My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3081: Impressed!

Six-winged Devil Snake didn't expect Tang Ye to attack him with blood on his face this time. And he just couldn't rush so far to deal with Tang Ye, so his aura that seemed to be going to kill Tang Ye immediately made him panic. Then, he rushed to the longest distance he could leave. As a result, Tang Ye hid further and he had to stop.

"Damn it!" The Six-Winged Devil Snake couldn't help but yelled, because he knew that his reaction like this, Tang Ye must have seen it, he really couldn't leave this range. In this case, Tang Ye would have no reason to be afraid of him, even if he had infinite power, he didn't need to be afraid, because he was only infinite in power.

Tang Ye was immediately very happy when he saw his reaction like this. Sure enough, as Phoenix had guessed, the Six-winged Demon Snake couldn't leave too far. The previous guess that the Six Winged Demon Snake could not leave the range of the Void Abyss was indeed wrong. But this idea is correct. The Six-Winged Devil Snake can only leave farther places, but the scope of leaving is really limited.

The distance in front of me is the maximum distance that the Six-Winged Devil Snake can leave. Otherwise, it rushed so strongly just now and was so angry that it wanted to kill itself, but why did it suddenly stop?

Tang Ye looked at the Six-Winged Demon Snake and sneered triumphantly, and said: "Your performance just now was really good, which made me almost believe it. In fact, the range you can leave is really limited."

The Six Winged Devil Snake glared at Tang Ye. Originally, his plan was to kill Tang Ye before Tang Ye knew about it. Unexpectedly, Tang Ye's strength was stronger than he had imagined. He avoided its fatal attack, and then kept fighting, never being able to kill Tang Ye. Then, it was the matter now, and its secret was seen by Tang Ye.

It has to say that Tang Ye's strength is very strong, and his awareness is quite good. This reminded it of the kid thousands of years ago, as good as Tang Ye, even better than Tang Ye. However, the kid didn't have Tang Ye's method of "capturing" the power of the dead, so when he appeared, he really frightened the kid. Then, he also fought with that kid first. However, it turned out that he won. The kid didn't realize that it couldn't leave here too far, and then he admired and yearned for his powerful power. In the end, the kid reached an agreement with him, giving the kid infinite power, and the kid helped him break the seal of the shackles of light.

The result was that after the kid gained a powerful force, he tried to get rid of their control, which has been the same until now. That's right, the kid the Six-Winged Devil Snake was talking about was Emperor Void.

However, even though Emperor Void had been free from their control, he did not succeed. Therefore, now Emperor Void has always been affected by those void forces. If this continues, you will be controlled by the Dark Lord. Even the six-winged magic snake can be controlled. Because for the situation where there is only the strength of the Sky Realm outside, with the power of the six-winged demon snake, it can be easily dealt with. For this reason, even the Six Winged Demon Snake can influence the Void Emperor through the power of the necromancer.

Of course, now the Six Winged Demon Snake, or any dark demon race, don't worry much about the outside situation. They only know that they have been sealed underneath for too long, so long that even if their strength was mediocre at the beginning, they have become able to despise the masters of the outer sky.

Therefore, they have only one thing to do next, which is to break through the sealed enchantment of the shackles of light. It's a pity that once the God of Light used a self-sacrificing method to seal them, making this seal so powerful that they couldn't break it. It is definitely not enough to break it from the inside. Therefore, they will put pressure together from the outside. The sealed enchantment of the Light Chain is aimed at the existence of people inside them, not the outside. Therefore, if you can attack from the outside, it will not be so difficult.

It turns out to be right. At the beginning, they bewitched Emperor Void to do this, but the result was really broken by Void Great. Although it was just a little gap, at least it gave them hope. Unfortunately, afterwards, Emperor Void came into contact with the power of the shackles of light, helped suppress the intrusion into his body, and bewitched his power of the dead. For this reason, he awakened a part of his will and no longer helped the dark race to break the seal of the shackles of light. It disappeared instead.

Until one day, the Great Emperor Void appeared, and he had become a terrifying dark and evil person, who was said to have emerged from the darkness under the abyss of Void, and no one was invincible. The only one who can fight against it is the secret person who has inherited the power of some light gods. With the power of the God of Light, you can deal with the void. The current Emperor Galaxy was the one who had gained part of the power of the God of Light. Therefore, it is him who is here to deal with Emperor Void, and only Emperor Galaxy can deal with Emperor Void.

"Boy, you are very good, very smart, and very powerful, huh, I am very impressed with you." At this moment, the Six-Winged Devil Snake knew there was no way to kill Tang Ye to prevent the power of the undead from being seized, so he switched to using it. The other way is to bewitched.

Just like the time when the Emperor Void was bewitched thousands of years ago, he felt that none of these people would dislike powerful power, including Tang Ye. Therefore, he felt that if he promised Tang Ye to give Tang Ye strong enough, then Tang Ye would help him. He didn't use this method at first, but wanted to kill Tang Ye. It was because of the betrayal of the Void Great Emperor, he didn't want to experience something like that for the second time.

"Boy, now I have changed my mind. I am not going to kill you anymore. I am going to cooperate with you. I will give you enough power, and then you will do something for me. How?" Six-winged Devil Snake looked at Tang Ye Said, although it looks like a big snake, but it feels smiling and very confident.

Tang Ye was taken aback, and was blessed for the transformation of the Six Winged Devil Snake. Why are you so self-confident? I just wanted to kill myself. I realized that I could not kill myself, so I thought that I could persuade myself to cooperate with it. What is this?

Tang Ye didn't bother to talk nonsense with the Six-Wing Devil Snake, taking advantage of the appearance of the Six-Wing Devil Snake giving up fighting with him at this time, he suddenly released his momentum, and instantly swept in front of the Six-Wing Devil Snake, and then fiercely faced the Six-Wing Devil Snake. Punch hard.

The Six Winged Devil Snake was directly beaten into flight. It was not defensive at all, so it was sent flying by Tang Ye. Then, it reacted, furious, and shouted to Tang Ye in a low voice: "Boy, what are you doing?!"

Tang Ye shrugged and said, "Kill you."

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