My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 820: Five winners!

Even unexpected results must be accepted. Yang Gaopeng surrendered to Tang Ye personally, and everyone could see clearly. Although everyone was still surprised and unwilling, they could only accept it, all staring at Tang Ye out of the ring.

Now the ring is destroyed, and a big hole has been exploded on the ground, which requires a few experts to come and quickly repair it.

After resetting the ring, the competition continues. The next four matches were Ye Wushuang vs. Cao Jinglun, Li Bubai vs. Guan Changdan, Qin Youxie vs. Li Tianzhu, and Deng Guanyu vs. Big Moon Dragon Eagle.

Soon the first round of competition began, and Ye Wushuang faced Cao Jinglun. Their competition did not receive much attention, so they played a fair game, and each had a good grasp of their own measures. There was no such thing as trying to beat someone to death. I felt that it was just a competition. The competition is completely different.

This invisibly seemed a kind of irony to Tang Ye. Everyone fights amicably, but you are going to die, but isn't it because others hate you and resent you?

Tang Ye was the one who was resented together. No one regarded him as a friend. All he had was murderous!

Tang Ye was sitting in his place, surrounded by other warriors, no one talked to him, even if they spoke, they came to accuse him, or yin and yang ridiculed him strangely.

Soon Ye Wushuang's competition with Cao Jinglun ended. After being broken by Ye Wushuang's swordsmanship, Cao Jinglun gave in. This caused a small commotion. Other warriors thought it was too sloppy. It was just a hole in their sleeves. There is no need to give up so quickly!

Cao Jinglun smiled, glanced at Tang Ye, and said, "I know that I am not Ye brother's opponent, so there is no need to waste time."

Tang Ye glanced at Cao Jinglun, then at Ye Wushuang, squinted slightly, and thought of something else.

Soon the third round of the elimination round began, and Li Bubai confronted Guan.

The match between the two was much more intense than that of Ye Wushuang and Cao Jinglun. Guan Changdan is the one who guards the knife and escort. He walks north and south, with a fierce air, and he looks like the kind of person who speaks with his fists and pride. He didn't talk nonsense with Li Bu, and attacked with a big knife.

Li Bubai is a member of the Jianghu Alliance, always smiling and confident. Even if he was detained and attacked violently, he was relaxed and comfortable when he responded, and he always felt invisible.

After Tang Ye glanced at them, he simply closed his eyes. Some things can be understood at a glance, and he didn't want to bother with the cynicism of those next to him, so he closed his eyes and calmed down, while slowly healing himself.

Before the test according to the number, it is stipulated that it is not allowed to take the medicine for healing. Because the winners in a while are all those who have just passed the competition. If he took the pill alone, others would definitely disagree.

The situation is obviously not good for Tang Ye now. Because when he competed with Yang Gaopeng, Yang Gaopeng pressed harder and harder to kill him. He paid a lot of price to deal with Yang Gaopeng, so now his strength is very depleted. But the competition between Ye Wushuang and Cao Jinglun was very gentle and hardly hurt each other, their strength was very small, and their bodies were intact. So, next time Tang Ye meets them, isn't it a disadvantage?

In it, Tang Ye smelled a little conspiracy. Even he guessed more things. He looked back at Long Qingcheng, and suddenly felt sorry for Long Qingcheng and his anger towards those people.

This is not how the old lady's life-long event should be chosen!

How many of those who want to get sisters are sincere?

Tang Ye clenched a fist, then let out a long sigh of relief. If you don't want your sister to be harmed, let all the people in the ring go home!

Tang Ye looked at the people who had always participated in the competition, with a bit more cold expression.

Tang Ye silently healed himself. Others don't know that dead wood can integrate vitality in spring to quickly heal some injuries on the body. In other words, when Tang Ye played again, the consumption of strength and physical injuries would almost recover.

Long Qingcheng has been paying attention to Tang Ye, and besides being surprised by Tang Ye, he also has a concern. She felt that she was the one who brought Tang Ye to the Capital City. Everything that Tang Ye has experienced now arises from her. If something bad happens to Tang Ye, she always wants to help Tang Ye, and she will blame herself if she fails to help. Now Tang Ye is sitting in the position, alone, silent, and the people next to him are talking and laughing, sometimes sarcasm Tang Ye, obviously Tang Ye is isolated, Long Qingcheng sees this kind of thing, heart is very uncomfortable. Always want to go up and protect Tang Ye.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the ring, and when he saw that Guan Changdan was beaten by Li Bubai and flew out, he fell out of the ring, and Guan Tandan lost.

