was Lin Yourong's turn to come out. It's not that I was wronged by Lin Yourong. It is safe to return to the capital city now. The princess originally planned to let Lin Yourong out. This is the consensus between her and Lin Yourong, that the princess has a talent when it is dangerous, and it is best for her to come out. Lin Yourong came out when it was safe, caring for others and handling various relationships.

How lucky and happy is Tang Ye to have such a wife?

Lin Yourong likes to play homework. Long Xingtian and Mrs. Long want to talk, so she tells them. Tang Ye found a reason to return to the large courtyard to rest. Originally, Gu Luoxue was with him, but seeing that he had controlled the demonization state, Gu Luoxue did not follow him, went to other places, and looked for Xing Ji's whereabouts by the way.

Back in the large courtyard, Tang Ye closed his eyes and adjusted his breath in a small pavilion in the garden. Now he has controlled the seven gates of death. Without encountering a strong enemy, the strength of the Seven Dead Doors is sufficient to deal with it. If it is an overly strong enemy, it is the last resort to cross the seven dead doors and lose control of the demons.

That means that the enemy will die and he will also pay a heavy price.

The great news is that after controlling the gate of death, the power of the evil spirits in his body was put into the gate of death one by one, his body was restored to purity, the strength of dead wood in spring was restored, and the green tree that represented was restored to life!

Withered Wood Fengchun could provide a steady stream of strength, and it was very difficult to defeat Tang Ye. Now he has the state of transforming demons, and under transforming demons, the dead gate can also continuously provide demons with power. Then it was even more difficult to defeat Tang Ye. Therefore, as long as there is not too much difference in strength, Tang Ye is almost invincible.

It is a pity that the Chaoxian realm, which reached its peak of power when the demon-changing state was out of control, fell again after the demon-changing state was restored.

Therefore, Tang Ye's breakthrough into Chaoxian Land is false.

Now he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, mainly to think about the feeling of entering the fairyland at that time. This is the same as when he entered the Pseudo-Tongxuan Realm. By comprehending that feeling, it can help to understand that realm and speed up the breakthrough.

What was helpless was that when Tang Ye entered the Chaoxian Realm, he was seriously out of control of the demon, and now he could hardly remember it, so he couldn't help his perception.

Lin Yourong came over. Tang Ye saw her, smiled, and stretched out his hand to beckon her over. Lin Yourong didn't avoid suspicion, leaning directly into Tang Ye's arms after passing, smiled a little intimately.

"My mother said that I'm looking for you for something, and I want you to come and see her." Lin Yourong said to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye smiled and said, "Okay."

When I went to see Mrs. Long, Mrs. Long said to Tang Ye: "Ye'er, I will accompany my mother to Ruyin Temple tomorrow, and I will return my vows, and I will see Master Kuxu."

Tang Ye had no objection to this arrangement, and said, "Okay."

Mrs. Long believes in Buddhism, and the Master withered is an eminent monk in the ancient Wujiang Lake. When Tang Ye was born, Master Withered gave Mrs. Long a prayer bead as a gift to Tang Ye. That is the Buddha beads that Tang Ye kept with him and later gave to Miss Wang Jianjia. Mrs. Long sent to the big world to find Tang Ye's people, and the third black man recognized Wang Jianjia's identity through this buddha.

Master Withered's path is unfathomable, and Mrs. Long hopes to get some advice from him, such as what kind of road Tang Ye will take in the future.

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