My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 870: Luck is full!

After transforming the one of the guards he brought into a powerful army, Tang Ye could go sideways to find the various families to settle accounts. Why didn't he directly avenge the Jianghu League, the Bai Family of Tiger Lion City, the Yang Family of Doutian City, and the Dayue Clan of Xihuang City?

Because I am afraid that the dog will jump over the wall in a hurry and that the lean camel is bigger than a horse. Although the four forces have lost their Patriarch, if they are forced to unite, they will almost be united by the rich. The Long Family alone will deal with such a large combined force, even if they win, they will suffer heavy casualties.

Certainly it cannot be done. If you do this, the Long Family will be in a damaged state by then, and those martial arts sects will have a chance to take advantage of it. Therefore, what is going now is the path of weakening to annexation. First weaken those cities so that there is no threat, and then the big fish eat the small fish!

However, Tang Ye may have overlooked the influence of the rivers and lakes brought by his actions. A giant family like the Long Family, to meet Tang Jiabao, a martial art sect, is planning to join forces with the sect? No matter how you think, it's all too small! Therefore, the families in other cities panicked, and those sects of San Xiu sects also tightened their nerves.

They believe that it is absolutely necessary to be prepared to deal with the Long Family, and to contain the Long Family's joint Jianghu Sanxiu sect!

At this time, not only the voices of the great clans in the major cities were wary of the Long Family, but also the sects of Sanxiu. Several family members who were close to the martial arts group gathered together to discuss this matter.

"I don't know what the Long Family united with Tangjiabao intends? I don't believe that it is just as simple as the Long Family Young Master visiting Tang Houyu. If the Long Family unites with Tangjiabao, then we have a time bomb placed around us. You may have trouble at any time!" Guan Hanqing, the head of Guandao Escort, frowned.

The Knife Escort is a **** sect, and it is the largest of the several big sects, because the Guan Dao Escort has the largest number of people and the most widespread all over the world. In fact, Guan Dao Escort is a bit like a logistics company in the big world outside. It has headquarters and branches, and the branches are all over the Guwu rivers and lakes. This is a work requirement, because there are needs for escorted items in all areas of the rivers and lakes. Although other martial arts schools also have headquarters and branches, none of them can be like Guandao Escort.

However, although the offices and members of Guandao Escort are the most widely distributed, there is a very bad problem. The members of the gang are mixed, some are good, some are bad. Therefore, Guan Dao Escort has two extremes in the world, some say it is very good, some say it is very bad.

The distance between Qi Juefeng and Guan Dao Escort was a little closer, and Li Guangxiong, the master of Qi Jue Peak, went to Guan Dao Escort to discuss with Guan Hanqing about the practice of Long Family and Tang Jiabao.

Hearing Guan Hanqing's words, Li Guangxiong sighed a little, and said, "Although the Long Family and Tangjiabao's union makes people nervous, but we are helpless. You said that the Long Family has another plan to visit Tangjiabao, don't you allow them to do so Now? Long’s family and Tang’s family are in-laws, and now it’s Longye going there in person, that’s grandson going to see grandpa, what can you say? Tang Houyu’s temper, everyone knows that he has only one daughter and is married to Long Xingtian . And his daughter has only one son, Long Ye. You say, how much does he love this grandson?"

"Not to mention that Long Ye just came back. Both the Long Family and the Tang Family feel that they owe him, and they love him so much. He went to Tangjiapu, and Tang Houyu gave him nothing, we have nothing to say." Li Guangxiong said. The more helpless.

Guan Hanqing frowned and said, "So, we have no reason to stop the young master of the Long Family from going to Tangjiabao. And Tangjiabao is famous for its institutions. If you give Longye some amazing treasure back to the Long Family, the Long Family will grow stronger. No one can do anything about us, that's not good for us. Then, if we want to stop this kind of thing, we must do something before Longye reaches Tangjiabao."

"Brother Guan means...?" Li Guangxiong looked at Guan Hanqing with his gaze, don't mean anything.

Guan Hanqing laughed and said, "I don't mean anything. I mean we should discuss with the Misty Gate and the Yin Yang Gate. If there is still no result, how about discussing with Doutian City, Tiger Lion City, Xihuang City?"

Li Guangxiong was taken aback. This is the unity of the Jianghu School and the Hao Clan... This was not the case before, because the differences between the Jianghu Sanxiu School and the Hao Clan have always been great, which is equivalent to the power of the growing conflict between the two parties. But now because of the threat of the Long family, they are united together.

This is very unfair to the Long Family. Could it be said that these arena sects want to join forces with the rich family to deal with a dragon family? This is very unethical. Li Guangxiong thought so, so he felt awkward.

However, early in the morning, Guan Han had taken a very light look at the distance between the Jianghu school and the wealthy family. This was related to the nature of the work of Guan Dao Escort. A large part of the business comes from the proud family. Therefore, Guan Dao Escort has very close contacts with the rich. It can be said that the better the relationship between Guandao Escort and the rich family, the bigger his business.

In fact, Guan Hanqing was a little grateful to Tang Ye. The current situation gave him a fair and honest reason to interact with the rich family, which was very beneficial to the development of Guan Dao Escort.

Seeing Li Guangxiong's scruples, Guan Hanqing said with a smile: "Brother Li, I know what you are worried about. Do you think it is inappropriate for us to communicate with the rich family? Actually, you are wrong. We are not working with the rich family, but against The issue of the Long Family is temporarily negotiated. Besides, the Long Family and Tang Jiabao come together. Isn’t that a typical example of the tyrants and the Jianghu sect? Why can the Long Family and Tang Jiabao work, but we can’t? Because the Long Family and Tang Jiabao can Jiabao is in-laws? Then we can easily get in-laws with the wealthy. What are we afraid of then?"

Li Guangxiong frowned when he heard Guan Hanqing's words. After thinking about it, he felt that Guan Hanqing was right. He nodded and said, "Brother Guan said yes, what are we going to do now?"

Guan Hanqing smiled and said: "Naturally, we sent out an invitation letter to ask other sects and the city's wealthy family what they thought of the Long Family and Tang Jiabao team. After they expressed their views, we decided together whether to take action against the Long Family and Tang Jiabao."

"Okay, just follow Guan's plan. It's just that Tang Ye has gone to Tangjiapu now, can we still have time?" Li Guangxiong frowned.

Guan Hanqing smiled and said, "Don't worry about this, as long as someone stops Tang Ye, won't you?"

"Oh? So, is Brother Guan already prepared?" Li Guangxiong laughed and said, "Brother Guan is thoughtful. Li admire and admire it!"

The corners of Guan Hanqing's mouth raised, and he smiled a little playfully. Who said that if the dragon family survives a catastrophe, there must be a blessing? What if the Long Family is difficult to pick up? The Long Family's luck has reached its peak, and the extremes of things will be reversed, and it will only decline!


Somewhere on the mountain peak, Qi Zhenwu did not open up to see Longchi and overlook the world of rivers and lakes and deduced it, saying: "The young lord of the Long family, luck is full, avoid one calamity. But how to avoid the next calamity? I was wrong before. I thought that the Long Family could be destroyed, but based on the current situation, it should be the next time the Long Family was destroyed!"

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