My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2996: No one stopped!

Sophia didn't pay attention to everything, and she had been paying attention to the situation of the poisonous wolf. So she knew that the power of the poisonous wolf was consuming at this time, so as Tang Ye said, she could directly attack them. Because of the power of the poison wolf at this time, even Tang Ye with the strength of the master of the star realm can deal with it.

Therefore, Sophia did not use all of his power to maintain the dark barrier, and instead separated another part of his power to control the chain of darkness and continue to strangle the Frostwolf.

The giant wolf's attack was still fierce, but because the poisonous wolf's venom attack no longer threatened the dark barrier, she would have nothing to do.


Both the giant wolf and the poison wolf were shocked, but they didn't expect things to return to the beginning, Sophia would kill the Frostwolf! The Frostwolf was previously severely injured by Sophia's powerful force in conjunction with the Death Scythe because of dealing with Sophia alone, and he was also strangled several times by the dark chains. At this time, he was already in a state of severe injury and had no resistance, let alone fighting. . So he can't get rid of the chains of darkness, if the giant wolf and poison wolf don't save him, he will only end in death.

The giant wolf and the poisonous wolf have always wanted to save him, but were blocked by Sophia and Tang Ye, and they have not been able to save him until now. Originally thought that the giant wolf and the poisonous wolf joined forces to deal with Sophia, it would not be difficult to rescue him, but suddenly there was another Tang Ye. Tang Ye alone almost contained the poisonous wolf, so if the giant wolf confronted Sophia alone, it was actually at a disadvantage, and it would be impossible to save him.

"Frostwolf!" Hearing the painful cry of Frostwolf, both the giant wolf and the poison wolf were very worried. Of course, they did not want to watch their brother accidentally.

The giant wolf and the poisonous wolf were anxious and looked at each other, knowing that they could not continue to fight against Sophia like this, otherwise the Frostwolf would not be saved. As a result, the giant wolf quickly withdrew, and the poison wolf also retracted the blue poison wolf, jumped back, stood with the giant wolf, and confronted Sophia and Tang Ye.

"Don't worry about them, continue to kill the Frostwolf." Tang Ye looked cold and didn't have much to say about the reaction of the giant wolf and the poisonous wolf, and directly asked Sophia to continue killing the Frostwolf.

Sophia had no other ideas about this. Killing Frostwolf would reduce a threat. She only knew that for these people in the Wolf Summon family, they must be killed completely, otherwise they would still be a threat next time. Now that the Wolf Call Family took the initiative to take the initiative, then take advantage of this to completely destroy them.

"Okay." Sophia nodded to Tang Ye, and then continued to increase his strength and strangle the Frostwolf with dark chains.

"Ah! No, please, don't kill me!" The Frostwolf felt the pain again and again, and the feeling of squeezing the body was so painful that he didn't want to bear it anymore. As for the rescue of the giant wolf and the poisonous wolf, he has no hope. If he could be saved, he would have been saved long ago, so why wait until now!

However, Sophia did not accept Frostwolf’s begging for mercy, and said: "Today your Wolf Summon family made a move against my Alpha family, then everything is not discussed. It is either you or me that you die. You are not prepared at the beginning. ?"

"No, no, don't kill me..." The Frostwolf had only one thought now, that was not to die.

However, Sophia sneered, and once again increased his strength to manipulate the chains of darkness.

"Don't want to succeed!" At this time, both the giant wolf and the poison wolf attacked quickly. Of course they didn't allow such a thing, so the two of them quickly rushed to stop Sophia.

At this time, Tang Ye took action, condensing a powerful phoenix flame, and attacked the poison wolf.

Seeing this, the poison wolf was furious and shouted in a low voice: "Do you really think your flames can beat me? It's naive!"

Then, the poison wolf issued a poison technique, and a layer of blue light appeared in his hands, directly blocking the undead flame. However, he couldn't directly fly the undead flame, but fought with the undead flame and stood in a stalemate for a period of time.

"This..." The Poison Wolf was suddenly surprised. Is this his own strength weakened? Was actually stopped by Tang Ye's flame for a while?

"I won't let you succeed!" The giant wolf rushed to deal with Sophia quickly as before, preventing Sophia from killing the Frostwolf.

However, this time the situation is no longer the same as before, a poison wolf will suddenly appear to help stop, so if it is to deal with a giant wolf alone, Sophia does not need to use all his strength to deal with it. The Death Scythe is a divine tool that can add too much power, and the giant wolves and poison wolves themselves are very jealous.

"If you don't have another powerful person to stop me at this time, then the Frostwolf will die." Sophia sneered, and then she raised the death sickle and confronted the giant wolf.


The violent impact set off a huge storm, but Sophia didn't move and easily blocked the giant wolf. Although he did not fight the giant wolf back, it is impossible for the giant wolf to go further. At the same time, Sophia had other powers to strengthen the chain of darkness, and the chain of darkness suddenly strangling the Frostwolf.

"Have you no one else to stop me?" Sophia snorted again. "Since there is no one, the Frostwolf can go to death."

"No!" The giant wolf shouted, unable to accept such a thing. He quickly turned his head and looked at the poison wolf. This kind of thing should be the poison wolf to stop Sophia, because Tang Ye, a person with the strength of the master of the star realm, why waste time on Tang Ye? Or was it stopped by Tang Ye?

"Poisonous wolf, stop Sophia!" I don't know what the poisonous wolf is, but the giant wolf still yelled out anxiously.

The Poison Wolf also saw Sophia's move to kill the Frostwolf. He wanted to get rid of Tang Ye's obstruction, but at this time he realized that he could not get rid of Tang Ye! His power has consumed too much, and now even the power of the Lord of the Star Realm can stop him! Originally, he didn't worry about this problem, it was because of the power of poison, which could invade and damage in a poisonous way, not only relying on power. However, even if he used the poison technique, Tang Ye could block the venom with the undead flame, so that his poison would not have much effect on Tang Ye.

"Damn it, get out of here!" The poison wolf was very anxious, and frustrated, suddenly issued a poisonous attack, trying to repel Tang Ye.

However, Tang Ye not only was not repulsed, but also smiled, with a playful and easy-going appearance. He could stop the poison wolf only with the power of the master of the star realm. Who caused the poison wolf to use too much power just now, there is no threat at all at this time. And the flame of the Phoenix can block the venom, so there is no need to worry about being poisoned.

"You can't fight me back." Tang Ye said lightly.

At this time, since no one came to stop Sophia, Sophia's power increased the dark chains by the way, and with a "click", the dark chains shattered the body of the Frostwolf.

"Ah!" At the beginning, the Frostwolf let out a painful cry from the sky, and then as his body broke, he died completely without any movement.

"No!" The giant wolf and the poisonous wolf watched this scene, their eyes widened and pained.

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