My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 808: Duckweed from the north!

It was dusk before Nangong Susu and Yu Fusheng came to kill, at this time it was completely dusky after the war. After Donglai and Xi went to help Tang Ye deal with the wound, they continued to prepare food, and then a few people took a rest after eating, and went straight to the city of God the next day.

On this day, the rivers and lakes were in chaos, only because the young master of the Long Family killed the real disciple Yu Fusheng of Yinyangmen Daogu.

"The young master of the Long Family inherited his Lao Tzu's talent, but failed to inherit the kindness of Mrs. Long. You can't stay here!" Someone in the rivers and lakes commented.

"That's what I said, but things seemed strange. Palace Master Nangong was there at the time. She let Long Ye go, maybe Long Ye was forgiven." Some people were not purely angry at Tang Ye.

Someone answered the analysis and said: "It is true to say that, think about it, Yu Fusheng was a master of the Profound Realm and was killed by Longye who only had the Imperial Spirit Realm. This is suspicious at first. How can anyone kill the Profound Realm in the Imperial Realm?"

"So, we all want to know, is this true? Maybe Yu Fusheng was killed by someone else? I don't believe Long Ye is so strong..." Someone was very emotional.

There are many, many more. Anyway, because of Tang Ye's killing Yu Floating Life, the rivers and lakes are like a pot that exploded. Some people are not so angry about Tang Ye. Does it begin with reason or belittle, thinking that Tang Ye in the Yuling Realm cannot kill Yu Fusheng in the Tongxuan Realm, who can say clearly?

In order to find out the truth, many people went to the city of God!

Originally, it was fine to go to the Guanghan Temple and ask Nangong Susu, but because the Shendu City is now holding a contest of talents, and the future Long Family Selection of Son-in-Law, it can be described as extremely lively and has become the focus of the ancient Wujiang Lake, so everyone I chose to go to the city of God.

There are also people who are not just asking for an answer, they go straight to revenge!

Such as the people of Yin and Yang.

Long Xingtian used this as an excuse to retaliate against the Chen family of the once powerful family in Shendu City because of Chen Xuankong’s privately attacking and killing Tang Ye. Although Chen Changfeng was a master of Xuanxuan, he was not as good as Long Xingtian and could only leave Shendu City. Since then, there will be no Chen family in Shendu City. After Chen Changfeng left the capital city, he returned to Xiang Daoshan in Yinyangmen headquarters.

At this time on Xiangdao Mountain, all major disciples and important figures gathered in the discussion hall.

There was a corpse lying under the lobby, covered with white cloth. That was Yu Fusheng who was killed by Tang Ye.

The lobby was quiet, and the atmosphere was terribly solemn, and it was depressing to breathe. Daogu, the master of the gate, did not speak, and the others did not dare to speak.

Daogu real man with gray hair, looked at the green mountains and blue sky outside the lobby, and sighed after a long time: "Floating life, floating life... But you have to go one step ahead of the master, huh... things are impermanent. very."

Dao Gu retracted his gaze from Yuan Wang, looked at the remaining floating corpses in the lobby, and said: "Its life is floating, its death is rested. Now that it is gone, take a good rest. If the plan is successful, he will be a teacher in the future. A trip to the underworld will get your soul back and let you live again!"

Everyone in the lobby was moved when they heard the words of Master Daogu. This is the sect master, who speaks like that **** who points the country. What if people die? If I want you to live, I will go to the underworld to get your soul back and revive you!

Seeing Master Daogu slowly recovered, Chen Changfeng boldly took a step forward, showing a look of grief and resentment, and said: "Sect Master, the floating talent is amazing, instinctively obtains extremely high attainments, but Long Ye gave...Sect Master, we Never let the Dragon Night, no, let the Long Family! The Long Family really deceived people too much, first kill my son Xuankong, then sweep my Chen Family, expel my Chen Family from the city of God, and then kill the floating life. , This is basically when I have no yin and yang gate!"

Chen Changfeng became extremely angry. He knelt down and kowtowed to the real Daogu: "I implore the sect master to seek justice from the Long family for my son and the floating life!"

