My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3025: Not much power!

Qing Tiemu's appearance would definitely not let Tang Ye continue to kill those guards. The power controlled by the Aoba family is the wind element, so it is very fast. Qing Tiemu was originally still a few hundred meters away. After seeing Tang Ye, he didn't know what moves he had performed. He immediately approached Tang Ye not far away, and then made a killer move to make a fatal attack on Tang Ye.

Tang Ye felt the power of Qingtiemu and was shocked. That power is very strong, directly at the Sky Realm, not something he can deal with in his current state. For this, he knew that he had to use the power of the Vault of Heaven, otherwise he would be injured by the green iron wood.

However, just then, Sophia came back. Sophia also directly sent out the power of the Sky Realm, and quickly approached, passing by Tang Ye, and then fought with Qing Tiemu to stop Qing Tiemu from coming to attack Tang Ye. She felt fortunate that she came back in time, otherwise Tang Ye would have an accident.

Although Sophia had always guessed about Tang Ye's true strength, before there was no definite evidence, she was still not sure that Tang Ye had the power of the Sky Realm. In addition, she wouldn't make fun of Tang Ye's safety, so when she saw that Tang Ye might be injured by Qing Tiemu, she rushed over to stop Qing Tiemu.

"Ghost Raksha!" Sophia's attack on Qing Tiemu didn't show any mercy, but directly used a very powerful move. Because she and Qing Tiemu are deadly enemies themselves, now that Qing Tiemu comes to besiege her Alpha family, she must kill Qing Tiemu.

Qing Tiemu didn't expect Sophia to appear at this time. He had been searching for Sophia and couldn't find it. Now as soon as Tang Ye appeared, Sophia appeared. He was convinced that Sophia had been with Tang Ye. And, this is a conspiracy arranged by Sophia and Tang Ye. For this reason, he felt that the group of people who had been sent to arrest Tang Ye would be dealt with, and it made sense. Tang Ye must be the bait, attracting those people to hunt, and then Sophia appeared. The people sent out do not have the Sky Realm, and it is not surprising that Sophia will solve them.

"It's really beautiful to think, kill my people bit by bit, and then solve me?" Qing Tiemu sneered in his heart, thinking that Sophia and Tang Ye's wishful thinking was naive, he was not so easy to be solved. ! What's more, now only Sophia and Tang Ye are left, he doesn't believe it anymore, there are just two people, one of them is not in the Sky Realm, and can deal with everyone here!

Now Qingtiemu wants to strengthen the strength in his hands. Originally, the power he gave out was to deal with Tang Ye, although he also used the power of the Sky Realm, but he wanted to use it to deal with Tang Ye, so he didn't need all his strength. But now, it's Sophia, and he will use all his strength, because Sophia is the kind of powerful master who doesn't allow him to keep a hand.

"Fast wind two-headed leopard!" Qing Tiemu yelled, and the strength of his body suddenly changed, not only in terms of momentum, but also in speed, and he reached Sophia faster. At the same time, behind him, a cheetah with two heads was transformed by magic.

Sophia also released a very strong attacking move. The Ghost Rakshasa is a powerful killer move. Although it is the death sickle, there is a terrifying dark claw beside the death sickle, which is like the death of death. .

boom! Boom!

The two masters of the sky realm fought, and the powerful forces from each collided together, sending out a shock that might be afraid, as if the sky was torn, and the sky was trembling. The people on the ground could not withstand this kind of force, and those who got closer were directly injured and vomited blood.

Tang Ye was the closest to Sofia and Qing Tiemu, but he was not injured. After all, he himself is the strength of the Vault of Sky Realm. Although he has not released it, his physical strength is enough to resist these. He was surprised. He didn't expect Sophia and Qing Tiemu to be so powerful. Compared with him, there is not much difference. Dealing with such people is not as simple and easy as dealing with those before. If you want to have fun, you have to fight against such people. However, at this time Tang Ye no longer thought like this. His idea is to solve it quickly, otherwise there will be danger!

Because he knew that Sophia's power had already been consumed a lot at this time. You know, Sofia has already dealt with the Wolf Summon family before. Although not all of them, Sofia is not like Tang Ye, with the power of the undead bird and the power of the dead tree in spring. Therefore, Sophia's power consumption cannot be replenished so quickly. For this reason, now Sophia's power may not be much left. In this case, Qingtiemu still has so much power, still so strong. Then, with Qing Tiemu's son, Qing Tianxin, it was the strength of the sky realm. Then, if it is not resolved quickly, the situation may not be beneficial to them. Because at this time, their enemies are not only Qingtiemu and Qingtianxin, but also all the powerful masters of the Qingye family.

For the Sky Realm, it is impossible for anyone to crush and attack anyone, so whoever has more power on one side will have the advantage. Earlier, Sophia had the upper hand because of the Death Scythe. But now, as Sophia's power is consumed, it is no longer dominant.

After Sophia and Qing Tiemu collided together, and after the strength of their parry was over, they saw the two floating in the air, no one had won, and each confronted each other. It seems that the strength of the two is equal.

However, Qing Tiemu sneered, very confident, and said to Sophia: "Sophia, your strength has been greatly reduced. Is it uncontrollable to appear here now? This is very dangerous for you. ."

Sophia frowned. What Qing Tiemu said was the truth. She had consumed too much power, so her combat power had dropped greatly. But now Qing Tiemu is still in sufficient state, she and Qing Tiemu's battle, there is not much advantage, or no advantage.

Sophia looked back at Tang Ye, then determined to be firm. In order to prevent Tang Ye from getting hurt, she will not retreat here. At this point, you can only fight desperately, and you will become benevolent if you fail. Now, the power of the Aoba family is only left to surround the Alpha family.

"Really? But, let me tell you that the strength of your Aoba family is not much. Where did you think I was just now?" Sophia knew that her strength was insufficient, so she needed to use other methods to disperse it. Qing Tiemu's attention can also be regarded as a blow, so that Qing Tiemu can't exert its full strength.

Qing Tiemu frowned upon hearing Sofia's words, not knowing what Sofia said. The power of your own family is not much?

At this time, Sophia threw out a cyan jade plaque, which was the symbol of the Aoba family. Qing Tiemu stared when he saw it and realized what had happened.

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