My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 812: Shifang Junjie!

Qi Zhenwu is one of the four direct disciples of Daogu Zhenren, but he is not quite the same as Yu Fusheng and Ling Fuping. He has the magic weapon to see Longchi himself, and his status and reputation in Guwu Jianghu are comparable to Daogu Zhenren. . Back then, the gatekeeper chased and killed Qi Zhenwu for the first time, and went to the Yin Yang gate to find Daogu Daogu to settle accounts. Daogu Daogu was also ruthless enough to directly say that he broke off with Qi Zhenwu. But secretly, the relationship with Qi Zhenwu is still very close.

They have a common ideal, a mysterious plan!

Qi Zhenwu looked at the Qi Luck Python in the Dragon Pond and said, "Even if you grow up fast, you don't need a real dragon to kill you. You haven't taken shape yet, three floods are enough."

At this time, I saw in the dragon pond, three formed dragons swam around the Qi Yun python, ready to attack the Qi Yun python!

The layout is complete, Qi Zhenwu looks forward and smiles triumphantly: "Li Haoran, you can't chase me, and the arranged chess pieces are over again. I will see how your gatekeepers can deal with me!"

Qi Zhenwu returned to see Long Chi, waved his sleeves, and left.

Li Haoran came to chase him again.

Soon Li Haoran appeared on the top of the mountain where Qi Zhenwu was just now. Li Haoran did not continue to chase Qi Zhenwu. Qi Zhenwu's ability to monitor Qi Luck meant that she knew her location at any time. It was very easy to avoid her. Otherwise, she would not be able to kill Qi Zhenwu after more than ten years. She looked into the distance, which was the direction of the Divine Capital City.

After staring for a while, Li Haoran said calmly: "Don't die."

Having said that, Li Haoran left without much anger at the fact that Qi Zhenwu had not been pursued.


Today, the Shendu City Talent Contest officially begins. Long Xingtian and Mrs. Long are responsible for presiding over the meeting and entertaining the representatives of the rich and powerful families in the city, as well as the casual cultivators, and people from the Jianghu League.

The original purpose of the Talent Contest was to select outstanding people for training, and then attack the mysterious door. This is the implementation of the Xuanhuang plan. Then the question arises. What the Yinyangmen and Qi Zhenwu did is also to implement the Xuanhuang plan. Why do the gatekeepers treat the two parties differently?

As mentioned earlier, there are two situations in which Xuanhuang Daji breaks the shackles of heaven and earth, one is within the rules, and the other is outside the rules.

That old Taoist priest didn't seal the way for human beings to fly into immortals. He left a message, as long as people make breakthroughs through normal cultivation, and then use their strength to break the shackles of heaven and earth, that is allowed. This is the way of keeping the rules, and the gatekeeper will not stop it.

However, the probability of success in this approach is very low. Profound Gate is a seal enchantment of the immortal level. How can a person who has not become an immortal break it?

Even if it is possible to break, it takes long enough. A warrior may only practice the Mahayana in the Profound Realm for a lifetime, even if it is good, it will only break into the fairyland. Chaoxianjing's strength is not enough to break the profound gate. Therefore, it was hard to break through to the fairyland, failing to break the profound door, and reaching the end of life, it would be useless for a lifetime.

Later, the reincarnation magic method of the Nascent Infant's body appeared, and the warrior quickly reached the fairyland in the next life, and then used time to break through the gods, so it is estimated that there is a chance to break the mysterious door.

However, life after life, even for thousands of years, still failed. Most people really can't survive such a long time.

Therefore, those who did not follow the rules were born. They make use of evil ways, regardless of the safety of the earth, manipulate their luck, kill people and change their luck, and do whatever they can to achieve their goals. This practice is not allowed by gatekeepers, because this practice seriously endangers peace and may bring devastating disasters to the land.

But they don't care so much, they are very confident, thinking that the moment the world's shackles are broken, it is the time they soar. All soaring, what will happen to the earth, why bother?

People of this kind do not agree with the righteous.

The above is the correct perspective on Xuan Huang's plan, and the reasons why the gatekeeper has a different attitude towards it.

