My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2953: Can't beat the local snake!

After Li Houtian and Lu Ying returned to the Bounty Guild, both their faces were gloomy. Lu Ying felt a little embarrassed, because Li Houtian helped him cautiously in this matter, otherwise the Bounty Guild would fight against the Lord's Mansion, and the results would be out of control and the consequences would be disastrous.

"Fortunately, the eldest master arrived in time, otherwise I'm afraid I will do something wrong." Lu Ying was very comfortable, apologizing and thanking Li Houtian.

Li Houtian no longer had the same desire to fight against Lu Ying. Now he just wants to solve the problems encountered by the bounty guild. He nodded to Lu Ying and said, "You did not do anything wrong. If I was provoked, I could do the same. The Lord's Mansion and Tang Ye... are both powerful characters. Together, they are even more so. incredible."

Lu Ying was taken aback, and he didn't expect Li Houtian to feel such a thing. And he could hear that Li Houtian said so sincerely. Seeing Li Houtian like this, Lu Ying knew that Li Houtian had indeed changed. In this case, it is also a good thing for the Bounty Guild. If the leader becomes outstanding, there is still hope for the Bounty Guild.

"Young Master is right, the current Tang Ye and Lord's Mansion are no longer the ones in the past. And now our Bounty Guild is not the ones in the past. Therefore, we must be very careful, otherwise we are afraid that something big will happen." Lu Ying nodded to Li Houtian, and then asked, "So, young master, what are your plans next?"

Lu Ying was able to ask Li Houtian this way, naturally because he let go of his prejudice against Li Houtian, and he recognized Li Houtian very much. Both of them became like this and stopped fighting, which is very good for the Bounty Guild. At least the bounty guild relies on its huge power. As long as there are no such problems internally, it will not easily fall down even if it cannot resolve the crisis one by one.

This is probably something Tang Ye and the others did not expect. At a critical moment, it can be said that unanimousness led them to unite. In this case, to solve them, you have to spend more thoughts.

"We are going to shrink something now." Li Houtian said to Lu Ying, "Now the Lord's Mansion no longer fears us. Then, they will definitely find various reasons to take action against us. And now it is most unfavorable to us. The place is that this is the star of the pearl, which belongs to a world of stars, so the lord’s mansion is the one who manages this place. Therefore, the lord’s mansion has the right to govern everything here, and of course the jurisdiction is within a reasonable range. It is in them Within the rules. However, now, our Bounty Guild, but there are many things that are not under the rule of the Lord’s Mansion. So next, the Lord’s Mansion will definitely deal with these in large quantities. In order to avoid letting the Lord Mansion find a reason, we will accept Live these things. If you can’t keep them, then let go.”

"This..." Lu Ying was very surprised and very hesitant about what Li Houtian raised, because he felt that something like this was wrong, and said: "This way, it will have too much influence on our Bounty Guild. Because we rewarded. The Golden Guild used to spread too many things. We are not afraid of the Lord’s Mansion and ignore the rules of the Lord’s Mansion. A lot of our interests come from these aspects. If all of these things are cut off, then we will all at once You will lose too much. Just like an eagle, how can you cut off one of his wings?"

Li Houtian knew Lu Ying’s worries. Of course, he had thought about this, and said, “It’s better not to be able to fly than to be hunted. The power of our bounty guild is not limited to the Pearl Star. However, The Pearl Star is very precious, and we must keep some of it. Then, we will unite the power from the outside and we will rise again in the future."

Lu Ying thought for a while, frowning in silence, and then said: "This is not impossible. Then for a long time, it will be the cold winter of our bounty guild. During this period, you must be able to hold it. That’s fine, otherwise it’s easy to get into trouble."

Li Houtian was silent. When things have developed to this point, their Bounty Guild does not want to. However, in order to preserve the strength and survive, it can only be so.

In the process of talking with Lu Ying, Li Houtian kept clenching his fists. He did not have any resentment towards Lu Ying, but towards Tang Ye and the Lord's Mansion. Now all the concessions he made are almost unbearable for him. He had already exploded before he changed. However, for now, survival matters.

Of course, he is extremely unwilling in his heart, so he has been secretly vowing in his heart that he must make Tang Ye and the Lord's Mansion pay double the price when he rises again!


Rowe and Rove and the others returned to their place of stay. They noticed that there were a lot of spies around their place. They are very angry about this, but helpless. These spies must be from the Lord's Mansion. They are very disguised. They look like ordinary people. It is impossible to kill them directly, otherwise the Lord's Mansion will find trouble again. What makes them even more angry is that they have been monitored. Then his every move, I am afraid that the Lord's Mansion is known.

And the Lord's Mansion knew their actions, which meant that Tang Ye knew. After what happened just now, they knew very well that Tang Ye and the Lord's Mansion were definitely together. In this case, it would be difficult for them to deal with Tang Ye, as a powerful lord's mansion stood in front.

"Brother, what do we do now? Or, let's carry out the assassination. Anyway, now Tang Ye has left the Datang mansion, there is no longer the barrier protection, we can do it at any time." Rove said to Lowe.

Luo Wei shook his head and said, "It's not that easy. You thought you thought of it, but Tang Ye didn't expect it? Now Tang Ye is protected by the Lord's Mansion. I don't know what kind of masters are arranged by the Lord's Mansion by Tang Ye. And, There is also a powerful Sophia. Do you think that Sophia’s strength is very different from ours? No, not much, Sophia’s strength is comparable to ours, even strong or not weak. Then, if we go to assassinate Tang Ye, except The master of the Lord’s Mansion, if there is Sophia, it will definitely be difficult to succeed. This will give the Lord’s Mansion a reason to kill us."

Lowe became deeply sad. The Bounty Guild had completely broken with them. They had no advantage in the Pearl Star, and now they felt more isolated and helpless.

For a while, a few people were silent, resentful and unwilling in their hearts, and they didn't expect to come and deal with Tang Ye, this old human race, and be so angry.

Luo Wei thought for a while and hummed: "The so-called strong dragon can't beat the local snake. Now we are on the territory of the lord mansion, and there is no way to directly fight the lord mansion. Then we should report to the patriarch to see what the patriarch means. ."

"Rove, you go back and report to the patriarch, and the others stay and work with me to find a solution and monitor Tang Ye!" Luo Wei made arrangements.

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