My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3293: Save people cannon fodder!

The matter is almost a foregone conclusion. An Tianhou can't be Tang Ye's opponent. Now, the black chain condensed by Tang Ye with the power of the dead spirits is attacking An Tianhou, and An Tianhou can no longer stop it. And now An Tianhou was injured very seriously, and both inside and outside, but Tang Ye still had no injuries at all, the result was naturally obvious.

Things won't turn around so much, so next, Tang Ye attacked An Tianhou, very smoothly, An Tianhou was injured more severely, and no one would think he could beat Tang Ye. When the other new human races saw An Tianhou like this, they were shocked and very worried. They stopped thinking about killing the old human race and came back to help An Tianhou.

"Patriarch, let's retreat!" In the face of this situation, a new human race rushed to An Tianhou to save An Tianhou, and at the same time suggested to An Tianhou that they retreat and return to the headquarters in the blue star. This might happen. Opportunity to regroup.

However, it is impossible for An Tianhou to accept such a result. He felt that if he retreats and leaves now, it would be a surrender. Then what face does the new human race have? What face does he have? At this time Antianhou, all these were considered. He felt that even if he died in battle, he couldn't do that.

"Patriarch, you can leave the green hills without worrying about firewood! Let's retreat first, and we will be able to start again in the future!" The new human race continued to persuade, because he knew that in this situation, they had nothing to do except retreat and escape. Good choice.

Tang Ye felt ridiculous when he heard such words, and said, "I said, did you forget my existence? Do you want to leave? Do you think you can leave if you want to leave? What a pity, what I want to tell you is , You can’t leave. Because the current situation is that I want to kill you, it’s easy, none of you can escape. And it is precisely that you have committed too many murders, you have killed too many people, no matter what Is it the old human race, or other tribes that don’t listen to you. So, today, I want to punish you, and you can be regarded as paying for the blood. Therefore, you **** it, you must die."

"You..." An Tianhou was very angry at Tang Ye's words, so Tang Ye didn't give them any choice at all.

But even if Tang Ye is like this, An Tianhou can only be helpless, because now he is getting more and more injured, there is no way to take Tang Ye. The facts are indeed like that. They don't mean that they can retreat by retreating. As long as Tang Ye chases and kills them, they can't escape at all.

And Tang Ye's words stimulated the new human race who came to save Antianhou. He felt that if the result was destined to be like this, then he would have to think about it again, and he should try his best to kill Tang Ye. So he rushed to Tang Ye to kill Tang Ye. But this approach is obviously ridiculous. He was just a person who had just stepped into the sky realm, and facing Tang Ye's power that was completely helpless at this time, he could only become cannon fodder in vain.

Tang Ye didn't need to deal with him specially, just controlled the power of the dead to become chains under the black flames, and then several attacked them together. This new human race couldn't stop it, and the body was penetrated by several holes, and there were two of them. A deadly place, and then he fell to his death.

"But, damn..." This new human race could only spit out some words with difficulty to Tang Ye, and then there was no sound anymore, falling down, and died.

Seeing his subordinates so easily killed by Tang Ye, An Tianhou felt very sad. Today, whether he is alive or dead, he will surely suffer heavy losses. This kind of result has already broken his heart, and he has become more unstable, hesitated, began to suffer, and don't know what to do.

Of course he doesn't want to die, because he still has a lot to do. However, it is impossible for him to beg Tang Ye for mercy. He used to be such a strong person, even now, he is also a very strong person, so it is impossible for him to bow his head to Tang Ye and beg Tang Ye for mercy. Besides, he remembered that Tang Ye just said that he must be killed. He thought he was the patriarch of the new human race. As the commander of the new human race’s actions in the past, he committed the greatest crime. For this reason, he could not have Chance to live.

"Patriarch, I'll save you!" At this time, another new human race came over to save the weather. However, these new human races were too weak for Tang Ye. Although in terms of the strength of this world, their strength is not weak. However, because Tang Ye was too strong, they seemed very weak.

Just like the new human race just now, this newcomer new human race approached Tang Ye and wanted to attack Tang Ye. But at this time, Tang Ye still held An Tianhou's fist in one hand, and then the other side condensed the power of the dead into a sharp arrow, and finally attacked suddenly.

Whoosh whoosh!

"Ahhhhhhh!" The black flames turned into sharp arrows that attacked the past. For the new humans of these forces, it was simply unstoppable, so this new new human race was quickly killed by Tang Ye, and then fell into the void abyss. .

An Tianhou watched these tribesmen come to rescue him one by one, and was very moved. He did not expect that these tribesmen would not abandon him at this critical moment.

"Patriarch, I'll save you too!" Things may make An Tianhou very happy, because there will be new human races coming to rescue him continuously, it's almost like a servant.

However, for such a situation, An Tianhou was moved at first, but later became very worried. Because these clansmen who rushed over could not save him at all, and would take their lives for nothing because of him.

"Don't come to rescue me again! I'll be fine!" After discovering that something was wrong, An Tianhou shouted loudly to the new humans.

Just now one after another new human race was killed. And these new human races, even if they are weaker, as long as they don't face monsters like Tang Ye, they are still very powerful in general. But now, they choose to save An Tianhou and want to kill Tang Ye, it is impossible to leave.

Tang Ye's attack was still that simple and rude. Use the power of the undead to condense into a powerful weapon, or fight it out, and then make these people unable to approach him at all, then he is naturally very safe.

Tang Ye's necromantic power is so strong that these people can't imagine. It can be said that even if he uses the power of those dead spirits to kill the new human race, or kills all the new human races, the power of these dead spirits will not be exhausted. Therefore, as more and more new human races rushed over to save the weather, more and more people can be seen falling into corpses.

"You all stop for me!" An Tianhou couldn't bear to see such a situation. He was caught by Tang Ye, and Tang Ye could kill his people at will. This huge gap has already made him give up, and he wants these people to escape.

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