My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 891: Hang on the top of the city!

It is indeed the first time that a regular army has appeared in Guwu Jianghu. Dynasty is a history of storytellers for Guwu Jianghu. Since the old Taoist cut off the luck of heaven and earth, and isolated the big world and the ancient Wu Jianghu, the ancient Wu Jianghu has been filled with grievances and grievances, and there is no condition for the establishment of a dynasty.

By now, the conditions for the establishment of the dynasty have been met, that is, the separation between the city and the rich family. The formation of the tyrants, when they unite and oppose each other, like the Warring States period, they are only much smaller than the Warring States period. In any case, the current situation of the ancient Wu rivers and lakes can separate the dynasty and the rivers and lakes.

Bai Huchen was influenced by Fan Huantian and believed that he was destined to be the one who carried out the reform of the ancient Wujiang Lake, especially after Fan Huantian helped him drill the army, it gave him a sense of satisfaction that commanded the world. He wanted more of this feeling. One day, the entire Guwu rivers and lakes surrendered, bowed down, and proclaimed themselves in front of him!


"Tang Ye, let's see how you can break through my heavy encirclement of the army!" Bai Huchen snorted at Tang Ye, then waved his hand, and the Tiger and Lion Army approached Tang Ye.

Tang Ye raised his head to look at the sky. A goshawk flew by. Knowing that Chen Zhongping was coming, he no longer had any worries.

"Bai Huchen, I'll give you another chance, do you accept the compensation terms I proposed, or do you really want to do it?" Tang Ye looked at Bai Huchen and asked calmly, ignoring the tiger and lion army approaching.

Bai Huchen understands Tang Ye, knows that Tang Ye is a person who can pretend to be awesome even if he has no ability and nothing to rely on, mainly to scare people. This is a psychological warfare, so he will not be scared by Tang Ye.

Putting aside these things, Tang Ye is indeed a person right now, at most there is a carriage behind, how can he break through the encirclement of the army?

Even if the Tiger and Lion Army were to stand and slash Tang Ye, Tang Ye might not be able to kill it! What's so scary about that?

Bai Huchen looked decisively, and shouted to Tang Ye: "Either you die or I die today!"

"Okay!" Tang Ye snorted coldly, showing his momentum, and replied, "I gave you a chance!"

After drinking, Tang Ye stretched out his hand to the carriage, "Hoo", the dragon halberd flew out from inside. Tang Ye held the Dragon's Halberd and slammed it to the ground, making a sonorous sound, facing the encircling Tiger and Lion Army.

Zhiqiu in the carriage was very worried, and said to the princess: "Mother, shall we not help Master?"

The princess looked outside through the window, and the hovering goshawk was an official bird of Tangjiabao, indicating that Chen Zhongping had arrived, so don't worry. She touched Zhiqiu's forehead, shook her head and said, "No."

Zhiqiu frowned slightly and looked at Tang Ye, still very worried.

Tang Ye held the dragon halberd and fought the tiger and lion army surging continuously. Although the Tiger-Lion Army is well-trained, it is not a high-strength warrior. For Tang Ye, a person who has the imperial spirit realm and the power of the dragon halberd can exert the power of the profound realm, it is impossible to win at once, so Tang Ye still Can fight them.

Tang Ye, holding the Shenlong Halberd, looked very brave, like a general who charged into the battle, what he lacked was only a battle armor. Under his attack, dozens of Tiger and Lion troops were beaten into flight, showing the courage of ten thousand people.

However, the Tiger and Lion Army is still constantly besieged. Just as Bai Huchen said, even if Tang Ye was brave enough to face so many soldiers, he could kill one hundred or two hundred, what about five hundred? A thousand? Isn't it a dead end if you lose your strength?

Bai Huchen looked at Tang Ye and sneered. He is not afraid of dying many subordinates, he only needs to kill Tang Ye! If Tang Ye can be killed and spread to the rivers and lakes, it will definitely be able to establish a prestige and inspire a group of people. Then, what is the difficulty of rebuilding a tiger and lion army?

