My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 801: There are pros and cons!

The two sides went to war, the old man had to deal with Nangong Susu, and Tang Ye and Donglaixi went to deal with Yu Fusheng.

Originally, Tang Ye and the east and west were both in the Imperial Spirit Realm, and there was no chance of winning against Shang Yu Fusheng, a master of the Profound Realm. Don’t think that three people can win against one person. The strength before and after the Imperial Spirit is essential. The gap between the two cannot be made up by quantity. Although the quantity reaches a certain level, there will be a qualitative change, but the quantity of Tang Ye and Donglaixisi obviously can't reach this point. Therefore, if they can fight Yu Fusheng, they have to rely on the help of the old man.

Hei Lao's method is to temporarily use part of his own power to inject Tang Ye, so that Tang Ye's strength will be greatly increased, from the imperial spirit realm to the pseudo-passage profound realm. Pseudo-profound acquaintance is not a real profound acquaintance, but an ability that only a part of the profound acquaintance realm can possess. In this case, fighting against a person in the Tongxuan Realm will not lose too quickly.

"Senior, why do you help Long Ye like this!" Nangong Susu had already taken action against Hei Lao, she was very angry, and she didn't understand why the old Jianghu like Hei Lao should help the notorious and cruel Tang Ye like that.

Although Nangong Susu knew that Tang Ye was hidden and had a bad reputation in the frame of the spider web, she saw Tang Ye's brutality, torture, and murder without blinking. Even if Tang Ye killed the enemy, but being able to do such a thing to the enemy showed that he was indeed such a person in his bones. Nangong Susu dislikes it very much!

Facing the black old man, Nangong Susu did not neglect at all, and directly used the four-fold profound ice technique, and three huge ice swords appeared in front of him, like three ice domes and one sword.

"Frozen!" At the same time, Nangong Susu also condensed a group of frozen aura, smashing the aura into the ground, and immediately ice formed on the ground, like two ice walls surrounding him, sealing the black old man's escape route.

Imprisoned on one side and attack on the other. Nangong Susu’s ice attack was very powerful, and immediately there was a layer of ice around him, as if turning the wilderness into a piece of ice and snow.

On the other side, Yu Fusheng was holding a blue sword with wind on the soles of his feet, quickly approaching Tang Ye. The sword energy pressure of the profound realm made Tang Ye and Donglaixi feel stiff, as if the woodcutter encountered a tiger in the mountain, and was frightened for a while. Tang Ye is not so weak, but the insurmountable gap between Yu Ling and Tong Xuan's strength limits him. It seems that he has the courage to do bad things, but does not have enough ability to do bad things successfully, and he will eventually be caught by the police.

Although Hei Lao faced the attack of three huge ice swords while facing the danger of being imprisoned by the ice wall, Tang Ye, who knew that the Yuling Realm could not deal with Yu Floating in the Tongxuan Realm, had condensed a mass in his hands as just said. The pale light hit Tang Ye's head directly.

"Hmm!" Tang Ye's head was hit by the pale white light of the old man, and he suddenly seemed to have been given a stimulant. He felt that his whole body's strength had increased several times, and all his potentials seemed to be explored, and his vision and hearing were improved. A grade, if you can see thousands of miles, listen to all directions. This is the new world after Tongxuan?

No, this is just a pseudo Tongxuan. If you get to the real Communism, the new world that you can experience, will be much more wonderful than this.

Tang Ye became excited, more and more excited. This kind of body has been tapped into its potential, like the fullness and freshness that has been reformed again, making him feel full of endless power, and feel that even the gods in the sky can be fearless, and the Yu Floating life in that small Profound Realm can be considered What happened?

"Drink!" Tang Ye roared, as if he had become a beast, his low shout turned into a roar, and then turned into a fire man.

"Roar!" At the same time, Flame Truth was summoned out, breaking through the air.

Suddenly, under the flames emitted by Tang Ye, the surroundings became warm, even hot, blocking the freezing chill of Nangong Susu.

The sword pointed to Yu Fusheng who had come from Tang Ye. Originally, the blue sword was about to pierce Tang Ye, but Tang Ye stepped on the ground, and two flames of vines appeared in front of him, grabbing Yu Fusheng like a claw. Yu Fusheng had to retreat, a distance from Tang Ye, staring at Tang Ye coldly and gloomily.

On the other side Hei Lao dealt with Nangong Susu, and the three ice giant swords and the ice wall struck together. Hei Lao smiled. He didn't see any movement of him, the original fire stick flew in and stood in front of Hei Lao. Then Hei no longer looked at the three ice giantswords, as if that ugly fire stick was enough to deal with three ice giantswords.

