My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3454: God's Domain Invasion!

For them, the power of the sun **** is inherited, which is very advantageous. Because this is like the reappearance of the power of the sun god, then the protection of the sun god's power will be effective and strengthened. In this way, they don't need to worry about being troubled by the guardian monsters of other gods, or the **** master himself.

Therefore, for what Tang Ye is doing now, integrating the power of the Sun God Lord, the Snake Waiter will definitely protect him and will not let any situation disturb Tang Ye.

"You have to be prepared for battle. Now that the Sun God Lord matters, I am afraid that the people of the second and third gods will soon know, then they are very likely to find trouble." Snake Hou said to others. Said the five guardian monsters.

Several guardian monsters were angry when he heard Snakehou's words. Because of such things, they are very angry. They know what the snake is referring to. It must be the guardian monster beast of the second god, Chaos God Realm, and might come to prevent Tang Ye from integrating the power of the Sun God King. Also, people from the third divine being in the Dark Divine Realm may also come over. Originally, the relationship between the God of Light and the God of Sun was not so bad, but because the God of Light was wounded in the eternal sea of ​​flames and was later killed by the Lord of Darkness, the attitude of the Chaos Gods towards the Creation Gods became very unfriendly. Even after several conflicts, it became an enemy.

As for the people of the Dark God Realm, they will certainly not be friendly to the Creation God Realm. Because the Dark God Realm has always wanted to eliminate the Creation God Realm, and then replace the Creation God Realm, making the Dark God Realm the first God Realm.

In the past, because of the fall of the sun god, the power of the sun **** could not be exerted much. People from the Chaos God Realm and Dark God Realm came over, and sometimes the guardian monster beasts of the Creation God Realm really suffered. Even if this continues, it will be very detrimental to them. The battles between these guardian monsters actually represented their respective divine masters fighting. If the guardian monster beasts were killed, then this divine realm would be deserted, and indeed it might be occupied by other divine realms.

Sure enough, not long after Snake Hou said those words, the sky suddenly became gloomy, and even lightning and thunder appeared. This is a phenomenon that someone has invaded the Gods’ Realm, and those who can invade the Gods’ Realm, apart from the Chaos Gods Realm and the Dark Gods Realm, which are also taboo God’s realms, there will be no other people.

Therefore, Snake Hou was very angry at this situation and said with a cold snort: "Damn, Chaos God's Domain and Dark Chaos actually joined forces. It's a joke! Those guys in Chaos God's Domain are really embarrassing. Dark God's Domain is their mortal enemy, they Actually, in order to contain our Creation God Realm, we have joined forces with our mortal enemies, which is really impressive!"

"This is the so-called no lower limit, no skin, right?" Snake Hou let out a cold snort, then jumped up suddenly. It jumped very high, as if it was about to reach the top of the sky.

The snake has a monkey body with a snake head. This monkey body should be said to be a gorilla, or "King Kong" is more appropriate. It's not for watching funny little monkeys, they are extremely domineering and almost invincible. Therefore, the snake waiting to jump up now is something that the other five guardian monsters cannot do. The Snake Time is also the guardian monster that has the greatest protection from the sun god's power. Among the six guardian monsters, its strength is the strongest.

After jumping to the sky, Snake Hou suddenly punched the place where lightning and thunder appeared in the sky.

"Ah!" After Snake made a punch, he immediately heard a cry of pain. Sure enough, behind the lightning and thunder, someone exists. And the people behind this just want to break through the space limitations between God's Domains through such lightning and thunder, and then reach the Creation God's Domain.

If it comes through a normal channel, as a guardian monster, its power will definitely be limited. And, if the normal passage does not have the consent of the leader of the guardian monster, the snake will not be able to pass it. If you force a breakthrough, you will be rebounded by a huge force, and you may have an accident. And this is, want to open up the space between the two gods, and then bypass the passage to enter.

Snake Hou knew that this was the reason why the guardian monster beast of the Chaos Gods realm and the guardian monster beast of the Dark Gods realm joined together. If they don't join hands, it is impossible to break the space between the two gods without using the power of both parties together.

"Hmph, Snake, don't think you can stop us like this!" At this moment, amidst the thunder and lightning, there was a cold snort, angrily low.

Snake Hou sneered and cursed: "Lei Guang, you really treat me as a bully for the Creation God Realm? If you think you can challenge me, just come, don't bring a group of people every time, don't be ashamed. ?"

"Huh haha, Snake, are you stupid? What you get is the protection of the power of the sun god, you who are in the first god, how can I fight you? Even if it is our **** lord, when you arrive in your creation **** domain, At the beginning, it was also greatly restricted. Huh, **** it, even you can do things with the Lord Lord. After all, you are only relying on the power of the Sun Lord. Now, you don’t have the power of the Sun Lord, I think How good are you guys?" In the black cloud of lightning and thunder, there were voices of sneers.

The snake waiter felt ridiculous, and laughed: "Why, do you mean that you didn't rely on the power of the Lord of Light for shelter?"

"You..." The voice in the black cloud with lightning and thunder naturally couldn't argue with Snakehou's words. Because it is him who is here to attack the Creation God Realm, this is a kind of invasion, and it doesn't make sense.

Of course, at this time, who would say anything. Whoever has the abilities will bully him. Whoever has the abilities will invade. Whoever has the ability will seize whose treasure. This is a very simple reason, strength is paramount.

However, on the side of the God of Light, there has always been a good reputation, and others think that God of Light is just, kind, and just. This is indeed the case. However, the God of Light had fallen, and the power of his faction was beyond the control of God of Light. Of course, deeply influenced by the God of Light, even those powers under the God of Light have this kind of mind. For this reason, Snake Hou said a few more points, these people are actually guilty of conscience.

Snake Hou sneered and said: "After all, Lei Guang, your guardian monster of the Chaos Gods Realm, in order to get the treasures of my Creation Gods Realm, don't you even need the little skin that the Lord of Light has finally accumulated? You actually united the Dark Gods Realm? Those people who are neither human nor ghost have come to attack my Creation God Domain. Are you really going to win glory for your master?"

"You shut up! Humph, don't think I don't know the situation of your Creation God Realm. Do you want a new Sun God Lord to be born? I will never allow it!" The voice screamed out loud in the black cloud of lightning and thunder .

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