Fan Huantian on the other side was in the same mood as Bai Huchen, waiting to see Tang Ye die. He paid less attention to the life of the Tiger and Lion Army than Bai Huchen, who let the Tiger and Lion Army consume Tang Ye's strength, and he let the Tiger and Lion Army damage Tang Ye's luck.

Human beings are the longest of all creatures, and they carry air luck from the moment they are born. If they were killed by Tang Ye, that air luck would never accumulate on Tang Ye. Their luck will only turn into resentment, hostility, etc., and gather on Tang Ye, thus damaging the powerful luck of Tang Ye himself.

At this moment, Tang Ye, who used the Long Family's combat skills and the Shenlong Halberd, looked more and more fierce, as if he had become a berserker who was keen to fight, and his killing became more and more intense!

Tang Ye killed more and more people, and his eyes became redder and red, as if he was in a demon!

"Master!" Zhiqiu was frightened when she saw Tang Ye's appearance, and quickly pulled the corner of the princess's clothes, and said: "Master, Master, something is wrong."

The princess nodded and said, "I know, he did it on purpose."

"Huh?" Zhiqiu didn't understand.

The princess shook her head again and said: "Don't worry, I will help him now, after all... he failed."

"Failed again..." the princess murmured softly, frowning slightly worried.

Afterwards, the princess slid out of the carriage and fell beside Tang Ye, and directly froze Tang Ye into an ice sculpture with profound ice technique.

"This..." Bai Huchen and the others were taken aback by Wang Hao's behavior, and it was very difficult to understand her behavior.

They know the princess, isn't it the Leng fairy Qianhanyue of Guanghan Tiangong? A woman who didn't know what ecstasy soup was poured by the Long Family Young Master was so devoted to the Long Family Young Master. Because of her attitude towards the young master of the Long Family, there were a lot of bad words against her in the arena. For example, she has no shame, covets wealth and so on.

A woman who is too beautiful is easily obsessed with a man when she is single, and a woman who is too beautiful is susceptible to resentment by a man after she follows a man with all her heart, because the man is jealous.

Bai Huchen knew that the princess was strong, but so what? With the addition of a princess, it is not difficult to reverse the situation where the tiger and lion army has eaten Tang Ye!

"Long Ye, I didn't expect you to have a back hand, and the back hand is to let a woman help you, ha ha ha... You are really a man's'good role model'..." Bai Huchen laughed ironically at Tang Ye.

But both Tang Ye and Wang Hao ignored him, which made him furious, and shouted at the tiger and lion army: "Kill them for me!"

"Kill!" The tiger and lion army charged and roared, and the men on the battlefield who were stimulated by the blood were always prone to become violent and brave.

The princess looked at the tiger and lion army around her and waved her hand. The tiger and lion army around him was frozen in a large area, and there was no way to make a second attack without any effort.

The princess was not interested in this kind of thing, nor did she glance at the Tigers and Lions army, she just stared at Tang Ye badly and said, "You want to explore the state of'devil transformation' again? Don't you know this is dangerous? You are always fighting In this way, do you have to have an accident to know that you regret it? You didn't have an accident before, because you were lucky. But can your luck always be so good?"

The frozen Tang Ye blinked.

The princess lifted his freezing. Tang Ye's face was straightforward, perhaps because he was still affected by the violent mood of "Transforming Demon", he said unkindly to the princess: "Why are you getting more and more wordy?"

"You..." The princess was half-dead with anger. Regardless of how Tang Ye was affected, she was very uncomfortable to care about Tang Ye with all her heart. Tang Ye not only didn't appreciate her, but was also angry with her.

The princess was angry and snorted coldly: "Then I will do whatever you want, and do whatever you like!"

After all, the princess flew directly away from the battlefield on tiptoe.

Tang Ye irritated his wife without knowing it was wrong, curled his lips, and hummed: "The girl is trouble!"

"Hahaha..." Seeing this scene, Bai Huchen on the head of the city was so happy that he shouted to Tang Ye: "Long Ye, why? The woman won't follow you? How about I work hard and let her follow me ?"

Tang Ye looked cold, pointed at Bai Huchen with the Shenlong Halberd, and said, "Today, I will take your head and hang it on the head of Tiger Lion City!"

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