My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2863: opportunity!

Sophia didn’t believe that Tang Ye obtained this ten thousand-star chain magic circle by accident. How could there be so many accidents, deceiving ghosts, because Tang Ye has too many strange places in his body. There are those strange weapons and the like. Are these all accidents?

Now listening to Tang Ye's words, Sophia knew that he had deliberately not said it, and was changing the subject. Since Tang Ye didn't want to say, Sophia didn't ask. However, she was very interested in this ten thousand star chain formation. Because such a strong defense array is very useful. Tang Ye said just now that she could help her make arrangements, then she had to decide first, because this magic circle could help her protect the Alpha family.

She said to Tang Ye: "Does what you said just now counts?"

Tang Ye knew what Sofia was talking about, and smiled: "Miss Sophia is talking about what I said can help you set up this magic circle? Of course it counts. Since Miss Sofia helped me, I must return you. , These days you have been protecting me and did not ask for anything in return. I am embarrassed. I am very happy to be able to return you now."

"Then I'm welcome." Sophia said directly: "Your magic circle is quite good. I have a lot of uses for such a wonderful magic circle, so I hope you can help me arrange one."

Tang Ye nodded and said, "No problem. If this is the case, I will ask Miss Sophia to prepare some materials, because the materials needed to set up this magic circle are relatively advanced and precious.

"No problem, just tell me what you need." Sophia nodded.

Then Tang Ye went to write down the materials needed to set up the Ten Thousand Star Chain Array, and let Sophia prepare. And this magic circle can't be arranged at will if there are materials, so even if Sophia or others know these needed materials, it will not be easily arranged. This is passed down to him by Phoenix, and has an exclusive secret of arrangement. Without knowing this secret, it is absolutely impossible for others to arrange it, so there is no need to worry about being learned by others. Of course, Sophia probably wouldn't do such a thing.

"Miss Sophia, now you can prepare these materials generously, or do your own business first. Now that I have this defensive circle, I will be fine in the Datang Mansion." Tang Ye will arrange Wanxing. After the materials needed by the chain circle are handed over to Sophia, Sophia can do things on her own, and there is no need to stay here to protect him.

Sophia just tried this defensive power, indeed, even she can't move the slightest, then others are definitely not good, so she rest assured, nodded and said: "Okay, but you still have to be careful."

"I know." Tang Ye nodded, "There are still a group of people from the former mercenary group in the Datang Mansion, don't worry."

In this case, Sophia did not continue to say more, she knew that Tang Ye was a prudent person, and would not take risks if she could not ensure her safety. Then she left and went to do her own business.

Tang Ye stayed in the big mansion now, after the Ten Thousand Star Chain Array was already protecting him, he didn't worry anymore. Moreover, Ada and Aqi will also come to live. Now he will continue the defensive arrangement and set up some organs. For example, if someone sneaks in, an alarm will sound wherever it encounters. Of course, this kind of situation should be very rare, because there is a ten thousand star chain formation, and people who are not authorized by him will not be able to enter.

Now to set up protective measures is to carry out some protective countermeasures. Distributed in the inner and outer palaces of the Tang mansion. Sometimes he would properly open the Wanxing chain magic circle, let the enemy in, and then shut the door to beat the dog. Use the machine gun or sniper rifle inside to kill the enemy. After allowing the enemy to enter the outer palace, he cannot step into the inner palace.

Tang Ye wanted to set up Datang's mansion into a strong fortress, the kind that others could not attack. And while he stayed in the Datang mansion to make arrangements, the bounty hunters outside the mansion became eager to move. Because they saw Sophia leave, then Tang Ye is now without Sophia's protection. If this is the case, can't you kill Tang Ye?

"The spies sent out have reported the information back, and Sophia has indeed left! It is Tang Ye who is staying alone at the mansion now. Although there are a few people from the mercenary group, they are not to be afraid of. We can deal with them!" These bounty hunters They had been staring at Tang Ye all the time, and now they finally waited until Sophia left, Tang Ye was like a single, they thought it was a chance to deal with Tang Ye.

These bounty hunters are indeed directed to do this. There are actually many bounty hunters, but none of them are involved in this matter. For those things that don't have enough evidence, such as Tang Ye assassinating bounty hunters, they will not kill innocent people at will. As for the Bounty Guild’s task of offering a reward to Tang Ye, these conscientious bounty hunters would not pick it up, because they knew that the Bounty Guild was only targeting Tang Ye.

However, not everyone can do this. The world is booming, all for profit, and the world is bustling, all for profit. To benefit, there are too many people who will do things with no lower limit. The bounty hunters who are staring at Tang Ye now are either such people or they are evil and cruel. For Tang Ye, the old human race, who may have assassinated the bounty hunters, there is inexplicable anger and resentment. Kill Tang Ye and vent the restless desire in his heart. Perhaps, they themselves are dark, through this they will enjoy the pleasure.

"Can't act in a hurry." When these bounty hunters were ready to move, the person in charge of the command made arrangements and said: "According to the information we have collected, Tang Ye is actually a very cunning old human race. He has always been very cautious. Will not take risks easily. Now that Sophia leaves, he should not stay alone in the mansion. Unless he makes any arrangements, so we must be careful not to be caught in his trap."

"Then what should we do?" These bounty hunters are also worried about their accident, so they will be careful if they need to be careful.

The commander said: "Who is good at detecting news?"

Then two bounty hunters stood up, tall and thin, with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks. One of them said, "I am good at it. Because I have cultivated the power of the wind element, my movements are very light and fast. I can sneak into Tang Ye. To explore inside the mansion."

Another said: "I specialize in exploratory work. I can use my strength to strengthen my eyesight and hearing, and I can do exploratory work."

"Okay, then you two will take a look and report to us the real situation." The commander said.

"Yes!" Two bounty hunters who were good at detection started to act.

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