My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3193: Disgusting!

Seeing that the cheetah rookie is about to attack, the three badly injured rookies know that they must be unable to stop the attack of the uninjured cheetah rookie. For a while, I felt that it was very unfair. In such a situation, isn't it just for them to die?

But now it is not that they have the final say on this kind of thing, Tang Ye is in control of them, they have no choice but to do their best to resist, only hoping to stop the new cheetah race.

"Huh, isn't it ridiculous that you are like this? Knowing that it is impossible for you to block me in your current state, why do you use that little strength to resist me?" The new cheetah raced over and wanted to fight three The rookie had a fatal attack.

The three new human races were very angry with the cheetah new human race, and one of them coldly snorted: "You alone can't say such a thing! Damn, if it weren't for you, do you think we would be like this? I must kill you!"

"Kill me? Okay, then I'll take a look, how did you kill me!" Cheetah rookie sneered. Now his strength is almost at its peak, so dealing with the three seriously injured people is simply a breeze. He was a little grateful to Tang Ye. He didn't hurt him just now, and then let him fight against the three injured new human races. It's like making him win.


However, at this moment, when the new Leopards were about to attack the three new humans, he was suddenly hit by a huge force, and his looting body was hit directly into the ground, and he also hit a big hole.

"Puff! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

Then he looked at Tang Ye and shouted angrily: "What are you doing? You said let me fight the three of them, whoever survives can survive, but you are hurting me now. Is this favoring them?"

Tang Ye was the person who had just played Cheetah New Human Race. And this scene surprised the three injured new human races, what is Tang Ye doing? They really can't understand. Tang Ye is really weird. However, this is a good thing for myself, just don't have any more conspiracies.

Tang Ye smiled at this time, just shrugged, and said to the new cheetah: "You don't need to be angry, because I just made this thing fair. You know, now they are all seriously injured, if you If you are not injured, then you can kill them easily. In this case, is it too unfair to them? And, it’s not fun at all, isn’t it? So, I want you to get hurt a bit. Of course, I The injury to you is not as serious as theirs, otherwise it would be unfair to you. After all, they have three people. So, now you are injured less than them. It's like, your current strength is combined with the three of them. The strength of getting up is about the same. In this case, wouldn't it be fair for you to fight again?"

"You..." Of course the new cheetah race was very angry about Tang Ye's arrangement. In this case, he would lose his advantage, and he might also be killed by the three new human races!

Damn it! The rookie cheetah cursed in his heart. However, things really became fair in this way, and Tang Ye had done nothing wrong, so he couldn't refute anything.

However, he suddenly realized that this matter was terrible. Because he found that he actually accepted this thing in his heart. Tang Ye treated them as playthings and wanted them to kill each other, as if it was something he had to do!

can not do this! In this case, doesn't it mean that he has recognized himself as Tang Ye's plaything?

Therefore, the new cheetah glared at Tang Ye and resisted: "I quit! Tang Ye, I won't let myself be played by you! Hmph, I would rather die than be your plaything! "

Tang Ye squinted his eyes, sneered, and said, "What? I just made things fair and you are not happy? But, just now when you were not injured and had such a big advantage, you were not like this. Just now you would win 100%, that is, you would kill them, and then live by yourself, so that you are happy. And now you are injured, you may be killed, your ending is death, so Are you not happy?"

Tang Ye smiled more playfully, looked at the three new human races, and said, "What do you think? Like him, thinking you can resist me like a plaything, and then all go to death? Or you? Are you willing to continue this game and win, so you can continue to live?"

The new cheetah race felt that they could not be deceived by Tang Ye, and looked at the three new races and said loudly, "We can't continue to be Tang Ye's playthings! What if we are dead? Don't you think we are being swayed by Tang Ye like this Playing tricks, have you lost the face of the new human race? Also, do you think Tang Ye will really let us go in the end? I think in the end, Tang Ye will definitely kill us all!"

The three new human races heard the words of the cheetah new human race, but they were unmoved, all staring at the cheetah new human race. Just like Tang Ye said, the appearance of the new cheetahs really made them sick. Just now the new cheetahs were not injured, they could easily kill them, win victory, and then survive, but they are not as sturdy as they are now, uniting them to fight against Tang Ye, not playing this kind of game, but the first quick shot , People who want to kill themselves. And now, he is injured, it is not so easy to kill his side, but he has the backbone, want to unite his side to resist Tang Ye?

Indeed, they knew that they were Tang Ye's plaything now, but their anger from the new cheetah race was greater than their anger towards Tang Ye. They want to kill such a shameless new cheetah race. Moreover, if Tang Ye had the words to say, then after killing the new cheetah human race, he could live on his side!

To stay alive, killing the despicable cheetah rookies who betrayed them twice is what they want to do the most for these three rookies. This is perfect for them. Therefore, they did not listen to the words of the new cheetah race. At this time, they were all staring at the cheetah rookie. Then one of them shouted to the new cheetah: "Cheetah, you damn, you still have the face to mention the dignity of our new human? Everyone can mention it, but you can't!"

"Hmph, now, it's our turn to kill you!" The new human race yelled again, and then said to the other two companions, "We joined hands and killed the cheetah. He is such a scum. Ashamed! Then, we have to live!"

"Of course, we will do it!" The other two new human races made the same decision. Then, the three of them were seriously injured, joined forces, and attacked the new cheetah race.

The new cheetah race was furious, and shouted in a low voice: "You are actually willing to be playthings, well, then don't blame me for killing you!"

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