My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3048: timely!

Although the power of the bomb is good, if the opponent uses elemental power to form a defensive shield, and the shield is strong, it can also block the explosive attack. Then the bomb is a one-time consumable weapon. If the enemy's shield cannot be broken, it is useless. And even if the enemy's shield is broken, and there is no bomb at this time, then the enemy cannot be dealt with next.

Now the enemy has used half of the people to form a defensive shield. Such a shield is relatively strong, and a bomb will definitely not be able to solve it. However, Ada and Aqi only have a bomb left in their hands. At this moment, they have no choice. If these people are allowed to move forward steadily and force them, then they will have trouble. Even if the two of them can resist for a while, the dozen or so old human races who are unarmed and have little cultivation power are in danger.

"What to do..." Ada murmured, if no one came to the rescue, then they would have nothing to do.

A Qi's expression was cold. Although she was worried, she was always ready to fight to the death at any time. The big deal was death. In the current situation, there is no other better way to deal with it. She snorted coldly: "As for the result, you don't need to care about the result. We just need to fight to the end."

Ada didn't expect Ah Qi to say this, and suddenly felt relieved. Yes, there is no need to think too much, it just ends up like that. He nodded to Ah Qi and said, "It's not bad to be able to get to this point. Although I still feel sorry, but the regret is not that big."

Bang bang bang!

Ah Qi ignored that many, the pistol still had bullets, and quickly shot at those approaching. However, it was of no use, because these people already knew the pistol's attack mode, and the shield now condensed into it could be defensive.

Ah Qi frowned, the pistol attack was useless, so the next step was to stealthily approach the past, using only a little power. If you can kill one more, it's one, and she thinks this is also a profit. However, Ada stopped her and said, "I will try another bomb attack."

"This is the last one. Keep it for the end. They must have not seen the bomb attack clearly just now. Then at the end, they relaxed their vigilance and we will use it again. Maybe we will die, but we can kill a few more of them." A Qi said.

Ada was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that Aqi was holding this decision to die with the enemy. If you think about it, you can't let yourself die too awkward. If you can kill a dozen people at the same time and follow along, it would be great.

"Okay." Ada smiled. By this time, she felt nothing, and looked relaxed. However, he felt a bit sorry for the dozen or so old human races behind him. When he received these tribesmen earlier, he assured them that nothing will happen in the future. But now it is actually dying.

Among the dozen or so old human races, one was still a child. It was a dirty and pitiful one. However, the child's innocence and delicacy could not be concealed. Ada felt sorry for them, touched the little girl's face, and said, "I can't sorry you probably anymore."

But the little girl was very sensible, shook her head, and said, "No, it's not like that. We are all grateful to the big brother and big sister."

Ada and Aqi looked uncomfortable. If they could, how much they hoped that these tribesmen could be saved, how could they die just after seeing a little hope. This is too desperate, it simply makes them experience despair again. Therefore, both Ada and Aqi feel very guilty because they are not capable enough to bring hope.

The person in the black armor saw that Ada and Aqi could only defend like this, knowing that his command was correct. The fierce attack that Ah Qi made just now is not something that can be done all the time, it is very limited. In this way, they don't need to worry anymore!

"Haha, kill them! They have no strength. The attack just now was just the last stubborn resistance!" The man in the black armor laughed. Now their people are all surrounded, forming a circle. Ada and Aqi can no longer do anything. response.

Ada and Aqi have serious expressions, are they really over?

call! Boom!

At this moment, a flame flashed and directly broke the encircling circle. Several people were knocked out and flew tens of meters away. Then they crashed into the ground and stopped moving.

"What's the matter?!" The man in the black armor was very angry, why there was an accident again, he didn't like such a thing very much, because it meant that his plan was hindered, which was very unfavorable to him.

Then everyone looked and saw Tang Ye. At this time, Tang Ye's body was still burning with flames, and his aura was very terrifying. However, this kind of power is the Sky Realm, Tang Ye felt that it was unnecessary to use such a strong power, and then canceled the flame, and the power was also reduced. So everyone could see him clearly.

"My lord!" Ada and Aqi saw that it was Tang Ye, they were immediately overjoyed. Because Tang Ye came, they felt saved! And it was not just them who were saved, but the dozen or so people behind them! They think it doesn't matter if something happens to them, but they can't let the people behind them happen. Because these tribesmen finally believed them and came out of hiding, if they were killed because of this, Ada and Aqi would be very guilty. At the same time, such things will also affect the emergence of other tribesmen.

If the other clansmen who were still hiding knew about such things, they would definitely not come out again. Because someone came out and was killed in the end, then the outside situation is still not guaranteed. To survive, they would certainly not take such a risk. However, now that Tang Ye is here, they will be saved, and they have truly assured them that if they see hope, they will believe that they will come out in this way, and then organize into a united force of the old human race.

Tang Ye looked back at Ada and Aqi and they saw that they were only slightly injured, and then saw the dozen or so old human races. They were also fine, but they were frightened. This was a relief. It seemed that he was finally Arrived in time.

"Are you okay?" Tang Ye asked still concerned.

Ada and Aqi nodded again and again, and said, "It's okay, the adults are here at the right time. If it is later, we might just..."

"Don't worry, there will be no such situation in the future." Tang Ye said to them.

"Yes, sir! Thank you for your concern!" Ada and A Qi were very polite to Tang Ye.

"Tang!" At this moment, the man in black armor glared at Tang Ye and drank coldly. His anger was real, because his eldest brother was a member of the Bounty Guild, but was killed by Tang Ye. He wanted to kill Tang Ye to avenge his eldest brother. But in fact, he was not sure in his heart.

Even at this time, he couldn't move his body, because he saw Tang Ye's power just now, it was actually in the Sky Realm!

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