My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3448: Scared!

Tang Ye's ability to evade the attack just now made it clear to the tree demon that Tang Ye's strength was good. They are all people with strength against the sky, and it is naturally easy to see the strength of the opponent. Therefore, the tree demon probably recognized Tang Ye's strength.

However, recognition does not mean that there is enough strength to eat the rain of vitality. Since Tang Ye had eaten the vitality of the rain, it would have touched its rules here, then it would take action. Either Tang Ye vomited to be born with happiness, and paid a certain price, and then he could leave. Or, Tang Ye defeated it, not only did not need to spit out the vitality rain that he ate just now, but also could get more vitality rain.

"This guardian friend, can we talk first before deciding whether to fight or not?" At this moment, after Tang Ye avoided the tree monster's attack, he quickly shouted to the tree monster.

He wanted to talk to him like he did with the snake, maybe he could avoid being attacked. However, the tree demon did not approve of such a thing, because Tang Ye had already eaten the vitality of the rain, and that would have moved its treasures here. Because the vitality rain is its treasure here.

So the tree demon felt that Tang Ye's behavior was very surprised. He could still operate like this, wanting to communicate with himself? I have never encountered such a character. The creatures I met before are directly interested in fighting for treasure. I can’t wait to kill myself immediately. Where can I talk about it?

"Haha." At this time, Snake Hou laughed and said, "How about it, old tree monster, don't you think it's interesting?"

This refers to Tang Ye's method naturally. Actually want to talk to these guardian monsters. Such people are the first time they have met.

Tang Ye was a bit speechless with Snake Hou, he began to think that Snake Hou was making trouble here. However, now that the snake waiter does not interfere with him and the dryad, he doesn't bother to pay attention to it, and continues to say to the dryad: "Although I drank the vitality rain, but... just a little bit, you don't have to take action against me. Or say. , Can there be other conditions for us not to fight?"

The Dryad felt that Tang Ye was a bit too much, and he didn't have enough negotiating capital to say that, he was really a fool! It shouted to Tang Ye in a low voice, "Since you have already drunk the vitality rain, then stop talking nonsense! Come, let me see what strength you really have, is it worth my vitality rain!"

"This..." Tang Ye was really speechless. Now the tree demon's attack was very fierce, and because it was in the Forest of Thousand Chances, it was simply everywhere. It seems that there is no way to speak well, and the only way to deal with the tree demon first.

At this time, the snake waiting on the side said to Tang Ye: "Boy, you should fight the old tree demon well, otherwise, I will fight you. Because I am the monitor of all the treasures here. The vitality is here. It's the treasure here. If the old tree monster doesn't deal with you or your opponent, then I have a reason to deal with you."

"You..." Tang Ye was very speechless when she heard Snake Hou's words. It feels like being trapped by the snake waiter. Wasn't it the Snake Hou who had been by the side to fool himself to drink the vitality of the rain? This instead gave an excuse for it to act on itself!

Tang Ye understood now, although Snake Time and Old Tree Demon were good people. However, they are also lonely and bored for too long, so they are very playful. It's rare for someone to show up now, and they certainly won't help Tang Ye solve the problem quickly, and then leave. What they want is to let Tang Ye stay here and play with them slowly.

And, these guardian monsters also have their own mission restrictions. This may be something they can't get rid of by themselves. That is to protect the treasure. This kind of thing is equivalent to their penetration into the bone marrow. Even if they don't want to, they must do something.

Therefore, Tang Ye felt that now that he drank the vitality rain, it was already inevitable to start the fight. It's... speechless. He felt that he shouldn't listen to the snake waiting to flicker. Now that he has eaten the vitality of the rain, he can't say anything clearly.

But, think about the effects of vitality. Tang Ye felt that there was nothing to regret. Indeed, his current mood is that he has no regrets at all. Therefore, he knew that deep in his heart, he actually wanted those treasures!

"I'm speechless..." Tang Ye didn't know how to describe his mood. In this case, it can only be hit.

"Tang Ye, why don't you continue to use my power? I feel that in this Creation God Realm, using my power to deal with monsters will have a special effect." At this time, the Phoenix in Tang Ye said.

Tang Ye thought so too. Because when dealing with those ant monsters just now, even if those ant monsters were very strong, they were burned by the flame power of the Phoenix and died immediately. It's almost like these monster beasts are completely unable to resist the flame power of the Phoenix. Or in other words, they can't resist at all, the power of the sun god!

However, what Tang Ye was worried about was that the guardian monsters were different from those ordinary monsters. The guardian monsters were originally set up by the sun god, so they should have the power of the sun god. In this case, perhaps the power of the Phoenix is ​​useless to them.

Forget it, don't want to, Tang Ye doesn't want to think so much now, anyway, no matter what it is, use his own power again, so that you can see which power is easier to deal with these guardian monsters.

Since there was only one battle, Tang Que planned to use Phoenix's power first. At this time, Tang Ye mobilized his strength, accumulated to his fist, and then prepared to release the Undead King's Halberd to fight the tree monster's constant attacks.

At this time, seeing Tang Ye making these preparations, Snake Hou laughed and said to the tree demon, "Old tree demon, it seems that this kid has decided to fight you. Haha, I envy you, he can finally move My muscles are moving, and I can only watch from the sidelines, alas."

The conversation between the two is like Tang Ye is just their plaything. Of course, it may not be so bad. However, Tang Ye sounded a little unhappy. Therefore, at this time, he hoped in his heart that he could defeat the tree demon, even the snake waiter.

"If that's the case, let's look at your strength!" Tang Ye yelled in his heart, suddenly released the power of the undead, and then released the undead king's halberd, hitting the upper tentacles that entangled the dryad from various places.


Tang Ye suddenly waved the Undead King's Halberd, emitting the flame of an undead bird, forming a circular flame blade gas, and quickly cut it out.

Dryad’s tentacles collided with the blazing blade. Surprisingly, the dryad’s tentacles were vulnerable to the blade of Phoenix Flame.

"Ah!" The tree monster also let out a painful cry.

This is true, not false. After being hit, the tree spirit trembled, and then instinctively retracted into the mud.

It was scared.

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