My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2955: Alone!

After Ada and Aqi didn't need to worry about Tang Ye's safety, they listened to Tang Ye's arrangements and went to rest each. But Tang Ye went to the forging workshop. The Datang store is also equipped with a forging workshop, which is to allow him to forge weapons better. Fang Changzhou thought of it. There is also a warehouse in which many common materials are placed, especially forging bombs.

In fact, the Forging Workshop does not yet have the defensive barrier of the Ten Thousand Star Chain Magic Array. After all, he has just arrived here. He didn't know that this was the address of the shop that Fang Changzhou had prepared for him, but he started to arrange it now.

Sophia had prepared enough materials for him before, and those materials were used to strengthen the Ten Thousand Star Chain Array defensive enchantment in the Datang Mansion. Sophia prepared a lot of materials, and after filling the Ten Thousand Star Chain Array in the Datang Mansion, there was still some remaining. With this little remaining, it is impossible to arrange another ten thousand star chain array outside the Datang Mansion, but it is enough to arrange a smaller one, such as just protecting a small room.

For this reason, Tang Ye was used to protect the forging workshop, and it was also the safe house he built.

Now coming to the forging workshop, he is doing this now. The layout of the Wanxing Chain Array, the stronger the arranger, the stronger the defense. When arranging the defensive barrier of the Datang Mansion, he asked Sophia to use it, because Sophia's strength is very strong, and the Ten Thousand Star Chain Array will also be very strong. However, it doesn't matter now, because Tang Ye's strength has also become very strong, and he can also be deployed, and the defensive power of the ten thousand star chain formation will not be worse than that of Sophia.

It didn't take much effort to arrange a ten-thousand-star chain formation covering a room, and Tang Ye quickly finished the arrangement. Then he found that his strength had indeed become very strong, which he really felt. At the moment when the power was released, it was different from the past, and I felt that I had reached a transcendent state, and everything around me was allowed to be controlled by myself, and there was nothing I could not control.

That is the peak power of the Astral Lord. It is not as simple as the Lord of the Stars, but the whole big world. And when he reached the Sky Realm, he would be a more powerful force above this world. However, since it still exists in this world, it is still the power system in this world.

It is a pity that he has been busy forging technological weapons and dealing with bounty guilds and new human races recently. He has not studied the power system of this world well, so he is not very clear about these. However, the Phoenix is ​​very clear, so Phoenix can tell him.

"The realm above the sky is divided from the city of the ancient country." The voice of the Phoenix came, telling Tang Ye what was going on. She continued: "The support of the ancient country is only opened once in a hundred years. Calculating, today is exactly a hundred years apart. The basic strength requirement for entering the city of the ancient country is the master of the star. Now that you have the strength of the master of the star, it will be You can go to the ancient city. Perhaps you can get any rare treasures. In short, if you can enter the ancient city and live out, you will definitely have a harvest. This harvest is not small. People who once came out of the ancient city, Which one did not become a legend?"

Tang Ye became curious and asked, "What kind of existence is this ancient city? Senior, haven't you even explored it clearly?"

"The city of the ancient country is said to be the origin of the world. Although I existed at the origin of the world, at most I was as famous as the city of the ancient country and did not surpass the city of the ancient country. It’s not very clear. I have also entered the city of the ancient country and discovered that the city of the ancient country is indeed wonderful. It seems that there are many worlds, and there are top powerhouses in each world, so it is very dangerous inside. No People dare to say that they are the strongest in the ancient city. According to my understanding, I think the ancient city is more like a passage of all worlds. It is a passage that can reach various worlds, and then it contains the wonders of various worlds. Treasures. Therefore, the things in the ancient city are very magical. Because they come from another world. It can also be said to be a secret realm, a secret realm that has never existed in this world. The things that you get are naturally different." Immortal The bird explained to Tang Ye.

After Tang Ye heard it, she felt very magical. There will be such a magical thing as the city of the ancient country. If it is a portal to each world, doesn't it mean that there are many other worlds? Is it a parallel world? I always hear that the ten thousand realms are powerful and there are many clans, and I don't know whether it is true or not. As far as he knew, the earth ancestors where he was once, to this big world, are actually the same world, because it is only separated by a powerful barrier. As long as it crosses the barrier, it remains on the same plane. However, if it is another world, there must be a special channel.

"It's too complicated..." Tang Ye said with emotion. There are so many worlds, but how to play it is a headache in one world.

Regardless, no matter what, just live in the present, fight for the day and live up to your youth.

So, don't get yourself entangled with things that are too long-term.

Then Tang Ye stopped talking with Phoenix, and started to forge bomb weapons. Since he opened a Datang store, he also used this to avoid the **** of the contractual relationship, and he must do it well. Fortunately, the materials for forging bomb weapons are very common, such as charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter. These materials can be prepared in large quantities at any time, so don't worry about not forging bombs.

Because many bombs had already been forged, Tang Ye soon forged a batch of them. "Huh!" At this moment, suddenly, a figure flashed by. Tang Ye was startled, thinking it was Rowe and the others who came to assassinate him.

But no. Soon the figure sent a dart and the dart was nailed to the pillar, and then the shadow disappeared. Tang Ye frowned and did not walk over. After all, he was worried that there would be a trap. He just used his hand to draw the dart with strong force, and then saw the note tied under the dart.

This is to convey information.

Tang Ye opened it, read the note, and got a piece of information. It was Luo Wei and the others who sent Luo Fu back, perhaps asking for the support of the Blue Star. And Lowe and the others stayed at the Pearl Star, waiting for the opportunity, as long as they had the opportunity to kill him.

This is the intelligence from the spy in the Lord's Mansion. The spy strength of the Lord's Mansion is very strong. Judging from just now, they are good at using concealment skills, perhaps Luo Wei and others would not notice it. Using such a powerful spy is not only to guard against Lowe's interception, but also to guard against the bounty guild. Although the Bounty Guild now feels overwhelming, Ying Wushuang still arranges this way and acts cautiously.

"Alone?" Tang Ye frowned slightly after reading the information.

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