My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3203: Not worth seeing!

As the announcement made by An Tianhou reached the ears of many tribes, everyone even regarded this kind of thing as a lively thing. Because An Tianhou actually said that if Tang Ye could step into the blue star alien, that is, one step outside, then he would lose to Tang Ye. For him, it is more than just face loss.

However, many people already know that Tang Ye, an old human race, is quite difficult. Even the bounty guild was solved by Tang Ye, and Tang Ye's strength was passed down as the Sky Realm, he also had a powerful weapon called a divine weapon, and he had mastered many strange secret skills. In this way, how could Tang Ye be unable to break into the Blue Star at all?

Is An Tianhou's strength really so terrifying?

As things fermented, this matter also aroused the curiosity of many people. Whether they were watching the show or not, they were also curious about An Tianhou's strength. After all, the new human race is developing rapidly, and many people have become partners of the new human race. However, there are also many people who have forged enmity with the new human race. Therefore, they have to understand these situations and see how to choose.

Of course, some people really just watch the fun. Moreover, some people are more sinister with their intentions. Because they feel that things between the new and old human races are actually the same tribe. The fact that the same tribe still has such a contradiction makes people laugh and generous.

In fact, Tang Ye also knew about such things, so when he solved the new human race, he planned to revoke the so-called new human race and the old human race, all of which are human races!

At this moment, Tang Ye was sitting on the deck in front of the spacecraft, looking at the surrounding scenery, it was already night, and it was considered to be towards the sea of ​​stars.

Ada and Aqi came with Tang Ye. In fact, the old human races gathered by the Pearl Stars are basically here, so now it takes a few spaceships to hold these thousands of people. Such a thing, if it weren't for Tang Ye's sufficient appeal, it would actually be impossible. Because now so many old human races are heading to the Blue Star together, if Tang Ye can't do it and fails, it means that these old human races have to die. In this case, wouldn't it be like, killing them all at once?

If there is some conspiracy theory, saying that Tang Ye is actually a new human race, or colluded with the new human race, going to the Blue Star is not to deal with the new human race, but to help the new human race eliminate the old human race. That kind of question is very scary to think carefully.

Among these old human races, definitely not everyone agreed with Tang Ye's approach. Just as Ada and Aqi were opposed to this decision at the beginning. Anyone who is more rational will probably think this approach is inappropriate. Therefore, now these old human races are following Tang Ye, it can be said that they trust Tang Ye very much.

It's like treating Tang Ye as a belief. The so-called "King of Man" is probably a fanatic.

Now that I have come to this point. Then, I can only hope that Tang Ye has not lied to them and has enough power to deal with the new human race. Otherwise, the fate of their old human race would really be overwhelming.

"My lord, at this speed, we will be able to reach the Blue Star in no time. The spaceship of the Wushuang Lord is indeed very good. However, the subordinates have heard some news about the new human race." A Qi came over and talked to Tang Ye. Said.

"Huh? What news?" Tang Ye asked A Qidao curiously.

A Qi said: "The patriarch of the new human race, An Tianhou, let out a word. He said that he would not let us get closer. In this way, they were already prepared."

Tang Ye rolled his eyes, pretending to look like he was thinking, and then said: "It's okay, just let them prepare. In the face of strong enough power, all their preparations are useless. But one thing I want to consider is, no Let their designs hurt you. If they surround us and attack us together, you may be in danger."

Ada and Aqi said together: "Don't worry, adults, we will pay attention to it. Even if we are surrounded by them, we will fight to the death and will not drag the adults!"

Tang Ye raised his hand to stop Ada's words, and said, "I won't say anything like dragging, it doesn't sound good. Don't worry, I'm already prepared for this question. When it's almost the Blue Star, you will dock several spaceships. Together, I set up a guardian circle in the center so that you don't have to worry about being attacked. What if you are surrounded by new human races? Just let them fight, and they can't fight you anyway."

Ada and Aqi had seen the ten-thousand-star chain magic circle arranged by Tang Ye, and they had always benefited from this magic circle. Therefore, they will no longer be afraid of having such a magic circle.

After that, Tang Ye and the others continued to drive to the Blue Star. In the process, I encountered people of other races. They all heard about the new human race and the old human race. For a time, they wanted to see the excitement. So they followed Tang Ye one after another. Tang Ye ignored them, just headed to the blue star.

However, as more and more people followed, the situation became more and more complicated. Some of them were from the New Human Race, and they were naturally very angry with Tang Ye's behavior. Thinking of the arrogance of the old human race during this period of time, I wanted to frustrate the spirit of the old human race, so I came to Tang Ye for trouble.

Then, a spaceship equipped with many combat weapons rushed in front of Tang Ye and the others, and stopped Tang Ye and the others.

"Who is Tang Ye? Get out for Laozi!" On the deck of the blocking spacecraft, a big man with a huge shark tooth knife on his back was standing with his head high. Drink it out.

"Who are you? Why stop us?" For this big man, Ada and Aqi took a few elite soldiers from the old human race out to respond.

Tang Ye was actually there, but Tang Ye didn't come forward. Instead, she sat on a small leisure platform behind the spacecraft, eating and watching the situation in front of her, walking leisurely in the courtyard, very leisurely.

Tang Ye felt that this kind of matter would be handled by Ada and A Qi. After all, Ada and Aqi now have the strength of the Sky Realm. Of course he can't do everything by himself, even if he is strong, he can remove all obstacles. However, for these things, how many opportunities should be given to Ada and Aqi to exercise. Otherwise, when he leaves in the future, no one in the old human race can deal with it, no one can take the lead, that would be bad.

The big man carrying a shark tooth knife saw Ada and Aqi come out, glanced at him, and then said to Ada: "Tang Ye is a man, then it is not that woman, so you are Tang Ye?"

Ada was very angry and snorted coldly: "Just you? You don't deserve to see our adults!"

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