My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3459: It's an idiot!

Hei Jing was very unwilling to see this situation. The space-distorting power he mastered was originally extremely terrifying and powerful. Even if the Snake Hou was protected by the power of the Sun God, as long as he was the power of the heyday, there was no need to worry, as he could deal with the Snake Hou. However, the current situation is not good. Because his power was affected by the suppression of the God of Light, he was unable to exert all his power, so he couldn't deal with the snake waiting.

His attack just now failed to injure the snake. The snake waiter stood there and let him fight, but he was unable to hurt the snake waiter. He felt like he was nakedly underestimated by the snake waiter, he was nakedly mocked by the snake waiter. The feeling of being aggrieved is really uncomfortable. However, there is no way, and now it is impossible to get rid of the seal suppression of the once God of Light. Therefore, we can only continue to fight like this.

Fortunately, at this time, they are not just people from the Dark God Realm. Although reluctant, they did join forces with the people of Chaos God Realm. Therefore, there are both sides, even if they lose to the snake for a while, it will be fine. Anyway, if the fight goes on, it will be them who will win in the end.

"Don't worry, let's go together! The longer you fight, the more the snake waits and they will fall into the wind. Today, we are going to kill the snake waiting for them in this Creation God Realm!" Lei Guang knew what was happening now, and snorted coldly. , It is an encouragement to everyone. Of course, this is also the actual situation. They are crowded, and they cooperate very well, so they can indeed deal with them.

This point is also known to Snake Hou. However, Snake Hou does not think that it is them who lose. Because at this time, Snake Hou also has expectations. That is, Tang Ye integrated the divine power of the sun in the eternal fire. Because every time Tang Ye merged some sun divine power, it meant that the sun divine power began to return. The return of the sun's divine power will strengthen their sheltering power. In this way, the longer the fight may be, there is exactly the opposite situation, that is, their power becomes stronger with the return of the shelter power. Therefore, it is not that they are bigger and weaker, but they are stronger and stronger!

For this reason, the snake waiter wants to use the method of delaying time instead. He sneered at Lei Guang and said, "Why, are you planning to do more to bully less. Or, do you want to fight on wheels or something? I think this way of consumption is very useful. Therefore, I must avoid Such a thing."

With that, the Snake Hou suddenly exerted its strength and sprayed a terrible poisonous mist from the head of the snake. Suddenly there was a black poisonous mist in a large area in front of it, which can affect the line of sight and is highly poisonous. If you are not careful, there will be Possibly poisoned. Since it was an attack from a person at the level of Snake Waiting, it would definitely have a very harmful effect on Lei Guang. Therefore, in the face of such poisonous fog, Lei Guang did not dare to rush over.

Suddenly, it was like the people of the Creation God Realm who were waiting for the snake, separated from the people of Leiguang and the others. This is exactly the poisonous mist. And this style of play doesn't seem like a quick fight, but it's going to be delayed. Snake Hou actually wanted to do this. What he said was naturally just to fool Leiguang and the others. Snake Hou is still very wise, it can be said to be more cunning.

Lei Guang didn't seem to realize Snake Hou's intention to do so. Now separated from the poisonous fog, the thunder light sent out a lightning attack, trying to eliminate the poisonous fog, or to open a channel in the poisonous fog. Then he sternly shouted at the snake, "Huh, snake, do you think this can stop us? If you want to do this, that's fine, it will only become more and more unfavorable to you!"

Lei Guang was right in thinking this way. He felt that if they were to fight a war of attrition, it must be their side who had more people. However, Hei Jing reached the poisonous mist at this moment, frowning and staring, looking like he wanted to crack the poisonous mist. Then he said to Lei Guang: "Do you really think that the snake waiter is doing this against us? Do you think that the snake waiter really wants to fight quickly, so he used this kind of poisonous fog trick?"

Hei Jing didn't want to say more, but Lei Guang's thoughts and actions really made him look down. He felt that Lei Guang was pure, just a superficial creature, and could not think about anything. Don't know where to see the clues. If Lei Guang continues to lead them, he thinks they will have trouble sooner or later.

After Lei Guang heard Hei Ji's words, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He felt that Hei Ji's questioning him was against him and questioning him. However, he was the leader of the guardian monster beasts of the Chaos Gods Realm, and he didn't want to be taught by someone from the Dark Gods Realm. In fact, deep in his heart, he deeply rejected the Dark God Realm. He felt that those dark things were only able to survive behind their light. Therefore, he felt that the existence of the Dark God Realm was nothing more than hiding in the corner and living in the dark.

Now, since cooperating with the people in the Dark Gods Realm has opened the way to the Creation Gods Realm, there is no need to bother about Hei Ji and the others. If there is anything that can be used, it is to contain the snake waiting for them. These dark things are only so useful.

"Why, Hei Ji, do you have any comments on my arrangements?" Lei Guang looked rather arrogant, and said with a sneer at Hei Ji.

Hei Jing shook her head, thinking that Lei Guang was really an idiot. And seeing such thunder light, he was even more unwilling. He couldn't understand why the power of the Dark God Realm was weaker than that of the Light God, and it seemed like a kind of natural restraint. Otherwise, why do they bother in the Dark God Realm?

But why? Why must the power of the Light God Realm be able to suppress the Dark God Realm? If this is the case, how can it be changed? Maybe it can’t be changed, but it can return a lot of the sheltering power of the Dark Gods Realm. That is to kill the guardian beasts of the Chaos Gods and let the power of the light gods of the Chaos Gods disappear, so that the existence of the dark Gods can not be affected by the Chaos Gods Influenced by the influence, they can also do more things like their masters, right?

For a while, between Lei Guang and Hei Jing, there was actually a spark of contradiction. It's just that they know that now their goal is not to do these fearless quarrels and anger, but to settle the snake and wait for them.

"I don't think you have discovered one thing." At this time, Hei Jing suppressed his inner dissatisfaction with Lei Guang, made a very reasonable explanation, and said: "The strength of Snake Hou now should be said to belong to those few Creation God Realms. Has the power to guard the monster beast changed?"

"The divine protection of their bodies has improved!" Hei Ji let out a low voice, and then said: "If you continue to fight slowly, it will only harm us, not them!"

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