My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 827: Thanks for the second salute!

Qinglinghuo is a fire spirit, like the ice spirit made by the princess, independent of other flames, like having self-awareness and becoming a fire spirit. This is tempered with aura, and it is also the purest kind of fire after flame evolution. Although Qin Youxie's gold of the five elements was strong, it still could not withstand the burning of the green spirit fire, and the gold was melted by the fire.

Qin Youxie's self-confidence and calmness disappeared at the moment when the golden defense of the five elements was broken, his pupils contracted obviously, and he looked at the flame giant in front of him in disbelief.

Your absolute defense was broken?

What a ridiculous thing, it was actually lost to Longye who was a pseudo-Tongxuan!

The flame python was spraying green spirit fire at Qin Youxie with its mouth open. After breaking Qin Youxie's five-element golden defense, the flame python suddenly bite and swallowed Qin Youxie in one bite!

"No!" Seeing this, Long Xingtian stood up and shouted to prevent Tang Ye from killing Qin Youxie.

Now the Qin Family still has discussions with the Long Family, and the relationship may have a turning point. If Qin Youxie is killed here, it will be completely broken. In the Guwu Rivers and Lakes, no one was willing to confront the Qin family. The Qin family came out of a warlock, and the warlock was terrible, and it took too much energy to deal with it.

Wang Zhitui of the Jianghu League saw that Tang Ye had killed Qin Youxie and laughed happily after being astonished. Although Tang Ye's strength was far beyond his imagination, Tang Ye had killed Qin Youxie, and the relationship between the Qin Family and the Long Family would be over, and the Long Family would encounter even greater trouble!

When the Big Moon Dragon Eagle competed with Qin Youxie, he voluntarily conceded defeat, frustrating Tang Ye's purpose of observing, saying that he did this deliberately. In fact, it was, but not quite. He knew Qin Youxie's strength, if he fought desperately and paid a huge price, he might not win in the end. If he loses, it consumes a lot of money, and he can't get the pill recovery provided by the Long Family, it will be very unfavorable for the follow-up plan, so he admits defeat.

Even so, he didn't think Tang Ye could beat Qin Youxie. But now he lost to Qin Youxie, and Tang Ye defeated Qin Youxie. Doesn't it mean that Tang Ye is better than him?

Big Moon Dragon Eagle felt that it was like being slapped a few times by Tang Ye, his face was hot and embarrassing. At this time, if others think of yourself, it must be interesting, right?

However, Dayue Longying was also happy and sneered at Tang Ye. Killing Qin Youxie is definitely not a wise choice. It will only make the Long Family more troublesome. After the follow-up plan is implemented, the Long Family will definitely not be able to deal with it!

"Long Ye, a moment of refreshment will completely destroy you!" The Big Moon Dragon Eagle stared at Tang Ye's figure and laughed coldly.

The reactions of other people were similar. First they were surprised by Tang Ye's powerful strength and actually defeated Qin Youxie, but after seeing Tang Ye controlling the flame python to swallow Qin Youxie, everyone sneered again. At this time, killing Qin Youxie and offending the Qin family, didn't you take the Long family to commit suicide?

Long Xingtian didn't expect Tang Ye to start so quickly, now Qin Youxie has been swallowed by the flame python, I am afraid it is hopeless, he sighed and looked at Tang Ye with complicated expression.

The power Tang Ye displayed made him surprised and excited. The Long Family has such a strong talent, which is something to be happy about. However, to make enemies with the Qin family, his personal strength is very small.

Long Qingcheng's expression was worried. Tang Ye won, she should have been happy, but Tang Ye killed Qin Youxie, she was very worried. What if the father doesn't want to have any evil with the Qin family and handed Tang Ye out to calm the Qin family's anger?

Madam Long looked at Tang Ye without blinking her eyes. Tang Ye's strength was too amazing, she was wondering what Tang Ye's identity was. She had a strange feeling towards Tang Ye, as if Tang Ye had a very close contact with her, but Tang Ye left her again.

The flame python hadn't disappeared, and Qin Youxie was still swallowed. Everyone looked at Tang Ye and laughed playfully. What if you win? Winning a Qin Youxie, but provoking the entire Qin family, even if you win, you lose!

"Long Ye, you dare to kill my Qin Family Master!" The Qin Family servant who followed Qin Youxie saw that Qin Youxie was killed, furious, and rushed out to fight Tang Ye desperately.

Tang Ye turned to look at him without any movement.