Then began the third match, Qin Youxie vs. Li Tianzhu.

Qin Youxie is the young master of the Qin Family in Qingkong City, a family with the same fame as the Long Family in the ancient martial rivers and lakes. Being able to stand here naturally shows that his talents and strength are outstanding. There is another long-rumored matter in the Qin family, which probably has something to do with Tang Ye. It was the child of the Qin family, who was a member of the "Fairy on the Earth" plan like Tang Ye. The child was not dead, but it was rumored that he was taken away by the gatekeeper. Perhaps this child has great special characteristics, otherwise he would not be caught by the gatekeeper alone. The Qin family had always wanted to find the child back, but there was a gatekeeper guarding him, and they had nothing to do.

And the return of Long Family Young Master gave them an opportunity. Maybe it's just a hope. After all, the young master of the Long Family has returned, so should his children be able to come back too?

As one of the four children, the young master of the Long Family should have particularity. Perhaps it would be helpful to find that child. For this reason, the Qin Family sent someone to the Long Family to discuss, hoping that Long Xingtian could help Tang Ye help they. However, Long Xingtian refused, and Long Xingtian gave no reason. This angered the Qin family, who was angry and would not be too friendly to the Long family.

Then Qin Youxie's attitude towards Tang Ye will be affected by the clan's instructions to some extent, and I am afraid it will not be friendly.

Long Xingtian was really helpless in this matter. The relationship between the Long Family and the Qin Family was pretty good. When the Qin Family came to him for help, he wanted to help, but it was impossible for Tang Ye to help. He knew that Tang Ye was the fake Young Master of the Long Family, how could he push Tang Ye out?

Qin Youxie began to compete with Li Tianzhu. The Qin family practiced the Five Elements Technique. The five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, are mainly divided into two branches. One is the magical attack of the five elements, which is frankly called the mage; the other is specializing in the five elements spiritual formation, which is to deal with the enemy through the formation. The disciples of the Qin family who were attacking by practicing magic techniques did not practice all the five elements, but chose the element they were best at. This is the requirement of concentration. It is enough to be proficient in one elemental magic, if you can be proficient in two or more, then it is a peerless genius.

Qin Youxie is a person who is proficient in the two elemental techniques, that is... a genius!

Li Tianzhu is a member of Qijuefeng, who practices Qisha Quan. Qishaquan is very strong, fists to the flesh, full of blows, full of destructive charm. However, against Shang Qin Youxie, a magical genius, he lost. He didn't complain, the magic technique of magic is recognized as one of the most mysterious and terrifying magic techniques. Besides, Qin Youxie is still a person who is proficient in two kinds of attacks, and it is normal to lose to him.

The final match was between Deng Guanyu and Big Moon Dragon Eagle. Deng Guanyu is an elite of the ethereal family. The ethereal gate is located on the coast of the East China Sea. It has always been mysterious. There is little news about them in the ancient Wujiang lakes, but simply knows that what they are practicing is a kind of light work. When it comes to light work, no one can be more vague. The ethereal person is truly capable of seeing the dragon without seeing the end.

The big moon dragon eagle is also mysterious. It comes from the newly-rised western fortress city of Xihuang. It is a bit unlike the people of Middle-earth. It is said to come from the big moon clan, with mysterious legends such as the moon god, the female Buddha, and the shaman offering sacrifices.

Surprisingly, after the results of the competition came out, it was the Great Moon Dragon Eagle who won!

The ethereal Deng Guanyu performed a desirable light work on the ring, really like flying on a cloud, he has been floating in the air, as if he was living in the air, not on the ground. His movements were so elegant that the Great Moon Dragon Eagle couldn't hit him at all. However, in the end he voluntarily gave in. This has been discussed for a long time.

Now the results of the competition have come out. The five winners are Tang Ye, Ye Wushuang, Li Bubai, Qin Youxie, and Big Moon Dragon Eagle.

The next five people are drawn according to their numbers, which will determine the final arrangement for the five people!

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