My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3124: Hiding fast!

The words of the Dark Lord make it weird to worship the Demon God. Indeed, the growth of their dark clan is actually a process of fighting each other and the strong eating the weak. When there was no monarch before, it was always in this state. When the Dark Lord appeared, he moved towards unification, gradually gained leadership and control, and slowly stabilized. However, the way of fighting and devouring has not stopped, and the selection of the strong is still through this method.

When they grow up to a certain point, they will fight. The winner eats the loser, making the winner stronger, and the weaker loser no longer exists. Therefore, everyone in the Dark Clan will not be mediocre. As for those who can grow to the point of offering sacrifices to the Demon God, I don't know how many members of the same race have personally killed. Even, I don't know how many brothers and sisters were killed.

This approach, although guaranteed to be strong, is too cruel, so the dark people have always been said to be cold-blooded and ruthless. However, for the dark monarch, offering sacrifices to the devil, after so many things, there is no need to fight to become stronger, it is inevitable that there will be some emotions. However, they know that this kind of thing will not change. Since their dark people have survived in this way, if they change, it will be fatal to them.

Especially at this critical time. If it is because of unnecessary hesitation, intolerance and other feelings that affect the plan, it is unforgivable. The Dark Lord saw the feelings of the sacrificial demon **** towards the six-winged demon snake, so he reminded him.

The sacrificial demon **** realized his gaffe, and hurriedly lowered his head and said: "My lord, please rest assured, I will never delay the plan of our entire tribe because of those boring emotions. If the six-winged demon snake fails, then I will follow The Lord's plan to do it. I think even if the Six Winged Devil Snake knows about this kind of thing, he will be very happy to give his own. Because this is for the dark people, there is nothing more meaningful than this."

The Dark Lord did not continue to talk to the Sacrifice Demon God, but simply said: "Remember what you should do and what you should not do."

Then the Dark Lord disappeared in place, and in the dark world under this seal, he had nowhere to go, only in a flash.

call! Huhu!

At this time, the six-winged demon snake incarnates with spirit power, and half of his spirit power is here, rushing outside. When passing through the gap of the seal of the God of Light, the power of the God of Light immediately attacked him. This power was very powerful, even if he used half of his spirit power, it would almost kill him.

"Hmph, I don't believe it. With the dark ring of the monarch and the two magic circles that worship the demon god, it can't stop you!" The six-winged demon snake yelled, very angry at the seal attack of the light god, that's it. The attack prevented them from going out and was trapped in endless darkness for countless years. His hatred of Guangming God is beyond words. Even if the God of Light was dead, he could not wait to pull the God of Light out to whip the corpse. Now he was angry at Tang Ye's obstruction, but he couldn't talk about hatred. Hatred was a long emotion. Not long after he confronted Tang Ye, naturally he couldn't talk about hatred, just anger.

"After I kill the kid outside, I will break your seal, and then kill all the things you left in the world, whether it is power or the race that is related to you, such as the envoy of that day!" The Six-Winged Demon Snake was furious, and while bearing the attack of the seal of the God of Light, he cursed again and again.

Facing the attack of the seal of the **** of light, at this time, the power of the magic star circle and the dark sky circle wrapped around him played a role. The magic star array gathered the magic power of their dark clan and instantly increased the power of the Six-Winged Demon Snake, making the Six-Winged Demon Snake have the ability to resist the attack of the God of Light.

After withstanding the first wave of attacks from the seal of the **** of light, and facing the second attack of the seal of the **** of light, the power of the dark sky circle also played a role. The space barrier formed by the dark sky magic circle was actually formed by consuming the spirit power of offering sacrifices to the demon god. Even if this space defense force is not very powerful, because it acts as a third-party space, the isolation force is very strong, and to break such isolation, you need even more powerful force. Therefore, this barrier blocked the second wave of attacks from the seal of the God of Light.

But soon, the third wave of attacks sealed by the God of Light came again. This is also the last wave of attacks on the seal of the God of Light. At this time, the Six Winged Devil Snake activated the power of the Dark Ring. Suddenly, a huge and strong dark magic power erupted in the dark ring, and it actively attacked the seal of the light god. This is a direct force from the Dark Lord, so it successfully blocked the third wave of attacks from the seal of the God of Light.

In this way, the seal attack of the God of Light must be brewed for a while before it can continue to attack, but at this time, the six-winged demon snake rushed to the top and rushed out of the seal gap with a "swish" to the void abyss outside. Suspended on that powerful and terrifying dark magic.

The power of these dark people is the magic of darkness, which can also be said to be very pure power of the undead. It is a power strengthened by several times the normal power of the undead. Therefore, Tang Ye absorbed these powers, and his strength increased obviously, even if he was already a master of the Sky Realm.

And now, Tang Ye's strength has greatly exceeded the general Sky Realm. If you let him fight a master of the Vault of Heaven, as long as he wants to kill, he can kill it, and it doesn’t take too much time. There is no situation where everyone is in the Vault of Heaven and it’s difficult to kill as long as one party concentrates on fleeing. There is a situation where it takes him how many years to fight to kill him.

Based on the changes in the power tree in his body, Tang Ye found that he had made great breakthroughs in constantly seizing the power of the Dark Clan these days and nights. The branches of that new realm have grown more than half. In other words, as long as he is given time to continue to capture the power of the Dark Clan here, it will not take long to break through to the Heavenly Realm!

Tang Ye had originally planned this way, so he was unwilling to let go of any minute to seize the power of the dark clan. Even if the power of the Void Abyss was surging, and there was a great anomaly, he was not affected and continued to seize those powers. Because he wanted to break through to the Heavenly Realm, that way he would have a stronger power, and he would have more confidence and possibilities to do a lot of things.

However, suddenly, the dark magic in the Void Abyss rose up again. Tang Ye was shocked, stopped for a while to seize those powers, and watched what happened.

"Not good!" Suddenly, Tang Ye instinctively gave a low voice, and then quickly stepped back to avoid it.


Just after Tang Ye avoided it, a terrifying giant snake bite over. If he didn't hide fast enough, he would be torn in half. After seeing it clearly, it was discovered that it was a six-winged magic snake.

Tang Ye was shocked, couldn't the Six Winged Devil Snake leave the sealed area? How can you leave now?

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