My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 818: Fire python swallows the sky!

Tang Ye wanted to use the Long Family's combat skills to meet Yang Gaopeng's intentions. He wanted to use the Falling Sun Spear Technique to set a match with Tang Ye!

He knows his situation very well. Tang Ye's wonderfully smashing two cows across the mountain has made him feel confused, and the injuries on his body have accumulated to a serious point. It will not be good for him to continue to drag on!

Therefore, Yang Gaopeng wanted to kill Tang Ye with a powerful trick in the Falling Sun Spear Technique-Tiger Falling to Pingyang!

This trick is specifically used to deal with arrogant opponents. There are even rumors that the Yang family created this trick specifically to deal with the Long family!

Anyone who wants to deal with the Long Family will definitely study the Long Family's combat skills. The biggest characteristic of the Long Family's combat skills is that it is tough, domineering, and courageous. Facing the Long Family's combat skills, many people simply lost their momentum before being fierce, and then they were suppressed by the domineering, and there was no room for resistance.

In addition, the Long Family's combat skills will also create a "potential" to move forward courageously. Long family combat skills are a kind of crazy martial arts, even if they are seriously injured, they still charge!

This point burned the fighting spirit when Tang Ye used the Long Family combat skills, only the performance of advancing and not retreating has been witnessed.

This situation makes people fearful.

In order to restrain the dragon family's combat skills, the Falling Sun Spear Technique created the Tiger Falling Pingyang!

Tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by a dog!

Yang Gaopeng raised his long spear with both hands and kept spinning like a helicopter spiral. It turned faster and faster. Suddenly, a terrifying hurricane was rolled up around him, and the entire ring was about to fall. The hurricane is getting bigger and bigger, making it impossible to look straight ahead.

Suddenly, Yang Gaopeng leaped high, his spear still spinning in his hands. Tang Ye wanted to go up and interrupt him, but the hurricane was still blowing, so he couldn't get close. At this time, Yang Gaopeng rushed down high. Instead of diving, he was holding a spear in both hands, squatting down, and smashing down like a gorilla.

Strong, domineering, and courageous!

This move seems to have the momentum of the Long Family's combat skills!


Yang Gaopeng smashed down suddenly, holding the spear in both hands and inserting it into the ring. An extremely powerful force shook away, and everything in the ring was shocked out, even outside the audience seats. Fortunately, all the powerful warriors in the audience sent out their strength to block the impact of Yang Gaopeng's power.

Tang Ye was about to be impacted beyond the boundaries of the ring. This was not enough, otherwise Yang Gaopeng said that he had lost, and he could not refute it. So holding the halberd in both hands, he suddenly applied force to the ground, and hit the ground vertically. The ring is destroyed, and people will definitely fall to the ground. But as long as you don’t get out of the ring, you won’t lose.

At this time, Yang Gaopeng turned once again, carrying a spear and slamming it down Tang Ye's head.


The powerful force pressed down, and the entire ring collapsed, falling to both sides one after another. In the middle, Yang Gaopeng pressed Tang Ye, and Tang Ye had to raise his halberd with both hands to resist. Yang Gaopeng's power in the Profound Realm was so strong that Tang Ye couldn't hold it, and was pressed by Yang Gaopeng to keep falling.

After falling to the ground, Yang Gaopeng's power was still bursting, and the ground that Tang Ye had stepped on began to collapse into a small pit, and the small pit became bigger, and finally became a big pit, almost the size of the original ring.

The mud splashed, and Tang Ye's legs were buried in the mud, which was tantamount to being imprisoned, which shows how great Yang Gaopeng's power is.

But it's not over yet, the power of Tiger Falling to Pingyang is much more than that. At this time, Yang Gaopeng made a shot, and while slamming Tang Ye with force, he bounced back into the air once. When he reached mid-air, he hung up upside down, shot a long spear on the ground several times, swish, swish, and several blue lights attacked Tang Ye. The blue light turned into a strength spear, inserted around Tang Ye, and further trapped Tang Ye.

Finally, Yang Gaopeng dived upside down, quickly descended, the spear went first, and pointed directly at Tang Ye's head.

Tang Ye's feet were buried in the ground at this time, and the surrounding area was trapped by the power of the spear. Yang Gaopeng was swooping down with the spear in his head again, there was no way out!

Tang Ye became the tiger that fell to Pingyang, and dogs can bully!

Tang Ye looked up, and under the influence of Yang Gaopeng's impact, his eyes were difficult to open. Now even if he wanted to resist, it became very difficult. Is it the only way to be stabbed to death?

The people who watched saw Tang Ye falling into such a predicament, and they were surprisingly no noise, because they wanted to see Tang Ye's defeat with their own eyes!

Faced with such a situation, could Tang Ye's pseudo-Xuanxuan power still resist Yang Gaopeng's Xuan-Xuan power?

There is no such possibility!

"Long Ye, die!" Yang Gaopeng shouted angrily at Tang Ye.

"No!" Long Qingcheng shouted, very worried about Tang Ye.

