My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3121: The determination to sacrifice!

Sacrificing to the Demon God was surprised, but he did not expect that the Six-Winged Demon Snake was so actively willing to contribute half of its spirit power to try to control the Void Emperor. Because half of the spirit power is equivalent to half of the soul. If this kind of power is not affected by the seal of the God of Light, it can be killed in the outer world, even in the Sky Realm.

It's a pity, because the power of the God of Light is suppressing, even such a powerful force will be greatly weakened, and it will still be affected by the scope of the seal. However, it is indeed possible to increase the power, and then affect the Emperor Void, making it easier to control the Emperor Void.

Because when his power can also come out, it can better draw the spirit power that has invaded into Emperor Void at this time, and then erode Void Emperor more deeply, and finally achieve the goal of controlling Void Emperor.

However, releasing half of the spirit power is also very risky. Because when passing through the gap in the seal, he would inevitably be attacked by the seal of the God of Light. If there is no good defense, then at least half of the power will be lost. In other words, if half of the spirit power goes out, only half of it will be available when it comes back. This is a huge damage to the six-winged magic snake itself. If it fails again, it is the damage that may not be able to recover even after thousands of years.

What's more, there is still Tang Ye taking power outside now. If they were just ordinary people, even if they had the strength of the Sky Realm, the Six Winged Demon Snake would not have to worry. Because even if they are restricted, they can only have the strength of the Vault of Heaven, but the cultivator outside will definitely not be their opponent. Even if they can be tied, there is nothing they can do, so there is no need to worry. However, Tang Ye is no ordinary person, Tang Ye can seize their power, then absorb and merge them!

It is equivalent to that once the power is captured and absorbed by Tang Ye, that power will be lost forever!

Moreover, Tang Ye's method of seizing power was not only to seize power, but also to seize spirits and souls. It can be said that it happens to be their nemesis!

Therefore, when you go outside now, you must be very careful. Otherwise, even if you are not attacked to death by the sealing power of the God of Light, you may be "eaten" by Tang Ye. This is death, and it is very for them. Terrible price!

Think about it, the sacrifice to the devil felt that the Six-Winged Devil Snake had paid a lot to do this, and felt that there was no need to compete with the Six-Winged Devil Snake, and said: "Six-winged Devil Snake, I didn’t expect things to get to this point. It’s a lot more dangerous to you. Don’t worry, I will do my best to help you so that you can not only be unaffected by the seal of the God of Light, but also control the Emperor Void.”

"Of course, I did this not for you, but for the future of our dark race. So, don't you think how good I am to you." Sacrificial Demon God added, as if a little arrogant.

The Six-Winged Devil Snake doesn't have any warm stories with him here, so he rolled his eyes and said: "Sacrifice to the Demon God, don't worry, I know what you are, so I thank no one to thank you!"

"You..." The sacrifice to the demon **** felt that the six-winged devil snake was a bit insulting, but he stopped arguing with the six-winged devil snake, turned and left, waved his hand, and said: "I'm going to prepare, I The magic star array and the dark sky array are to be arranged. I don't believe it anymore. After thousands of years of research, there is really no way to seal the power of the God of Light!"

The Six Winged Demon Snake was taken aback. He didn't expect that the sacrifice to the Demon God would actually arrange the Magic Star Array and the Dark Sky Array. These two Arrays were very powerful, belonging to the ancient higher-level Array, and the power needed to consume was huge. Even, the power it possesses is not enough to support such a magic circle, so it needs to pay the power of the soul. Moreover, the consumption of such power is irreversible. In other words, once the spirit power is used, once there is a loss, it is lost forever, and there is no way to make up for it.

In this case, it's like a six-winged demon snake rushing out with spirit power. Once something happens to their spirit power, it will happen forever. There is no way to make up, and if you want to recover, you need to condense the power of the soul as before, and this will take hundreds or even thousands of years.

The Six-Winged Demon Snake did not expect to sacrifice to the Demon God to this point. Suddenly, it felt a little bit ashamed to sacrifice to the Demon God, thinking that the sacrifice to the Demon God would always be shrewdly calculating for himself. It turned out that offering sacrifices to the Demon God also made a great sacrifice.

Looking at the back of the sacrificial demon **** leaving, the six-winged demon snake suddenly clenched his fist, and became very determined in his heart. In any case, he must complete the control of the Void Emperor. This is not only what he wants to do, but also The task that the Dark Lord confessed is the way out for their dark people!

The people outside can no longer forget the dark clan, how brilliant their dark clan used to be, even in the star realm of the gods, they have to be jealous!

The six-winged demon snake walked to the pillar of strength and looked up at it. It was all darkness, but the dark people could feel the seal of the **** of light. The six-winged demon snake's expression became very gloomy, with an incomparably deep hatred. In any case, it must break the seal of the **** of light and escape from this endless darkness!

"Human kid, after I go out, I will definitely break your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" The Six-Winged Demon Snake hummed coldly, his hatred of Tang Ye is very huge. If it is said that his original hatred was only because of being sealed by the God of Light in this endless darkness, it was a resentment to God of Light, but because God of Light was dead, it was useless to resent God of Light, and turned into resentment to live on it. Everyone of, but this is very general. After all, even after going out, he will kill people casually. There is no exact goal. This seems to be missing something, but not anymore, because now he has a very clear hatred, and The revenge target is Tang Ye.

This made him more motivated and must break the seal of the God of Light and go out.


Then, the Six Winged Demon Snake exploded with an extremely violent force, and a dark gale formed around its body. Then, he also turned into a huge black snake, and three pairs of wings grew behind the black snake. This is his body form, the six-winged magic snake!

After the six-winged demon snake transformed into its body, the black power pillar was entangled and flew up at an extremely fast speed. Nevertheless, he could not fly to the upper seal all at once. The depth of the Void Abyss is very deep. If they weren't for the Dark Clan, they would have been unable to bear it and died if they were replaced by another race.

Although it was very far away from the seal, the six-winged demon snake flew to it in one breath. Then he flapped three pairs of wings and hovered in the sky above, saying: "Sacrifice to the demon god, if your circle is ready, tell I, I'm going out. I can't wait to control the Void Emperor and kill that **** human kid!"

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