My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 852: He mentioned the dragon halberd!

The father is in trouble by the villain playing tricks, how can the son not help. Tang Ye wanted to help Long Xingtian in the past, but Ling Fuping was also a desperate and persistent woman who would never die with him. He was entangled and couldn't get away to help Long Xingtian.

"Han Yue!" Tang Ye was forced to turn to the princess for help.

The princess nodded. Long Xingtian is Tang Ye’s relatives in this era. Although she does not have such a profound obsession with blood because of some reincarnation relationships, as a Tang Ye woman, she also has to call Long Xingtian Dad. Immediately go out to help Long Xingtian.

However, at this time, young talents such as Fan Huantian and Dayue Longying stopped them. The number of forces involved in Zhu Sihai's coalition is so large that Tang Ye is far from comparable. Although the princess is much better than the big moon dragon eagle, it will also be delayed. And taking advantage of this little time, Zhu Sihai, Yang Mantang, Bai Hidden Dragon, and Dayue Changkong, who placed the dark arrow, are enough to kill Long Xingtian!

After being conspired, Long Xingtian suffered heat damage all over his body. It was poisonous, and there was strong follow-up damage. In addition, his eyes could not be opened, and all senses of his body were affected, and he was besieged by four patriarch-level figures. Suffer again and again!

He can prevent one or two, but not the third! He was injured one by one, and his injuries continued to increase!

"Xingtian!" Mrs. Long was very worried and wanted to help. Mrs. Long's martial arts is not very prominent, she has a clever mind, and inherits Tangjiabao's organ skills, she must rely on organ utensils to be strong. At this time, a few people gathered around to deal with her, and she released a few organ birds that she carried with her to respond, and this was already the limit.

Long Qingcheng was going to help, but Chen Changfeng entangled her again, she was also helpless.

The guards of the Long family and the dead men trained by Mrs. Long were also unable to help, because the combined forces of Zhu Sihai and others robbed and destroyed the city after entering the city of God. They were ordered to resist and protect the people in the city!

The Long family members are all in a bitter battle and are in a distressing situation!

The crowd onlookers became silent when they saw this situation, and they felt it was wrong. They saw with their own eyes that Long Xingtian was dealt with by Zhu Sihai and others with insidious tricks. As people in the rivers and lakes, they have morality and justice and cannot approve this behavior. However, they found that they were also targeted by the people Zhu Sihai had brought!

This situation is not optimistic. If they help the Long Family, they will definitely be killed by Zhu Sihai's people. But if you don't take action, your conscience won't go. They didn't expect things to turn into this way, they really wanted to kill the Long Family... I'm afraid the Long Family couldn't hold it.

Seeing this situation, Nangong Susu frowned greatly, glanced at the old man, and said, "Senior really doesn't plan to make a move?"

Hei Lao squinted his eyes and said, "You want to make a move?"

"I..." Nangong Susu was somewhat contradictory, and said in a bad manner: "The behavior of Zhu Sihai and others is really shameful. I don't think people from all walks of life can see it. However, the first opportunity has been seized by Zhu Sihai. They will only be killed if I shoot here. And my identity is not only Nangong Susu, but also the Palace Master of the Guanghan Temple. If I shoot, the Guanghan Temple will be implicated, and I am afraid that I will not have a good life in the future!"

"So just now you want to make it clear that your identity is a personal involvement in this matter, and it has nothing to do with the Guanghan Temple? Are you talking to the people like Zhu Sihai or the Long family?" Old Hei smiled.

Nangong Susu bowed his head in silence. If the Long Family remains the same, she also wants not to be troubled by the Long Family in the future. Both sides can't think of guilt, but the idea is good. It's just that she feels that she is under a lot of constraints, which makes people uncomfortable.

Hei Lao smiled and said: "You are very similar to her, always thinking about Guanghan Temple... It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't make a move, it doesn't matter if I don't make one. , But there is no sign of disappearing, it will never be destroyed."

"Huh?" Nangong Susu frowned puzzled.

Hei Lao looked at Tang Ye who was fighting with Ling Fuping and said, "Even if they are forced to leave the capital city today, they can come back in the future."

"But that loss was too heavy." Nangong Susu sighed.

