My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3389: Break the teeth!

Although the prisoner was short, his body was very strong, and the momentum of Chao Tang Ye's return was like invincible. Its attack is not too complicated, it is directly attacking with the sharp teeth of the mouth. And such an attack is precisely the most primitive as a beast, and the damage should not be underestimated.

When Tang Ye saw such a prisoner, he was actually a little bit confused. He didn't know how strong such a prisoner was, so he wanted to find out the situation of the prisoner, so he didn't avoid it.

"The kid is looking for death!" The prison tyrant felt that Tang Ye's actions were too much, and he ignored him so much. As I said just now, his strength under the control of dark evil thoughts is even more fierce and terrifying. This kid is good, he didn't avoid it. It seemed that he was really crazy, or he was going to die directly. If this is the case, then complete this silly boy, don't waste too much time on this silly boy, because there are still many human races out there to kill, haha!


Therefore, the prisoner rushed over quickly, and when he arrived in front of Tang Ye, he directly bite with his mouth. Its body is still very large, and it can swallow Tang Ye directly by opening its mouth. Therefore, it can bite Tang Ye's whole person with its mouth. It also bit down, but when it bit, it clicked like a hard object, and it could not directly bite Tang Ye off.

"Huh?" Prisoner was suddenly surprised. It didn't expect Tang Ye's body to be so hard, and with its strength it could not snap it off immediately. This is really amazing. Is this kid's strength stronger than imagined?

Just now this kid showed a very strong power, breaking the Universe Earth Seal Array, before hitting himself through the Array, this power was very strong, but at that time, he was still suppressed by the seal, and , Has not been under the power of darkness. Therefore, Tang Ye's powerful force at that time was not even as powerful as he was now.

The Prisoner thought this, and thought it was true, so it felt that its attack should be very effective against Tang Ye. But now, the result is not so. It could not bite Tang Ye, or even a little bit. It could feel that outside Tang Ye's body, a very powerful force blocked its attack.

However, the prisoner was not reconciled to this, it felt that it was much stronger than Tang Ye, how could it not hurt Tang Ye at all. Therefore, it was still biting Tang Yexia, suddenly exerting its strength, trying to bite through Tang Ye's defense, and then kill Tang Ye.


However, even if the prisoner used his strength again, he still couldn't bite the defensive force outside Tang Ye. Looking at it this way, he felt that the prisoner was gnawing on some hard object, and then he couldn't move.

"This is what you said, you have a very powerful power?" Tang Ye said aloud at this time.

At this moment, even if the prisoner used his power to bite him, Tang Ye was still intact. The layer of power outside his body continuously formed a shield, which was very strong. He looked at the prisoner trying to bite him, then calmly said, "If this is your power, then I can only say that you are really nothing terrible. In this way, I will hit you a few more times. , See if you can wake up."

"And these things, I want you to remember, even after you wake up, you still have to remember. Because only in this way, you will be honest and obedient. I am the one you can't disobey!" Tang Ye looked up and looked. Xiang Zheng bit his prisoner's tyrant, and then suddenly exerted force, and suddenly he, together with the power shield outside his body, rushed up like a ball, and attacked the prisoner's tooth.

"You..." The prison tyrant could not bite Tang Ye, but Tang Ye could counterattack it so easily, and when the impact came up, it couldn't be unable to contain Tang Ye with its mouth, and was impacted so that it went up. This surprised it so much, how could there be such a thing? Why is this human race so powerful? !

"This kid..." The prisoner was completely shocked, and suddenly felt that something bad would happen.


"Ah!" At this moment, the prison tyrant felt that one of his teeth was about to be knocked out. It turned out that it was Tang Ye's shocking power. This power was so powerful that its entire body flew with it. It cannot understand that although it is short, its body is considered a huge monster to humans. Moreover, his own strength is also very strong, so why is it so easy to be shocked when facing Tang Ye this kid?

There is only one explanation, that is, Tang Ye's strength is enough for it.

"Impossible!" However, the prisoner felt that his thoughts were terrifying. If Tang Ye's strength is so strong, is it still human? It remembered that the strength of the ancestors of the human race was already top-notch. Then the ancestors of the human race also talked about that if you want to break through to be stronger, you need to use other methods. Could it be said that the human race after that has really found a way to break through that limit?

However, he could be regarded as staying at the Blue Star forever, and he did not perceive the human race's breakthrough limit. He just felt one thing, that is, a different breath came out behind the human race. A part of the breath was added to the other breath that was not human, and this breath was also integrated into the bloodline, which was considered to have changed the human race. However, Prisoner felt that these guys who had changed their bloodlines could not be regarded as humans. It felt that these people simply abandoned their human identity. For these human races, it is impossible to break through the human race limits mentioned by those ancestors. Because even the human race is no longer there, what are you talking about breaking the "human race limit"?

Obviously, what the prisoner was talking about was those new human races. However, it does not recognize this kind of thing. Because it knows that the so-called breaking through the limits of the human race means comprehending on its own basis, whether it is from the spiritual level or the physical level. Some people are born with strong spirits and can abandon their physical bodies to keep their souls immortal. This is a way to break the limit. And some people have been obsessed with cultivating the flesh throughout their lives, and they have cultivated the flesh to an extreme level, so as to break through and become eternal existence. This is also a way to break through the limits of the human race. However, changing the bloodline and adding that messy power is definitely not a way to break through the limit!

"What's impossible?" Tang Ye sneered at the prisoner, and said: "There are too many things that can make you impossible. Now, I will do what I just said, and beat you to sober, anyway. Won't die."

After all, Tang Ye simply removed the power shield from his body. But in this way, he would be attacked by the prisoner's sharp teeth. But it doesn't matter, because at this time, he stretched out his hand to attack. He grabbed the sharp part of one of Prisoner's sharp teeth with one hand, and then directly attacked.

Tang Ye's body was changing, and he attacked the prisoner's tooth every time it changed. Then, this tooth loosened and was about to be knocked out, and the pain made the prisoner scream.

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