"Stop!" Suddenly, there was a hoarse low drink.

Everyone was taken aback, it was Qin Youxie's voice!

At this time, the flame giant opened its big mouth, and Qin Youxie walked out of it in tattered clothes.

The flame python dissipated.

"Young master?" The old slave of the Qin family saw Qin Youxie and called out in a daze. He thought Qin Youxie was killed by Tang Ye.

Others think so too, but now Qin Youxie is okay?

What exactly is going on?

Qin Youxie walked to Tang Ye, bowed his hands and bowed his eyes with gratitude, and said, "Thank you for not killing Young Master Long. I want to kill you. If you kill me, it is reasonable. Second, Young Master Long gives me advice. Comprehend the mystery of the fire of the five elements and make up for the loopholes in the defense of the gold of the five elements."


As soon as Qin Youxie said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Qin Youxie thanked the young master of the Long Family and saluted respectfully!

What is even more shocking is that Tang Ye helped Qin Youxie understand the mystery of the Five Elements Fire?

What's this?

Everyone feels that their heads are not enough, how can things unfold like this? Isn't it because Tang Ye carried out his ruthless style, he would kill those who killed him, then he should kill Qin Youxie? But now, he didn't kill Qin Youxie, but helped Qin Youxie?

This fact is unexpected, but Tang Ye did so.

He let the flame giant swallow Qin Youxie, but did not kill Qin Youxie. He has never been an idiot. After learning about the relationship between the Long and Qin family from Long Xingtian, he thought about how to ease the relationship between the two. In the competition with Qin Youxie, Qin Youxie had prejudice against him and hatred against the Long Family, which made him smell the conspiracy of the spider web. So he knew that to ease the relationship between the Long and Qin family, he needed to pay more.

Qin Youxie was a breakthrough, so after defeating Qin Youxie, he did not kill Qin Youxie. When the flame python swallows Qin Youxie, as long as Qing Linghuo is not used, Qin Youxie will be fine. After all, ordinary flames couldn't hurt Qin Youxie, and Qin Youxie would definitely resist. So at this time, he let Qing Linghuo show Qin Youxie, let Qin Youxie touch some of the mystery of the fire element.

Others say that Qin Youxie is a genius who can master two kinds of five elemental spell attacks at the same time. It is God's favor. Qin Youxie is very lucky, but is it true?

Not necessarily. The soil of the five elements and the gold of the five elements are not good enough in attack, and Qin Youxie is definitely not willing to be a defensive master. The fire of the five elements and the water of the five elements are elemental spells that attack excellence. If he can master it, he will definitely have no regrets in this life.

In order to use him as a breakthrough, Tang Ye made up for the relationship between Long and Qin and helped him understand the fire of the Five Elements!

Green Spirit Fire is a pure fire element, infinitely close to the life body fire fairy. It can show more about the structure and secrets of fire. Qin Youxie is a smart person. As long as he sees those things, he must understand the fire of the five elements. .

Tang Ye possesses keen insight and excellent foresight, as well as a decisive force. As someone else, who would dare to help this opponent break through and become stronger without completely defeating the opponent during the competition?

Besides, this opponent still wants to kill you!

Tang Ye dare!

Based on this, Qin Youxie would take it!

Therefore, after Qin Youxie came out of the flame giant's mouth, he immediately bowed to Tang Ye, admiring Tang Ye's character first, and thanking him second.

With this opportunity, the relationship between Longqin and Qin will only be better or worse!

"This kid..." When Long Xingtian saw this scene, he was so excited that he didn't know what to say. Why should he worry about such a good person?

He looked at Mrs. Long and said excitedly: "If he were our biological son, I would die without regret for Long Xingtian..."

Mrs. Long's expression was complicated, looking at Tang Ye's figure, she didn't know what to do. Tang Ye was so good that she slowly faded the figure of that fuzzy son. However, the son is not his own after all...

Looking at Tang Ye, Long Qingcheng felt like he had another heartbeat. I thought this guy killed Qin Youxie, but he didn't expect it to be, but he won Qin Youxie's admiration instead. She didn't know what to say about Tang Ye, but the more she watched, the more she liked it, she couldn't help but smile.

But for those who originally thought that Tang Ye killed Qin Youxie and Tang Ye and the Long Family would be in big trouble, Tang Ye's approach made them irrelevant.

This kid dare not do something better, let himself completely die to deal with his heart!

His grandma's...

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