My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2974: See you a bit!

When Tang Ye came out of the forging workshop, it was almost dark. Ada and Aqi have no news, they must be busy contacting the old human races. Now the old human race has no threat in the Pearl Star, and can come out generously. Uniting them as early as possible to form a counteroffensive force is the first thing they must do now.

Presumably Ada and Aqi will be fine, so Tang Ye went to Sofia. He felt that there must be a problem with Sophia, because as before, Sophia would visit him every once in a while, but he hasn't been here for a few days.

Fortunately, now that I have mastered the ability to reinvent the furnace, there is always a topic to talk about when I go to Sophia. Moreover, the Death Scythe of the Alpha family has defects, which is a concern for every patriarch and the users of the Death Scythe. They tried their best to solve this problem, but they couldn't solve it. In order to solve this problem, countless efforts, energy and wealth have been spent.

By now, they don't expect to solve this problem. Perhaps this is an irresolvable curse that the Alpha family will bear for generations. They had been desperate, because the Alpha family had already fallen, and the dissolution of the mercenary group made them even more shocked. Maybe the Alpha family would perish. However, now that the bounty guild is being restrained by Tang Ye and the Lord's Mansion, they suddenly lost a great threat, and there may be a turn for the better.

But still not optimistic, there are still many enemies they have to face. The Alpha family is a traditional but declining big family. In the past, it made many enemies. When it has fallen, it must be the time when those enemies madly backlash. Although the Alpha family and the lord's mansion are very close, the formation of the mercenary group is a joint venture between the two. However, the Lord's Mansion also has things to deal with. It is impossible for the Lord's Mansion to help all the enemies faced by the Alpha Family.

The Lord's Mansion is now facing the bounty guild with all its strength, and it is difficult to have any spare capacity to help the Alpha family, so the Alpha family has to face those enemies by itself.

Tang Ye knew a little about the Alpha family's situation, so Sophia had come to protect him before, and he was very grateful. Although Sophia's original intention to protect him was to take action against the Bounty Guild and contain the Bounty Guild in order to achieve the purpose of alleviating the pressure on the Alpha family. However, Tang Ye knew very well that at that time, if it were not for Sophia's protection, it would be difficult for him to develop smoothly to the present. Therefore, no matter what Sofia's purpose was to protect him, he will thank Sofia.

What's more, in the back, Sophia also helped him with other things, such as arranging the ten thousand star chain magic circle and collecting the materials needed for the ten thousand star chain magic circle. The relationship between him and Sofia is no longer what it used to be.

Outside the door of the Alpha family, Tang Ye saw the magnificent and luxurious buildings. It was the first time he came to the Alpha family. However, it may be in disrepair for a long time. Although magnificent and extravagant, it is gradually declining and has a feeling of being abandoned. There are not many guards outside, only a few guards, so it is not grandiose.

"What do you do?" After seeing Tang Ye, a Jiading came over and asked vigilantly. Usually there are some strange people outside, and they may come to inquire about the situation. They are the enemies of the Alpha family. If they know the exact news, they will not play any more conspiracies, and will directly attack.

Now those who stay behind are basically people who are very loyal to the Alpha family. And some of them were members of the mercenary group. After the mercenary group was disbanded, they still supported the Alpha family.

"I'm here to find Miss Sophia." Tang Ye acted very politely, without any hostility, and said: "I am Tang Ye, maybe you have heard of me, it is the old human race who makes a lot of trouble. Trouble this big brother Go in and tell Miss Sophia that I have something to do with her."

If someone else said that, this family would probably be too lazy to pay attention to Tang Ye, but since it was the old human race who made a lot of noise, then they would know. Because it is well known that Sophia got close to the old human race. Jia Ding glanced at Tang Ye for a few moments, he was no longer so vigilant, perhaps he was also curious about Tang Ye. What kind of old human race can do this, so that the bounty guild is so deflated?

In other words, what the old human race did was a great thing for their Alpha family. Therefore, the Alpha family should be polite to this old human race.

"Please wait here, I'll go in and tell the eldest lady." Jia Ding's attitude towards Tang Ye improved a lot.

"Okay." Tang Ye nodded politely.

Soon Jiading went in to report to Sofia. At this time, Sofia was discussing various matters with the patriarch and his grandfather Marquis Massey. Now there is no title division. The so-called marquis is just inherited. In the past, when there were titles and titles, the marquis had a very high status and was a high official under the king. The Alpha family used to be such a lofty family, but now that the world is divided, these uniforms have collapsed. The Alpha family was hit hard and went into decline. However, the Alpha family is indeed a very large family, otherwise it will not persist until now, and it is still a huge family.

The Marquis of Massey also heard what Jiading said, but he was curious, that old human came to Sofia? Originally, he thought that no one from the Alpha family wanted to come back, and it had been a long time since no one came to visit. And still such a special person. He was interested and said, "Sophia, let him in."

"Grandpa, I'll just go see him, don't bother you." Sophia's attitude towards the Marquis Massey was not so cold. Actually, this is her grandfather and her relatives, who are very familiar with getting along day and night.

The Marquis of Massey knew about Sophia and Tang Yee. Of course, it was the previous cooperation, or in other words, it was not cooperation, but just use. It's just that no one thought that Tang Ye would do so many things to force the Bounty Guild to be like this.

"No, I want to get to know this young man. What he did is not easy. Moreover, apart from other things, he made the bounty guild have to contract strength, which greatly eased the pressure on our Alpha family. What do we do? I should thank him too?" Although the Marquis of Massey was traditional, he was still very kind.

Sophia didn't want Tang Ye to come in, but she thought Tang Ye came to her for other things, and some things were embarrassing to talk about in front of the Marquis Maisie. However, now that the Marquis Maixi said, she couldn't refuse, and said: "Well, Grandpa, let Tang Ye come in."

Soon Tang Ye led the way at Jiading and came to the lobby inside the Alpha family mansion.

When Tang Ye saw Sophia, Sophia was still so cold and glamorous, but she seemed a little deliberately not to see Tang Ye.

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