He turned his head and looked at the icy wall that came together on both sides, and saw him lightly stomping his foot, and the mud on both sides suddenly bulged, forming a hard mud wall like two huge stone monuments. The mud wall collided with the ice wall and each dissipated.

Hei Lao stomped his feet, dissolving the surrounding ice wall of Nangong Susu. At this time, the three ice giant swords attacked. The dark and ugly fire stick seemed to have self-consciousness. It "dangdangdang" collided with the three ice giant swords. What was amazing was that the three mighty and domineering cold The ice giant sword was broken by that humble and ugly fire stick!

Nangong Susu's two attacks were easily resolved by the black old man!

Seeing this, Nangongsu closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he looked at Old Hei with a wry smile, and said, "Since the predecessors have realized the extraordinary supernatural power of'controlling things', why bother to tease the younger generation?"

The realm of controlling things is not difficult to understand, have you heard of Yujianfei? That's right, it's the magical powers of the ascending talents in the cultivation of immortals and the path. In the ancient Wu rivers and lakes, this kind of magical power is another qualification certificate for proving Dao Changsheng. In other words, if you want to prove the Tao for longevity, you must realize the magical power of "controlling things". Then wait for the shackles of heaven and earth to break, and those who understand this supernatural power can quickly break through their strengths, go to immortals and powers, and then soar!

The old black fire stick, as if possessing autonomous consciousness, is the proof of the supernatural power of controlling things!

There are only a handful of people who can comprehend the supernatural powers of Guwu Jianghu. To say that Hei Lao is the strength of Tong Xuan Realm, Nangong Susu deeply doubts that Hei Lao is already a fairyland!

Hei Lao always gives people a mysterious feeling, Nangong Su can not see through. Maybe it's not that she can't see through, but she doesn't have the ability to see through.

She doesn't want to fight the old man now, she will definitely not win. She just wanted to know, who is Hei Lao?

Hei Lao smiled at Nangong Susu who stopped fighting and said, "Don't worry, fight again, fight again..."


If Nangong Susu was a playful woman, he would definitely roll his eyes at this time. Fight again? Isn't this just teasing yourself?

Nangong Susu really took a sigh of relief in her heart. He didn't expect that this bad old man would actually realize the supernatural power of controlling things! It is indeed an old man left over from his master's time. At that time, it was the heyday of the ancient Wu rivers and lakes. There were waves of powerhouses in the fairyland, but they fell suddenly because of what happened. It is said that they were slaughtered by the old stubborn slaves!

It was a period of both light and darkness, and no one has mentioned the things of that year. However, Nangong Susu was still curious, what happened at that time? Her master died at that time!

Nangong Susu knew that he couldn't beat the black old man, so he simply ignored the irritating old man and turned to look at Tang Ye who was fighting Yu Fusheng. Seeing Tang Ye's surging power at this time, she was even more angry, and she said angrily without looking at the black old man: "Senior, you are absolutely helping you to abuse! I didn't expect you to be in that state. If so, I will Choosing to leave will not allow you to help Longye enter the pseudo-compassion profound realm. Now you let Longye enter the pseudo-compassion mysterious realm.

"Such a person, if he breaks through the Profound Realm and relies on the Long Family's combat skills, who can stop him?" Nangong Susu turned to stare at the old man, full of reprimand.

Nangong Susu at this meeting, although still cold and arrogant, looked like he was angry with the old man, and felt like he was the daughter of the old man. The daughter is blaming the father for doing something wrong.

Hei Lao smiled and said, "If this kid really has that kind of savvy, what about the beauty of an adult?"

"Adult beauty?" Nangong Susu rebuked again: "With Tang Ye's cruel heart, it is very easy to become evil and become a devil. One day he becomes that kind of evil, it depends on how you deal with it!"

Hei Lao looked serious and said, "One day...I will kill him myself."

"Humph!" Nangong Susu still snorted coldly.

Hei Lao smiled and said, "You only know that it is good to enter Pseudo-Tongxuan, but you don't know how bad it is. If this kid is obsessed with this feeling, he may be a Pseudo-Tongxuan for the rest of his life and never get in again. If the real faculty is established, then he will ruin it..."

"That's best, this kind of person will be quiet only after death! However, depending on the current situation, even if he enters the pseudo-Tongxuan, he will not be able to defeat Yu Fusheng. He will be killed by Yu Fusheng!" Nangong Susu sneered, suddenly He became proud and felt that Hei Lao was self-defeating, and said: "Although I can't beat you, but now I can stop you desperately. During this period, if Yu Fusheng can kill Longye, then Longye must die!"

Heilao squinted his eyes and looked at Tang Ye with a little worry.

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