My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 906: Expedition to Xihuang!

Go driving!

Chen Zhongping was worried about Tang Ye's accident in Doutian City, and led the war cavalry to rush to Doutian City.

"Keep up all, if something happens to the young master, none of your nine lives will be able to bear!" Chen Zhongping was a little anxious, Tang Ye went to Doutian City first, wondering if something would happen.

However, when Chen Zhongping led the war cavalry to reach the gate of Doutian City, the gate was opened wide without having to fight. He was very puzzled, led the army into the city and found that Tang Ye and Princess Wang were waiting for him.

"This..." Chen Zhongping was taken aback. It seemed that Young Master had already solved Doutian City. You don't need to do it yourself?

The young master is the young master, why is it so powerful?

Chen Zhongping admired Tang Ye very much, and solved the problem without spending a single soldier. This young master was better than his father. On ruthless and domineering, it is better than Longxingtian. On the layout and resourcefulness, do not lose to Mrs. Long. Such a person, who else can Gu Wu Jianghu belong to?

"See Young Master!" Chen Zhongping went over to kneel in front of Tang Ye and exclaimed respectfully.

Hundreds of war cavalry also knelt down and shouted in unison: "See Young Master!"

The voice was loud and loud, like meeting the emperor on the court, hundreds of war cavalry standing all over the street, black and heavy, and magnificent, making people in Doutian City shocked when they heard it, and inexplicably aroused a feeling of admiration and surrender.

Standing next to Tang Ye, Yang Gaopeng was greatly moved when he saw the war cavalry kneeling in front of him.

It is like a pinnacle of power that makes people obsessed with nostalgia.

However, it is impossible to control this kind of power without the ability. Yang Gaopeng knew that he didn't have that ability. He turned his head and glanced at Tang Ye. Tang Ye looked proud and confident, with a smile on his mouth. Yang Gaopeng couldn't help but feel that this is what makes an emperor...Perhaps, the choice now is correct.

The people in Doutian City care if you betray or not. As long as they are allowed to live well, why should they care so much?

These cities have always had no major problems of ownership, it is nothing more than a family that has grown bigger and played some right to speak. If there are several families with similar strengths at the same time, then these families will be formed into a quagmire, negotiate and manage, after all, everyone wants a power.

Now that the Long Family has grown stronger, even if it wins Doutian City, it is nothing more than the Yang Family following the orders of the Long Family, which has little effect on Doutian City as a whole.

"Get up, rest for a day, and then go to Xihuang City!" Tang Ye said to Chen Zhongping and the war cavalry.

"Yes!" Chen Zhongping and the war cavalry replied in unison, and there was another loud and emotional voice.

This feeling of ordering everyone makes people want to try. Yang Gaopeng sighed slightly, could he have such an opportunity?

After taking this step, he found that his hatred for Tang Ye was not so strong anymore. It's not that I don't hate, but I can't hate, very weak. Logically speaking, their Yang family went to destroy the Long Family, but couldn't beat them, and the Long Family killed them. They couldn't blame the Long Family, but they could only blame themselves for incompetence.

Didn’t the Guwu Rivers and Lakes all end the war with war and return blood with blood? Therefore, the hatred of the Long Family is unreasonable. On the contrary, the Long Family has kept the Yang Family's position in Doutian City, and also helped the Yang Family to wipe out the Su Family's competitor, which should be appreciated.

Yang Gaopeng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Such a result is really annoying.

The matter of Doutian City has been dealt with, and Tang Ye is about to head to Xihuang City outside the Northwest Great Wall. Several big forces that had captured the capital city at the beginning, Tiger Lion City and Jianghu General League, and Doutian City were resolved, and finally Xihuang City and Yin Yang Gate. Xihuang City is the farthest from the central area, and it will probably be a tougher journey than before.

As for not going to the Yin-Yang Gate first, the main reason is that the Yin-Yang Gate is a Sanxiu school of Jianghu. If you start, I am afraid that other Sanxiu schools will unite, and that will be troublesome. As for the news heard from Su Youwei, Guandao Escort and Qi Juefeng are already conspiring together, and the situation is quite grim.

"The rivers and lakes... after all, did they also come in?" Tang Ye stood at the head of Doutian City and sighed while looking at the distance.

In this way, it is the ups and downs of the whole arena. What will be the end if this goes on?

"Master!" Suddenly, Zhiqiu's excited voice came from behind. Tang Ye looked back. Zhiqiu, who was beautiful and clear and lovely, trot over, showing a happy and innocent smile. She is very dependent on Tang Ye, the master, and always wants to be with Tang Ye.

After Zhiqiu ran up, he threw himself on Tang Ye, hugging Tang Ye's waist and spreading joy. Tang Ye wanted to hug her, but as soon as he reached out his hand and touched Zhiqiu's body, he realized that Zhiqiu had grown taller, and he didn't feel like a child anymore. It would be a little inappropriate to hold the grown-up children. Tang Ye finally switched to touching Zhiqiu's head and said with a smile: "Aren't you tired these days?"

"No! Grandpa Hei is very good to me! He taught me a lot of things! Or, let me show Master?" Zhi Qiu had a strong desire to express in front of Tang Ye.

Tang Ye nodded and smiled: "Okay."

Zhiqiu went over to show what she had learned, and Tang Ye saw that her boxing skills became much softer than before, and no longer as arrogant as before, as if she had changed from a female man to a slender lady.

In addition to boxing, Zhiqiu also learned the mysterious ice technique from the princess, and was able to display freezing power. Thanks to Hei Lao's guidance in cultivating mental techniques, Zhiqiu's realm of strength broke through to the psychic realm. When he breaks through another level and reaches the Yuling Realm, Zhiqiu can be regarded as a general master in the arena.

Zhiqiu grew up very fast, and Tang Ye was both surprised and happy about this kind of thing. Unexpectedly, the awesome master did not worship, but instead accepted such an excellent apprentice.

After Zhiqiu finished playing, he returned to Tang Ye with a look of expectation, probably because he wanted Tang Ye to praise him. Tang Ye won't let her down, she praised her little mouth with a smile that couldn't fit her, her white teeth kept showing, she was exceptionally beautiful.

"Madam!" The princess came over, and Zhiqiu called out politely when she saw it.

A slight smile appeared on the princess's unsmiling cold and arrogant face. She especially liked Zhiqiu, and she talked to Zhiqiu in the past.

Tang Ye said: "Zhiqiu, you and Madam go shopping in the street, buy something, learn something, have fun."

Zhiqiu was taken aback, with a little face in doubt, tilted his head and said: "What are you studying?"

Tang Ye gently squeezed her small face, and said, "Learn from your maternal lady's makeup. This'witchcraft' can make you a peerless little beauty."

"Yeah..." Zhiqiu yelled shyly, his face flushed, and he always felt that Tang Ye was teasing her like this.

The princess glared at Tang Ye, very unhappy. However, she sees that Zhiqiu usually runs around with her, and she really doesn't have time to play, let alone do some things that ordinary girls do, so she takes Zhiqiu to go shopping to buy clothes, buy cosmetics, and learn some things in this area.

Hei Lao walked to Tang Ye's side, stood side by side with him and looked towards the northwest, and said, "I'm leaving so soon?"

Tang Ye nodded and said, "Hurry up, see the end point earlier, Han Yue and I both want to know what it will be like."

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