My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3104: Lost and recovered!

Tang Ye's expression became gentle, but he fell into silence for a while, and then he let Ada and Aqi sit on the stone chairs in the yard, and then continued to talk to them.

Tang Ye must continue to leave next, as for how long he will leave, he may also. Because it was going to deal with the dark race, and the dark race threatened the entire world, so he couldn't say when it would end. And he did not intend to tell Ada and Aqi about this matter, because this kind of thing is too high for Ada and Aqi, letting them know it will not help them, and the result may worry them, so it is better to let them They continue to concentrate on dealing with the new race.

"I am not leaving you, nor am I saying that I will not continue to deal with the new human race with you and regain the Blue Star. Rather, the things I encountered recently cannot relax me, and I need to spend more time. Because This matter concerns me, it also concerns you, and even more people. As for what it is, you don’t need to know what it is. As long as you know it, I will solve it. The main thing you have to do is to train other people. , Let them master the power. At the same time, you should continue to practice and train to master stronger power. When you are ready, go to the Blue Star, deal with the new human race, and regain our hometown!" Tang Ye told Ada He said to A Qi, his tone and expression were no longer so serious, and he returned to some former gentleness.

Seeing Tang Ye doing this, Ada and Aqi felt less pressured. And seeing Tang Ye speaking so seriously, they didn't ask what Tang Ye was. They had always understood what Tang Ye meant. It was just that they had too much connection with Tang Ye. Perhaps this was the so-called fetter. This bond is very deep, so it is not so easy to let go.

Of course, Tang Ye's powerful power was indeed what they needed. Without Tang Ye's power, the plan of the old human race might still be able to go on, but it would definitely not be that easy.

However, after calmly thinking about it, Ah Qi also figured it out, it is impossible for them to rely on Tang Ye all the time. Today's Tang Ye is no longer the Tang Ye they had known before. When I first met Tang Ye, Tang Ye was just a very ordinary power, not even as strong as them. With such a small difference in power, in front of Tang Ye, they felt that there would not be such a big gap, and they would not be so easy to feel strange. But now, Tang Ye is already the highest Vault of Heaven Realm, and there are even various artifacts and secret skills. It is wrong to say that the Realm of Vault of Heaven is only the realm. This is already a height they cannot reach. Therefore, their relationship with Tang Ye couldn't be the same as before. Even if it's getting along, it won't be the same as before.

Ah Qi accepted such a thing, but suddenly felt very disappointed in her heart, as if she was about to part with Tang Ye.

And such a feeling cannot be talked about with strength or reason, because the inner discomfort is a feeling of being unable to control oneself. As long as you think about it, you will feel sad and reluctant to give up, making people feel that other things are not important, and will feel that without this person, everything becomes very meaningless.

This is a personal feeling, only those who really experience it will understand it.

Ada wouldn't be like that. It can't be parting or loss. He has already seen this kind of thing very well. In this world, no one will stay with someone forever. Besides, he is a man, of course he wouldn't be like this anymore. However, he would not say how Ah Qi was. In fact, he felt very sorry for A Qi. Because Ah Qi is actually a cold and reticent person. He used to not care about others very much. After encountering those difficulties, he became even colder.

However, Tang Ye gave them hope when they met Tang Ye. This hope was not given all at once, but little by little, which made them depend on Tang Ye and opened their hearts. A Qi's feelings are especially deep. Because Qi has never done this to others. Therefore, she now has a very deep feeling for Tang Ye. If you want to say that you will be separated from Tang Ye all at once, it must be unacceptable.

However, this is probably life. What needs to be separated is always to be separated and always accepted.

Ada just hopes that Aqi can accept it quickly. After all, there are still many things to do before them. From the moment they received so many tribesmen, it means that they are no longer alone, and they must be responsible to those tribesmen.


However, Tang Ye suddenly felt a little depressed when he saw A Qi's expression change. In fact, he didn't mean that much, he just wanted Ada and Aqi not to rely on him so much, not that he would leave from now on and would not come back.

Suddenly, he didn't know what to say. Because Ah Qi's mood and emotional state at this time are very sensitive. He was also afraid of what Ah Qi would say, if he said something that would make each other difficult, then he would be very embarrassed.

Tang Ye thought for a while, and said, "Before you train the clan members to a certain level, I may be busy with my own affairs first, and you need to pay more attention to it. When we can fight the new human race, I want me to go. The busy things are almost over. At that time, I will go to the Blue Star with you. Of course, if you have any difficulties in training the people in the future, just tell me and I will help."

"Furthermore, I can't help if I don't help. The weapons you use are all made by me. Even if I contacted their military workshop with the lord's mansion and asked them to produce a group of forgers, I let them Forging some parts. However, I did not teach them the core things. Otherwise, the weapons I can make, won’t they be able to make them too? Then I have no advantage. So, really forging Those who produce those weapons still want me. For this reason, I must be here often. Otherwise, how can I meet the needs of those weapons?"

Tang Ye shrugged and said, "So, I have no plans to leave."

"Huh?" When Ah Da and A Qi heard Tang Ye's words, they were taken aback, looking at Tang Ye, not knowing what Tang Ye meant.

Tang Ye smiled and said, "In short, you have to do everything according to the original plan, and I will check it out from time to time. If it is not done well, it is a neglect of our plan, which will directly affect our old humans. Future. You have to get serious."

"Really, really?" A Qi had a feeling of being lost and regained, feeling uncontrollable excited, and looked up at Tang Ye. The usual glamorous and reticent, at this time it turned out to be like a child eager to look forward to.

Tang Ye said as if he had promised, "Of course it is true."

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