She was too late to stop Yang Gaopeng. And it is not allowed to stop, unless Tang Ye admits defeat.

But with Tang Ye's character, it is impossible to admit defeat.

In addition, even if Tang Ye admits defeat, will Yang Gaopeng stop?

Yang Gaopeng will not stop. Even if Tang Ye is killed, he only needs to say that the move has been taken and that he can't get it back. No matter how angry the Long Family is, the Jianghu League will help Yang Gaopeng.

Wang Zhiti sneered. What he wants is this kind of result, kill Tang Ye!

Tang Ye looked stern and stared at Yang Gaopeng who had come down from the shock. He would definitely meet him, and he felt sorry for Long Qingcheng when he gave up here. And he felt Yang Gaopeng's killing intent, and admitting defeat would only speed up death.

Besides, why must he lose?

Pseudo Tongxuan touched the Tongxuan Realm, and he knew how powerful the Tongxuan Realm was, so he knew whether he could cope with it. These days he has not forgotten to practice the long spear combat skills that Long Qingcheng taught him, which evolved from the Long Family combat skills, and behind him, he practiced the Long Family combat skills secretly. With the Long Family's combat skills and various supernatural powers, he is confident that he is no worse than the Profound Realm!

Tang Ye clenched the halberd tightly and began to emit power from under his feet, and that power turned into flames, like flames slowly burning up from the soles of his feet, and soon his whole body and halberds burned with a layer of flame.

The flames were raging, and the momentum began to rise, everyone was surprised. Is this the Long Family's combat skills? What happened?

Everyone felt strange, as if there was no such situation in the Long Family's combat skills?

Even Long Xingtian and Mrs. Long were curious, what power did Tang Ye integrate with?

Long Qingcheng frowned and hummed, "Could it be Fengxiang Nine Heavens?"

In the spear technique created by Long Qingcheng, there was a trick "Fengxiang Nine Heavens". This move is a way to avoid the enemy, turning into a Nirvana Phoenix, flying into the nine days violently, leaving the ground, making it impossible for the enemy to pursue it.

Long Qingcheng remembered that he just showed Tang Ye this trick, but how did Tang Ye learn it?

In addition, she was surprised to say that the move was Fengxiang Jiutian, but it was not. Even if it turns into a phoenix, the flames should not be so pure. She herself couldn't emit such a pure flame, could it be said that Tang Ye could be a beginner?

If that were the case, Long Qingcheng felt that he might as well be hit to death. She was the genius who created that set of marksmanship, how could she be surpassed by Tang Ye?

Yang Gaopeng saw Tang Ye's whole body burning with flames, his aura was shocked, he frowned, but he didn't panic, the power of the Tongxuan Realm was enough to stab Tang Ye!

Yang Gaopeng suddenly exerted his force, and a stronger force was gathered on the spear, and the blue light flashed, and he was about to stab Tang Ye.

"It's over!" Yang Gaopeng exclaimed.

Everyone held their breath to see what the result would be.

At this moment, Tang Ye held the halberd hand and plunged into the ground suddenly, hoo!

The ground trembled.


Suddenly, there was a sharp and terrifying beast roar.


The ground where Tang Ye inserted the halberd burst open, and a shocking fire python flew out!

It looked like a volcanic eruption, and the shape of the erupting magma was a flame python with a huge mouth open!

"Wh, what...?" Yang Gaopeng felt that he was dazzled. Why did he have such a magical trick to create a flame python?


Yang Gaopeng, who was about to stab Tang Ye under the impact, fell into the mouth of the flame python, and the fire python bit as if it had broken something.

"Ah!" Soon there was a miserable cry.

The fire python disappeared, and when he saw Yang Gaopeng's whole body in a mess, his clothes burned, his hair messy, and his spear falling, Yang Gaopeng also fell straight down as if he had lost the slightest strength.

Yang Gaopeng fell to the ground and was dying of injury. After all, it fell into the mouth of the flame python, was bitten by a click, and died continuously in two pieces.

The power carried by the flame python was not worse than that of the Tongxuan Realm.

This move is a bit like the big move of the little murloc in the League of Legends, except that the shark turns into a fire python.

Long Qingcheng looked stunned. Tang Ye changed her moves, not Feng Xiang Jiutian, but swallowing the sky like a fire python!

The rest of the people were deeply surprised. At the moment when the flame python rushed out like a volcanic eruption, the scene was very shocking. Young Master Long Family, still have such strength? !

What is that trick? Long family combat skills, or Long Qingcheng's marksmanship?

Long Xingtian and Mrs. Long were equally shocked. They knew that Tang Ye couldn't learn the Long Family's combat skills, and that Tang Ye learned all his skills from Long Qingcheng. So they looked at Long Qingcheng and asked when Long Qingcheng developed such a powerful trick?

Long Qingcheng shook his head, and looked at Tang Ye's figure with a wry smile. This fake brother seems to be more talented than himself. He has modified his tricks, and the blue is better than blue!

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