In general, the Xuanhuang plan is allowed, but the correct approach is: first increase your strength honestly, and then attack the Xuanmen. After breaking the Xuanmen, the Guwu rivers and lakes are connected to the big world. Luck is poured into the big world, and the limit of the big world’s luck is improved, and then those people with great luck in the ancient Wujiang Lake will not cause the big world to collapse again, and then they can get the big world red wall. The ancient jade seal enshrined in the palace finally used the supreme luck of the ancient jade seal to break the shackles of heaven and earth in one fell swoop.

The Jianghu League also participated in the Elite Competition.

The Jianghu General League has two responsibilities. One is to maintain the stability of the Guwu rivers and lakes and to punish the perpetrators; the other is to recruit and train outstanding talents and implement the mysterious plan. Therefore, every ten years, the Jianghu League will organize a prosperous event in which the strong attack the Xuanmen. It's a pity that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and I still haven't been able to hurt Xuanmen any bit.

Since the Talent Competition is to select outstanding talents, the Jianghu League will naturally send people over. The people who came were a criminal elder from the Jianghu League, and a young talented man named Wang Zhitui and Li Bubai.

There are many people who come to participate in the Talent Competition, and the most eye-catching is ten people. Li Bubai of the Jianghu League, and the three representatives of Tiger Lion City, Doutian City, and Qingkong City, which are as famous as the capital city, are Bai Huchen, Yang Gaopeng, and Qin Youxie. There is also a representative of the noble family, the big moon dragon eagle from the newly rising fortress city, Xihuang City.

Among the ten outstanding talents, there are five representatives of the wealthy clan, and the remaining four are disciples of the Sanxiu sect. They are Cao Jinglun, a disciple of Yin and Yang, Li Tianzhu, a disciple of Qijuefeng, Guan Tantan, a disciple of Guandao Escort, and Deng Guanyu, a disciple of the ethereal sect.

What everyone didn't expect was that there was another young talent they didn't know, who seemed to have no school, called Ye Wushuang.

There are actually more than these people sent by the Sanxiu sect, such as the people from Tangjiabao. However, Tangjiabao and the Long Family are in-laws, so the people of Tangjiabao are here to join in the fun, so they can't also participate in the election of Long Qingcheng's son-in-law.

As for the other sects of Sanxiu, such as Death Valley, these sects hiding in dangerous places are not recognized and regarded as evil ways, so it is impossible to participate.

The ten great talents mentioned above were cultivated by their families and sects, and their strengths have all been mastered. It can be said that when Tang Ye really came into contact with these people, Tang Ye really showed her face in the Guwu Rivers and Lakes. Things like those before, although they are sensational, but those who truly grasp the overall situation will have a farther and bigger vision. Tang Ye came out of Novice Village when he came into contact with them.

Tang Ye followed Long Xingtian and Mrs. Long, and got to know the main people who came to the event one by one. In fact, everyone was more curious about Tang Ye. The young master of the Long Family who was born out of nowhere had a poor reputation in the world. If it weren't for Long Xingtian and Mrs. Long, they wouldn't be with Tang Ye. Or, to ask if Tang Ye really did all the evil.

After greetings inside and out, Long Xingtian stood on the high platform and announced the start of the conference. The competition was a lottery match, each one against each other. What surprised everyone was that Tang Ye's name was on the list of rivalries!

Everyone was very speechless. The younger brother joined the sister's choice of son-in-law?

This matter was unknown to Long Xingtian, Madam Long, and Long Qingcheng. If they knew, they would definitely object. Tang Ye, this kid, just entertain the guests well, why don't you go and join in?

Long Qingcheng did not participate in the Elite Competition, she had participated in it before and won the first place. Now all she has to do is to wait for those who won the Elite Contest to participate in her son-in-law selection contest. After those people make the strongest person in the final, they will fight her. If you can't beat her, I'm sorry, she won't marry.

Therefore, Long Qingcheng was not so worried. She didn't want to marry, so she wouldn't lose. She had already settled this idea, but she didn't expect Tang Ye to participate in this matter.

Knowing that Tang Ye ran to participate in the Talent Competition, her heart was very uneasy. What is this kid doing? Is it because he doesn't want to marry himself, he has ideas about himself?

Long Qingcheng blushed a little, and her mind was even more curious, but she was soon called for questioning by Mrs. Long. Usually she and Tang Ye get close, and Mrs. Long thinks that they must be in collusion.

On the other side, Tang Ye didn't know, his approach was in the middle of the cobweb.

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