My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2963: Like a conspiracy!

Rov was eroded by the undead flames to the point where his body disappeared, and he could no longer be immune to the attack of the undead king's halberd. He did not close his eyes at this moment, probably because he died very unwillingly and unacceptably. In the end, he really died in Tang Ye's hands.

What a **** thing... Rove didn't expect this to happen. In fact, although he was very unwilling, he was still prepared. Because in the process of constantly fighting against Tang Ye, he had realized and had to admit that Tang Ye had a very magical and powerful power.

And he is not the opponent of that power.

Damn it... Rove wasn't so resentful, but felt too ridiculous and dramatic about the development of things. I am afraid that no one would have thought that he was killed by Tang Ye, so what will the truth of this matter come to light? Next, Luo Wei and the others, as well as the Bounty Guild, and the Lord's Mansion, will they always be deceived by Tang Ye?

Tang Ye...hide too deep.

Rove wanted to expose Tang Ye's true face, but he was already dead.

Looking at Rove who fell to the ground and died, Tang Ye didn't feel much. These are enemies, either you die or I live, you can only kill. He is not bloodthirsty, but in this dispute, there is no way to survive for himself. Now, he couldn't let Rove's body stay here. Because if others saw Rove’s body, then I’m afraid he would not believe that Rove killed those bounty hunters. Because if Rove just killed the bounty hunter, how could he die too?

In this Pearl Star, there are not many people who can kill Rove with such strength. I'm afraid others will think of people in the Lord's Mansion. In this way, the relationship between the bounty guild and the new human race will not break to the point of tit-for-tat.

Looking around, Tang Ye had an idea. He carried Rove's body on his back and put it on the spaceship, and then activated the power of the spacecraft to drive the spacecraft to an unknown place. The spacecraft is unmanned, so I don't know where it will fly to. In short, it will continue to stay away from the Pearl Star.

Afterwards, there were the bodies of the bounty hunters killed by Rove, and Tang Ye ignored them. Not only will he not clean up, he will stay to protect the scene. Because these will be the bounty hunter accusing Rove of murder. In this way, the Bounty Guild must be sure, and then the relationship with the new human race will suddenly deteriorate to the point of all kinds of enemies.

If this is the case, the new human race will no longer be able to stay on the Pearl Star. A lord's mansion can suppress them enough, if there is more bounty guild, then they might be in danger. So they will leave. After they left, the Pearl Star was safe for Tang Ye and the old human races. In this way, not only Tang Ye and the others can move freely, but other old human races who hid can also come out, gather in the Tang mansion, and begin to reorganize the power of the old human race.

At this time, the bounty hunter who was badly injured by Rove fled back to the headquarters of the bounty hunter, and he told Li Houtian about Rove. When Li Hooutian heard this, his expression was gloomy and angry, and he definitely couldn't tolerate this behavior of the new human race. Of course, although this is not the time when they should confront other forces again, they must concentrate on dealing with the Lord's Mansion. However, if you tolerate the new human race this way, then his bounty guild is like telling others that they are already in the plains and everyone can be deceived!

This is like the end of the Bounty Guild. Therefore, Li Houtian immediately took the people to find where Luo Wei and their three new human races settled, and asked them to give an explanation.

At this time, Luo Wei and the other two new human races were discussing plans to assassinate Tang Ye, but he did not expect Li Houtian to come suddenly. And he saw Li Houtian's expression very bad, as if angry at him. He was curious, what's the matter?

"Master Li, we don't welcome you here. What do you want to do with so many people at once?" Luo Wei said rudely to Li Houtian.

Li Houtian still had a gloomy expression, and coldly snorted: "Luo Wei, even if we no longer cooperate now, but based on our current situation, it is not suitable for us to fight directly and become the enemy of life and death? If you think your new human race can bear it Such a thing, then my bounty guild will accompany you to the end! Don’t think that now my bounty guild is fighting against the lord’s mansion, your new human race can act arbitrarily against my bounty guild. I tell you, if you really want to do this, Then I will let you see what the price is. There is a saying that the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Do you think that if you act on my bounty guild, there will be no price at all?"

Luo Wei was taken aback for a moment, but he was puzzled. He didn't expect that Li Houtian would crackle when he came up. He didn't figure out what was going on. Go to war with the Bounty Guild? Of course he doesn't want this kind of thing. Now their main goal is to kill the old human race. He looked at Li Houtian and asked in confusion, "Master Li, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand all of them? Could you please speak up."

"You..." Li Houtian knew that Lowe would deny it. Fortunately, he had already seen the scene of Rove's murder and was sure that it was Lowe's hand, because the bounty hunter who was killed had injuries on his body. The whole process of Rove's domineering ability.

This kind of thing is no longer something New Human Race can deny. Li Houtian snorted coldly: "Are you trying to pretend not to know, so you deny it? Then I want to ask, where is your brother Rove?"

"What are you looking for Rove for?" Lowe snorted coldly. Although he was still unclear about the matter, he was very unhappy with Li Houtian's aggressive attitude.

Li Hooutian stared at Luo Wei angrily: "What are you doing? If I say, I want to kill Luo Fu, what do you think?"

"You..." Luo Wei got angry, staring at Li Houtian and snorted coldly: "Li Houtian, what do you want to do? Tell me clearly!"

"Make it clear? So if you don't make it clear, do you think you can deny that kind of thing? Well, I'll tell you clearly, your brother Rove killed a dozen people in my bounty guild! How, I am such a thing Shouldn’t you be angry?” Li Hooutian told the matter, and finally snorted to Luo Wei: “If you still don’t believe it, then follow me to the scene of your brother’s murder. Since it’s your brother, then Rove’s breath of power and traces of battle will always be recognized, right?"

Lowe stared at Li Houtian. Li Houtian was so sure that he began to worry, wouldn't Rove really do this? That's quite a bad thing. He was anxious, and said to Li Houtian: "I believe Rove will not do such a thing. But since you said that, I will go and see for myself. I can't let Rove be wronged, and then you My new human race takes action. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a conspiracy."

"Is it a conspiracy? You've seen it yourself!" Li Houtian snorted, turned and left.

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