My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2925: Never expected!

Li Houtian's words convinced everyone slowly, and they felt that perhaps Tang Ye should really compromise. Although this decision was very unexpected, it might be easier to deal with the Lord's Mansion after reluctantly solving this matter.

"So, what's your opinion?" Li Hooutian said after looking at everyone.

Everyone was silent for a while, and had to think about it before making a decision. And some of them wanted to see Lu Ying's decision, because if Lu Ying could agree to this decision, then they would have nothing to disagree.

Li Houtian added at this time, his expression became very fierce, and he shouted: "Of course, we compromise with Tang Ye, it doesn't mean we will always be like this. When we settle the Lord's Mansion, let the bounty guild's affairs stabilize, He will return to solve Tang Ye. This old human race, the humiliation to our bounty guild, and the loss caused by our bounty guild, I must double it back!"

Hearing what Li Houtian said, everyone nodded. This was definitely something to do. Of course it is impossible for Tang Ye to be so happy and happy, since he has caused harm to the Bounty Guild, he must pay the price. In other words, compromise with Tang Ye now, but temporarily.

Moreover, even if they compromised with Tang Ye now, if they find an opportunity to ensure that Tang Ye is solved, they will do it. Because they absolutely resented Tang Ye and couldn't tolerate it.

"Then make this decision first." Lu Ying nodded and agreed to such a thing, and said: "We first compromise with Tang Ye and deal with the Lord's Mansion. Of course, we are not really like an old human being bowing our heads. This is a momentary helplessness. Lift. Because the current attack of the Lord's Mansion is really fierce, if we don't pay attention and don't deal with it with all our strength, we may die. For this reason, when we deal with the Lord's Mansion first, we have time and spare energy to solve Tang Ye. "

Lu Ying expressed his views, and others expressed their views one after another. Suddenly, the senior officials of these bounty guilds passed Li Houtian’s proposal, and this resolution can proceed smoothly. They no longer discuss major issues as before. They are divided into several factions. The decision-making and execution efficiency of the matter is very low. It is said that there is almost no leadership ability.

After the matter was decided, the meeting was dissolved. Li Houtian began to compromise with Tang Ye. When Lu Ying saw him, he thought about it, and said hello in the past, and said, "The young master's decision is very good. I think this will definitely be able to deal with the Lord's Mansion."

Li Houtian nodded and said, "Thanks to the consent of Vice President Lu, things can be carried out quickly. I think this is very good, and I hope it will be the same in the future."

Lu Ying smiled. For Li Houtian, different mentalities can tell different meanings. For example, doing this is very efficient and can continue to be maintained, which is good for everyone, and this atmosphere is very good. But, for another example, it means that I will make decisions in the future, and then Lu Ying will just agree, and he will always make decisions in the future, that is, as the president, he wants and will become a bounty guild The president, Lu Ying and the others are just subordinates, and they can only follow the arrangements.

Now Lu Ying listened, although he also considered the second idea, but it was not a time for an overt fight, so he felt that Li Houtian was referring to the first idea. He smiled at Li Houtian, nodded and said, "Okay."

After parting, Li Houtian took a few people and started to negotiate with Tang Ye.

At this time, people outside were talking about it, not about Li Houtian's compromise with Tang Ye. This matter has not yet been revealed, they are talking about the bounty guild's eastern suburbs warehouse being razed to the ground. This thing is really amazing. Who did it and how?

It's not that no one has ever destroyed such an important stronghold of the Bounty Guild before, but even if they used a great deal of force, they could only destroy a small eastern outskirts stronghold in the end, which would not affect much. But now, the eastern outskirts stronghold is actually razed to the ground. This is not a bit of damage, but almost makes the eastern suburbs stronghold disappear.

What kind of power has such terrifying power? Is it even more terrifying power than the Lord of the Star Realm?

And this matter, it is said that there was a sensation in the old human race at that time, it was Tang Ye, the Tang Ye man of the Datang Mansion. Could it be that this old human race did it?

It's crazy! If an old human race can do this kind of thing, it is really unimaginable, because the lord’s mansion or the mercenary group could not do something that an old human race can do. It is really too dramatic!

This kind of thing is bound to become a favorite post-tea talk for everyone, maybe it can be said that the whole year. Because it is too amazing, too absurd, and too mysterious.

And even those who seriously think about this matter are very surprised and unbelievable. Even people like Ying Wushuang and Fang Changzhou.

"What? You mean, the eastern outskirts of the Bounty Guild have been razed to the ground? This is not a simple destruction, it is simply...a crazy move." Although Ying Wushuang received the Bounty Guild in the first place The news of the destruction of the outskirts stronghold, but did not know the specific circumstances of the destruction, now that the situation came out, he was really shocked.

Fang Changzhou was also very surprised and said: "Yes, Lord Lord, I also feel very crazy. However, I have been confirmed repeatedly that the warehouse in the eastern suburbs of the Bounty Guild has indeed been razed to the ground. This Once, the bounty guild’s loss is probably incalculable. For us, it is a great thing. Now we have a better chance of winning against the bounty guild."

Ying Wushuang nodded his head and thought, and suddenly he thought, "Then you think, we can fully take action against the bounty guild?"

Fang Changzhou said: "Actually, from the moment we attacked the bounty guild, we don’t have to be comprehensive and incomplete. If we do it, we will do it. Based on our relationship with the bounty guild, the end result is nothing more than death I'm dead. So, the main time is right, we should shoot."

"However, there is one piece of news that may not be great. But if you think about it, it may be a good thing." Fang Changzhou said to Ying Wushuang, paused.

Ying Wushuang curiously asked: "Really? What news is that?"

Fang Changzhou said: "According to the news, the Bounty Guild has changed its mind, thinking that Tang Ye itself is a huge threat, not because of our help, so..."

"So they have to concentrate on dealing with Tang Ye again? This is a good thing." Ying Wushuang answered with a smile.

However, Fang Changzhou shook his head and said, "No, the news I received is that the Bounty Guild is not going to continue to deal with Tang Ye, but to compromise with Tang Ye and promise Tang Ye's previous conditions!"

"What?" Ying Wushuang looked stunned.

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