The others couldn't bear the bullying of the Yin-Yang Gate by the Long Family. They saluted the Daogu Master and shouted, "I implore the Sect Master to seek justice from the Long Family!"

Master Daogu breathed a sigh of relief, squinting his eyes and said: "The Long Family could have become an extremely important force in the Xuanhuang plan, but it violated God's will and walked apostasy. It should be cleared!"

"Clear the Long Family! Clear the Long Family, Clear the Long Family..." Many Yin Yang Sect disciples responded to Dao Gu's words.

Master Daogu waved his sleeves to stop everyone, and said, "The Long Family is not a small sect, after all, if our family shoots directly and fights the Long Family recklessly, the loss will definitely be not small. So let other people do this thing."

"Does the sect master mean...?" Chen Changfeng frowned.

Dao Gu said: "We have people with a narrow sense of rivers and lakes to do this, and we will continue to do the present thing."

Everyone quickly understood the meaning of Daogu Zhenren, to clear the Long Family, the Yin Yang Gate does not have to pay too much, just use the people of the rivers and lakes.

Dao Gu glanced at the crowd, frowned suddenly, and said, "Where is duckweed?"

A young disciple stood up and said, "Senior Sister Ling rushed to Shendu City directly after seeing Brother Yu's body."

"Huh?" Daogu snorted and said: "This kid must have gone to find Longye for revenge. He broke into the capital city alone to find Longye for revenge. Even if she can beat Longye, she can't beat Longxingtian. , What a nonsense!"

Chen Changfeng stared at it for a moment, and said, "The master of the sect can be assured that Junior Sister Ling is a person with clear grievances. People in the rivers and lakes know her temper. She has not lost her morality, so even if she is the Long Family, I don't think I dare to kill her Yes. If the sect master is not at ease, it is better to let me take a few disciples to Divine Capital City. I am familiar with Divine Capital City, and there are people with me lurking over there, so I can take care of it when I see Senior Sister Ling."

Madam Dogu nodded and said, "That's good."


On the avenue from Daoshan to Shendu City, a refreshing woman galloped away on a brown horse. The appearance of the woman is not amazing, but it is very attractive, like a work of art, the more you look at it, the more delicious. Her eyes were more determined than ordinary women, but there was a floating sadness and vicissitudes in the fortitude. The clothes are not gentle ladies, but rangers, like a person who often runs.

She is Ling Fuping, the second disciple of Daogu Zhenren.

In addition, she was still a mute girl, unable to speak.

Ling duckweed, as the name suggests, duckweed, duckweed, was originally a thing that wanders without roots, "the wind is uncertain, man is impermanent, life is like duckweed, and the two are scattered together", so Ling duckweed almost travels all year round. Even as a direct disciple of Daogu Zhenren, he rarely returns to Daoshan. But she is a disciple that Daogu Zhenren values ​​very much.

Her aptitude is no worse than Yu Fusheng, perhaps because she can’t speak, does things without being disturbed by others, and is very attentive. Therefore, her martial arts attainments are very high. It is said that she entered the Tongxuan Realm earlier than Yu Fusheng, just to take care of Yu. The face of the floating life, did not tell.

There is only one word difference between Fusheng and Duckweed, which somewhat reveals the relationship between Ling Duckweed and Yu Fusheng. The two of them were children who were adopted by Daogu Zhenren in the same year, and they spent the longest time practicing martial arts together when they were young. Ling Fuping is not a person who is good at expressing feelings. Perhaps because she is mute, she directly ignored this step and did what she wanted to do without speaking out.

Tang Ye killed Yu Fusheng, no matter what the reason, she would seek revenge from Tang Ye. If she can't beat Tang Ye, she will admit her fate and will not resent anyone. She also has no resentment towards Tang Ye, she wants to kill Tang Ye only because of the grievances of the rivers and lakes. She also knew when it was time to repay the injustice, but she just wanted to do it. If she killed Tang Ye and the people of the Long family asked her for revenge, she would not complain.

"If you kill my people, I will kill you. If I kill you, your people can come and kill me."

It's such a simple idea, everything depends on strength!

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