My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3190: Trial!

At this moment, Tang Ye was chasing the new cheetah race. He didn't worry that the three new human races who had just beaten back would escape, because it was impossible. Not to mention that these three new human races have been seriously injured, even if they are not injured, Tang Ye will not let them escape. It was almost evening, and he had nothing else to do. Since these new human races wanted to kill the old human race so much, he would have fun and let them remember a bitter lesson.

Sometimes to make a person stop doing something, in addition to killing him, you can also make him remember that he can't do that by making him suffer a painful enough price. Even, you can use him to prevent others from doing that. Tang Ye wanted to try this method now. Because he wants these people to send a message, that is, what will be the consequences of killing the old human race. Because there may be other new human races, or there will be new human races lurking in the future and then killing people. In this case, there is a steady stream of killings.

Therefore, Tang Ye felt that through that kind of painful lesson, or fear dominance, these people would not dare to do it again.

Of course, the most fundamental way is to go to the Blue Star to solve the new human race and let the old human race develop again.

Speaking out may make people feel cold, ruthless and cruel, but Tang Ye's mood at this time, how to deal with those new human races, is indeed a bit like a after show. Not only can you consume time, but also try a way to contain the new human race against the old human race.

At this time, the cheetah rookie race is using all its strength to escape. He didn't dare to stop at all, and even the power he used was the strongest power. Because he knew that in the face of Tang Ye's strength, he had to do this. Don't think about retaining strength. At this time, if you still think about retaining strength or something, you may never have the opportunity to use the retained strength.

"I've been running away for so long, Tang Ye shouldn't be able to catch up!" At this time, the new Leopard race looked back and muttered softly. Because he felt that even if Tang Ye could kill these new human races in seconds, but there were several of them just now, it would take some time. And he has run far enough in this little time. Although he is the strength of the master of the star realm, but with the power of the natural ability bonus, the speed can actually reach the strength of the sky realm. If this is the case, if you run away first, you will definitely be able to get far enough away from Tang Ye. Therefore, he didn't believe that Tang Ye could catch up.

For this reason, he was wondering if he could escape in another direction. He would not stop to rest, this fluke idea he thought was very stupid. So at this time, what needs to be done is to use some brains. So, he thinks that he can no longer escape in a straight line like this. If Tang Ye was running in a straight line, if Tang Ye's strength was much stronger than his, then it was only a matter of time before he could catch up. If that's the case, it's better to get some illusions or traps to confuse Tang Ye, so that it will help you escape. Then, go to the dock to take a spaceship and leave the Pearl Star!

Only by leaving the Pearl Star, can you be completely relieved. He is going to return to the Blue Star, and now Tang Ye's strength has greatly exceeded his imagination. Such information needs to be brought back and told to the patriarch so that the tribe can be fully prepared!

The cheetah rookies used the cheetah's natural ability that was opened at this time to observe the surrounding situation, but did not feel Tang Ye's breath, so it was thought that Tang Ye did not catch up. And he didn't plan to run away in a straight line anymore, so he had to change direction. He decided to run back and then change. As a cheetah, he can guarantee that the route he changes is safe.


However, just as the new cheetah was about to turn around, a figure suddenly appeared, scared him, and he stopped quickly. Then he looked at this figure, and was stunned, his expression stopped, as if he had seen a ghost.

"" Cheetah's rookie race did indeed see a ghost. Looking at the figure that appeared, I didn't know what to say. He could not imagine such a thing. Think it's impossible, because this figure is Tang Ye. How could it be Tang Ye. Impossible, after running for so long, can Tang Ye chase him?

Even if you can catch it, it won't be so fast, right?

"Tang Ye, how could you have chased it! Impossible!" The new cheetah is about to collapse a bit, and this can be chased, how strong is Tang Ye's strength. The speed of his own escape is comparable to the sky realm. And Tang Ye was able to catch up to the Sky Realm so quickly, could it be that he had reached the Heaven Realm?


The Heavenly Realm can only be reached by the geniuses of the two gods, Emperor Void Great and Emperor Xinghe. Now Emperor Void and Emperor Galaxy still care about these trivial matters in the world of stars and stars. If Tang Ye reached the Heavenly Realm, how could no one know?

Tang Ye looked at the new cheetah human race, smiled, and said, "Why can't I chase you? You are not very strong."

"You..." Cheetah's rookie race was really speechless. Therefore, Tang Ye can catch up with him, not because Tang Ye is very strong, but because he is too weak?

Damn it! Are you humiliating yourself again?

Tang Ye didn’t want to say so much to the new cheetah human race. He wanted to take the new cheetah human race back, and then see how the three new human races would react, and said to the new cheetah human race: “What you did just now People were shocked. Originally thought you would join forces with other new human races to deal with me, but I did not expect you to escape by yourself. Escape so fast, it’s a bit like letting those new human races hold me down so you can escape The question is, some of your new human races don’t seem to have such a strategy, right? So, those new human races now think that you sold them. Now they are very angry. If they meet you, they probably want to kill you. ."

The cheetah rookie frowned at this point. At this point, he knew he was doing something wrong. However, he did not feel that he had done something wrong. Because in that situation, it would be stupid to fight Tang Ye again. In the face of various situations, we must adapt to circumstances. I only fled according to the circumstances. If those new human races can react, it should be the first time to escape. They don't run, they are stupid!

The new cheetah human race did not have any guilt, and coldly snorted to Tang Ye: "I didn't expect that they would be stupid enough to fight you, that kind of power gap, would you die if you didn't leave? And, what do you say they saw me Will you let them go?"

"Of course not." Tang Ye shrugged and said, "However, I didn't kill them right away. Then I saw their anger at you, so I want to catch you back and let them kill you. If they don't kill , Let's talk about it. I want to see how your new human race treats the betrayal."

"By the way, we have to see if your new human race is going to be completely destroyed, or it is worth having a chance to reform." Tang Ye was very joking, like a trial.

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