My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3164: The first power!

It is said that the God of Light created the world, and the world was in chaos and darkness. It was the God of Light who opened up the chaos and emitted a light to illuminate the world. He said, if there is light, there will be light. However, now the words of the Six-Winged Devil Snake seem to be asking another question, where does the light of the God of Light come from?

This is a very big problem, and no one knows. Because if the God of Light is the God who created this world, then of course he is the first person to exist. After him, other creatures existed. After all, after the world exists, there will be creatures in the world. Even the ancient dark clan was born after the emergence of light and "dark shadow".

The God of Light should naturally be the oldest existence, and no one is older than the God of Light. This is probably everyone's perception. However, if you have to ask, how was the God of Light born? Could it be that the God of Light was born by himself? If it was bred by someone else, wouldn't there be people older than the God of Light?

In fact, such a problem is unnecessary. Because if it is pursued in this way, it is endless. Even Tang Ye felt particularly boring. Because the creation of the earth's ancestral land was said to be the Pangu God Emperor. As a result, the Pangu God Emperor was just a member of the Pangu clan. So, where did the Pangu clan come from?

Then, Tang Ye came to the present world. This world is indeed very big, even if it is a world of stars, it is just like a city. It is equivalent to the fact that the city here is like an earth ancestor. In this world, Tang Ye did see a lot of magnificent sights, with a larger variety of races. However, now he has gone back to the "creation of the world", and for this he feels bored.

In this case, it is better to go back to the ancestral land of the earth, that is the hometown, that is your root. There, even if you are an existence that can be called a "god", it would be good to hide your identity, live quietly, and return to the usual little days.

This time, Tang Ye really had that kind of thought. I don't want to explore the big world anymore, I don't want to chase the stars and the sea, just return to the usual small days before.

Therefore, Tang Ye now has that kind of idea, to solve the problem of the dark race, help the old human race to regain the blue star, and correct the new human race's misconceptions. Then find a way to return to the ancestral land of the earth. Just treat this as an experience, after all, I still have to go home.

Go home.

Tang Ye missed it very much, maybe everything outside would be over.

Many things, or a little idea, just come out so suddenly that no one can predict it. Then, it's time to end.

However, Tang Ye is not yet the strongest existence in this world. Whether he can solve all problems, leave himself alone and go home with peace of mind, depends on the development of the next thing. Maybe the Dark Clan could not be solved, and he would be killed, so it would be impossible to talk about the future.

So Tang Ye looked at the Six-Winged Demon Snake and said, "According to your opinion, could it be said that the eternal sea of ​​flames appeared earlier than the God of Light? But isn't it the God of Creation?"

The Six-Winged Demon Snake glanced at Tang Ye, sneered, and said, "That's right. You don't know anything about the God Realm. We, the dark race, are at the moment of the birth of light, which cannot be illuminated by light. Was conceived in the "shadow" of the gods. The gods once were full of light, and there was no place for shadows. Therefore, there was no darkness in the gods. That's why it is said that there is heaven. But gods Under the realm, there are a lot of shadows, so our dark people can exist. But it does not mean that the existence of darkness is necessarily bad. The so-called sunrise works and sunsets. It is precisely because of our darkness. , The world will become exciting."

"Before this, don’t misunderstand one thing. Darkness does not mean that it is evil and negative. Once, light and darkness coexisted, and there was a very harmonious time. Until the change of the gods. Perhaps none of you thought about it, God In fact, the world was once very envious of the human world. Because the world is more exciting than the gods. For this reason, some of the gods in the gods became jealous and angry, which produced terrible evil thoughts. Then, they introduced darkness into the gods. This gave those evil desires the opportunity to invade the God Realm and make the God Realm collapse. After that, the world became chaotic and disorderly."

After a pause, the Six Winged Demon Snake glanced at Tang Ye, did not want to continue, and said, "Of course you don’t know these things, and not many people know. If it weren’t for these things that were passed down in the Shadow, we The dark race knows, and we don’t know. But now that these are useless and do not help us, there is no need to waste time. I just want to say that the eternal sea of ​​fire was originally a place in the gods, and here is the light A place where God rests and replenishes strength. It can be said that the God of Light is strong and survives by the eternal sea of ​​fire. So, you know what I mean?"

Tang Ye was completely surprised at this time. Speaking of the Six Winged Devil Snake, he certainly understood it. Does that mean that the birth of the Phoenix is ​​no worse than the God of Light?

This is amazing too! If the **** of light exists by the eternal sea of ​​fire, then the phoenix born from the sea of ​​eternal fire is almost at the same level as the **** of light. Even the God of Light relies on the existence of the eternal sea of ​​fire, but the Phoenix does not need it. But the Phoenix has the power of the sea of ​​eternal fire. Doesn't it mean that the God of Light may be more advanced than the God of Light?

"Haha, it turned out to be like this. The eternal sea of ​​flames... it turned out to be the power there, no wonder it can rival the God of Light!" The Six-Winged Demon Snake laughed out loud, as if to figure out the truth of the matter, looked at Tang Ye and said: "This thing has become very interesting. If there is an eternal sea of ​​flames, then the dark race will have nothing to fear. However, the power of the eternal sea of ​​flames contained in your undead flame is not very strong. It must be because, The phoenix hasn’t been in the eternal fire for a long time. Even since it was born in the eternal fire, it has not cultivated strength there anymore. After all, the **** of light is not so strong at the beginning, and it continues to grow stronger through the eternal fire. In other words, the phoenix Now it's like someone who has just entered into cultivation. But even so, he has such a powerful power, which shows how terrifying the power of the eternal sea of ​​fire is.

The Six-Winged Demon Snake said again: "You can go to the eternal flames. In this case, the world will change, and everything is yours. However, the eternal flames are not that easy. Now you and the phoenix are merged together. Once you are not recognized, the eternal sea of ​​fire is your burial place!"

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