My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 3019: Fight a group!

Many people in the Qingye family did not expect Tang Ye to have the strength of the Sky Realm. Seeing the terrifying power erupting from Tang Ye, they suddenly panicked. They couldn't resist such terrible power. What they were afraid of was that Tang Ye and Sofia had teamed up to lie to them, and then there was a master in the Sky Realm, Sophia, and they could deal with it. However, they just guessed that Sophia won't be here, so don't worry about it.

Unexpectedly, Sophia is indeed no longer here, but Tang Ye has the strength of the Sky Realm, doesn't it mean that Sophia is here?

"Damn it, how could this be! We are not his opponents, retreat!" A member of the Qingye family saw Tang Ye exploding with such fierce power, he felt that it was not Tang Ye's opponent, and wanted to retreat.

However, Tang Ye attacked him next. He suddenly pulled out the Undead Overlord Halberd inserted in the Aoba family master's body, and then used his legs to exert force, "swish", and quickly left, and soon caught up with the Aoba family who wanted to retreat. man of. This person had no desire to fight anymore. Tang Ye directly pierced his chest with the Undead King's Halberd. Then he sprayed a mouthful of blood, then fell to the ground, trembling a few times and then died.

This person also had the power of the master of the star realm, but under Tang Ye's attack, he was directly killed by a spike. This is another shock to others. Suddenly they were hit even harder. Seeing Tang Ye holding the cool and brave halberd burning with raging flames, they lost their fighting spirit, and felt that they had no chance of winning at all. The difference is too big, they even think that Tang Ye is stronger than Sophia.

"Run! We can't beat it!" Someone called out in fear, then turned and ran, no matter what.

However, the more Tang Ye saw that he wanted to run, the more he wanted to kill. This is almost an extreme blow, and the mentality of these people is directly collapsed, so that it will be much easier for him to kill again, without spending too much time, and then he can plan other things. It may be to rendezvous with Sophia and deal with the remaining members of the Aoba family. It may be to continue to attract other Aoba families and continue to kill them one by one.

However, there may be one consequence of doing so, that is, to force these Aoba families to think that they have no retreat, and then they can only choose to fight to the death and join hands. In this case, what Tang Ye had to face might be a strong force, and it would take some time to deal with it.

But even so, Tang Ye felt nothing. Because this means that these people will not run away anymore, so that he can kill them all, which can be described as a catch. Then he exposed the power of the Vault of Heaven Realm, it would not be leaked out. Therefore, no matter what actions these Aoba family members take, there is no pressure on him.

Since he is destined to get rid of these people, what he has to do is to make the result what he wants the most.

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!" At this time, someone else wanted to escape, and not one. Several people ran away together.

Tang Ye saw that, sneered, there was a bit of evil, and he couldn't chase several at the same time, so he released a fierce flame, forming a flame chain, and flew towards the few people separately, binding them. Then, he carried the Undead King Halberd to kill one. Immediately afterwards, they killed them one by one.

Soon, Tang Ye killed more than a dozen members of the Aoba family. They didn't resist much, almost all of them were killed by Tang Ye with a single move.

The remaining person saw this situation and did not run away. Maybe they had forgotten, most of them were confused. They felt that they couldn't deal with Tang Ye like this. Fleeing will only speed up death, so I will not move for a while. However, there were a few people who were much more determined. They knew that they couldn't go on like this. Only when they joined forces to deal with Tang Ye could they have a ray of life.

Therefore, an angry man from the Aoba family who wanted to ask for life drew out his big sword and drank it low: "Everyone fight with me. We must fight. If we don't fight, there is only a dead end! We can only join hands now. , Do your best to deal with this **** old human race, so that we will have a ray of life!"

"Kill! Kill with me!" This member of the Qingye family is the power of the master of the star realm. If they use their full strength, even if it is against Tang Ye, they will not be killed in seconds. If there were more people of the same strength against Tang Ye, then he could fight for a longer time.

He wanted to lead others to deal with Tang Ye together, and when he rushed towards Tang Ye, he shouted in a low voice: "We will hold him first. The patriarch will definitely find out when the patriarch comes. When the patriarch comes, we will be saved! And we will kill him. This **** old human race! Revenge for the dead brothers!"

"Kill!" he shouted again.

His voice and momentum did affect other people, and then several other determined people came out, shouted loudly, and attacked together. Although there are only a few of them, the momentum formed is enough to scare people. As a result, the other people who were originally low and desperate returned to their senses, regained their fighting spirit and fighting spirit, and they all mobilized together, rushing out together to fight Tang Ye!

Tang Ye squinted his eyes when he saw such a scene. Unexpectedly, they would still become like this, joining hands to form a huge force. However, this situation was also expected, so Tang Ye was not worried, nor afraid. Faced with the many people from the Aoba family who rushed over, he smiled and waved his undead King’s Halberd, appearing very domineering, and then burst out a more intense flame with a "whoop", and at the same time released the power of the necromancer, fusing in In the flames, desperately rushing to the two dozen members of the Qingye family.

One person against a group! However, looking at his aura, he was not at all lost to the two dozen members of the Aoba family. The flame of the phoenix is ​​continuous, unless the phoenix dies, the flame will not be broken, because the essence of the phoenix is ​​flame, as long as it exists, the flame can be used in large quantities. Of course, it can't be said to be infinite. After all, the phoenix may be immortal, and the flame is immortal, but since it merges with Tang Ye, a man with a body, it will naturally be restricted by Tang Ye's limits.

Nevertheless, the undead flames released by Tang Ye were strong enough. At this time, not only was his whole body surrounded by flames, like a shield, these undead flames also burst out, forming a flame ball attack, which was like magic. The two dozen members of the Aoba Family were scattered all at once. They had to disperse, otherwise they would be killed and injured by Tang Ye all at once.

Separate, they can better avoid. However, once they separated, it was easy to be caught by Tang Ye. If there is no power from the Lord of the Star Realm, once Tang Ye catches the order, he is basically dead.

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