Hei Lao sighed and said, "Being besieged like this, it will be helpless to fall on anyone."


On a certain mountain, Qi Zhenwu had just escaped Li Haoran’s pursuit, and looked at the direction of the city with a slight smile, and said, “I don’t think the first dragon can kill your lucky python, so I arranged it. Three. Now that the first one is killed by you, it seems that the gatekeeper's luck cannot hold you back. You are really special..."

Qi Zhenwu controlled Qi Luck by seeing Long Chi and arranged for three powerful men who formed Jiao to kill Tang Ye. The first one is actually Ye Wushuang. Ye Wushuang realized a sword of righteousness from Li Haoran, and it was not surprising that he became a Jiao with this kind of luck that was implicated in the gatekeeper. But Ye Wushuang was killed by Tang Ye, and the first Jiao failed.

When he first received this result, Qi Zhenwu was a little angry, feeling that Tang Ye was indeed difficult. However, since he arranged three Jiao, he was ready to fail. Otherwise, the first one would kill Tang Ye, what use are the other two?

The good show does not end so fast!

Now, Qi Zhenwu opened to see Longchi, and saw a huge wave swept around the python, the huge wave might swallow the python, and the other two have not shot yet!

"Can't just die like this, I also prepared another good show for you... Ha ha." Qi Zhenwu smiled trivially. No one can escape his layout. In the current situation, even if the two floods didn't make a move, Tang Ye might die under the huge waves.

Wasn't the huge waves encircled by the combined forces like Zhu Sihai?

"Let's take a short break, Li Haoran is really annoying..." Qi Zhenwu glanced ahead and knew that Li Haoran was coming again. As long as he opened to see Longchi, Li Haoran could perceive that he was about to run away again. But the overall situation has been set, and he has nothing to worry about, just check the result later.



Long Xingtian desperately dealt with Zhu Sihai and the others, but Dayue Changkong kept pulling a distance to insult him with a bow and arrow. He finally couldn't defend himself. An arrow pierced through his right hand, and the Shenlong Halberd was unstable and threw it out.

He finally restrained his eye injuries and opened his eyes again to watch the battle, but the injuries on his body accumulated too much, and he could do nothing after his eyes recovered.

Now that he loses the Dragon Halberd, his situation is even more dangerous!

Seeing this, Zhu Sihai and others laughed triumphantly, then rushed out together, shouting: "Dragon Xingtian, without the dragon halberd, see how proud you are? Take it to death!"

"Xingtian!" Madam Long was very worried.

"Father!" Long Qingcheng panicked even more anxiously.

Tang Ye was also worried. Looking at Long Xingtian, he didn't expect that Ling Fuping took the opportunity to throw a whip and flew out directly, falling to the ground and sliding out for a long time.

"Long Ye!" Long Qingcheng worried about Tang Ye again.

"Ye'er!" Long Xingtian and Madam Long were both worried.

Unknowingly, even if Long Xingtian, Mrs. Long, and Long Qingcheng thought Tang Ye was a fake Young Master of the Long Family, they had already merged with them as a family!

It's a family in trouble now!

But this can't help them change their plight. Long Xingtian will be killed by Zhu Sihai, Yang Mantang, Bai Zanglong and Dayue Changkong!

Ling Fuping never talked nonsense, and after knocking Tang Ye to the ground, he immediately went over and continued to attack. As long as Tang Ye does not die, she will not give up!

Tang Ye turned to look at Long Xingtian, who was in danger of life and death. He didn't expect to see the Dragon Halberd next to him on the ground!

Long Xingtian's right hand was wounded just now, and Shenlongji dropped from his hand and fell here.

Tang Ye looked at Shenlong Ji and squinted, while Ling Fuping had come with a long whip.

Suddenly, Tang Ye stood up, held the Shenlong Halberd, and pulled out the Shenlong Halberd!

"Huh?" Ling Fuping felt strange that Tang Ye actually took the Dragon Halberd?

Without the blood of the Dragon family, using the Shenlong Halberd is simply killing him! The dragon family's combat skills and the Shenlong Halberd are things that recognize the master. This is the biggest feature. Together with its powerful power, it is recognized as a must in the world. Without the Dragon's blood to touch these two things, they would only be eaten back to death! Therefore, Long Qingcheng could not learn the Long Family's combat skills, and had never touched the Shenlong Halberd!

Others were equally surprised when Tang Ye mentioned the Dragon Halberd. This kid was forced to jump over the wall in a hurry, so he just grabbed a weapon and used it? Regardless of the consequences!

Long Xingtian was besieged by Zhu Sihai and others. Knowing that he couldn't get rid of it, he always cared about Tang Ye. Seeing Tang Ye mention Shenlongji, he was very worried and shouted: "Ye'er, no, you can't touch it!"

Madam Long and Long Qingcheng were equally worried.

However, Tang Ye, who was holding the Shenlong Halberd tightly, suddenly flashed a trace of blood in his eyes, feeling a powerful force penetrating his body, his fighting spirit was aroused, and there was only one thought in his mind: war!

After accepting that power, Tang Ye seemed to have entered an illusion, seeing a figure with a high spirit of fighting, all holding a dragon halberd!

That is the ancestor of the Long Family!

Tang Ye could hear the people around him astonished, and Long Xingtian's worried shouts, asking him to put down the dragon halberd. And, those who laughed at him looking for death actually want to use the Dragon Halberd?

After accepting the power of Shenlong Ji Bengfa, Tang Ye lowered his head and said softly: " don't understand."

Ling Fuping attacked, Tang Ye raised his head, his eyes were blood red, and he said coldly: "Since you want to die, then you can do it!"

Tang Ye suddenly waved the Dragon's Halberd at Ling Fuping.


An extremely powerful force came out quickly, that was the power of the real Long Family's combat skills!

Ling Fuping jumped up, trying to take Tang Ye's head with a long whip. But when Tang Ye used the Shenlong Halberd to hit that power, her back suddenly chilled, her whole body stiffened, her eyes contracted, and her face was filled with confusion.


If the power that can destroy everything passes.

The long whip shattered and dissipated into nothingness!

"Ah!" The powerful force directly hit Ling Fuping, Ling Fuping intuitively felt that all the bones in her body were about to be broken, and all her meridians were also broken!

Even if she does not die, she will always be useless.

The body is truly like duckweed, floating in the air, slowly landing. She looked at Tang Ye and shook her head. At this moment, she knew, "That is the real Young Master of the Long Family..."

With just one blow, Ling Fuping was defeated badly!

There was silence all around, watching Tang Ye stunned.

They felt the power, exactly the same as what Long Xingtian had just played!

Being able to use the Dragon's Halberd and the true power of the Long Family's combat skills...In this case, there is only one possibility-Tang Ye is the real Long Family Young Master!

Long Xingtian was stunned, watching Tang Ye's mouth opened slightly, but he couldn't make a sound.

That's my son... how come?

Mrs. Long was stunned, watching Tang Ye stop all his movements, her head was blank, buzzing... at a loss, and then her eyes were red, tears could not help staying, she couldn't stop streaming, tears streaming down her face in a blink of an eye.

"Yeer..." This "Yeer" was called the real son.

Long Qingcheng was completely dumbfounded, watching Tang Ye's head explode, things were ridiculous. So, the kid he brought back was used to impersonate the young master of the Long Family. In fact, are they really the young master? !

Qin Huangdao has always been a neutral force. He said that as long as Tang Ye is the real Young Master of the Long Family, his Qin Family will never participate in this matter. Now Tang Ye's performance, he confirmed that it is definitely the real Long Family Young Master!

He suddenly shouted: "All the Qin family, quit! The Long Family Young Master is true, there is no reason to take action against the Long Family!"


As soon as Qin Huang's words came out, all the people who were astonished came back to their senses, and the scene was in an uproar.

Tang Ye is the real Young Master of the Long Family!

Zhu Sihai and others attacked the Long Family on the grounds that Tang Ye was a false young master, saying that the Long Family deliberately introduced such a person to deceive everyone and implement wolf ambitions. However, Tang Ye is not fake, it is true! So, what reason is there to make a move?

It's messed up, it's messed up! Everyone felt that things were weird to the extreme. Everyone also feels **** irritating, can this kind of thing happen at the last minute?

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