My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2858: Beautiful warehouse keeper!

No one would stop Tang Ye's actions in the forging workshop. After his outstanding performance and forging the grenade to Ying Wushuang, Ying Wushuang directly opened all the permissions of the forging workshop to him. Except for a few absolutely confidential things, it was in the forging workshop, but few people knew the secrets in the forging workshop, and they were not open to Tang Ye.

Therefore, now Tang Ye went to the material warehouse to prepare materials, and no one stopped him. However, the materials for the arrangement of the Wanxing Chain Array are relatively advanced and are not available under ordinary conditions. Even the material warehouse in the Lord's Mansion does not have much inventory. So when Tang Ye gets these materials, he must register and explain clearly, or he must make corresponding contributions and supplements later.

In fact, these high-level materials are not allowed to be taken away casually. If it weren't for Tang Ye, people who are now valued by Ying Wushuang and Fang Changzhou could not take it away at all. The order of using these advanced materials should be to make contributions first, get rewards from Ying Wushuang, and then take them again. But now Tang Ye is taking first, and then making up contributions, which can be a very special case.

"Master Tang Ye, please register, thank you." The warehouse clerk is a very beautiful woman, but the girl is the kind of woman who is about 30 years old. She is not very old, but charming and charming, possibly older. The leftover women may also be glamorous young women. Of course, Tang Ye would not deliberately ask or inquire about such information, only knew that her name was Sara.

Sara was very polite to Tang Ye, and did not discriminate or look down on Tang Ye because she is an old human race. From the beginning, Tang Ye came to the forging workshop and then went to the material warehouse to fetch things, Sarah had a good attitude towards him. Sarah ignored some common materials before. Now because Tang Ye obtained high-level and precious materials, she had to register in accordance with the regulations.

Sarah was actually very curious about Tang Ye. Tang Ye was the forger she had ever seen who liked to play tricks. In fact, forging masters honestly forge weapons that others need, and forging is also forging based on the techniques learned, and there will be no other modifications or innovations. This can ensure the quality, there will be no problems, and others can use it at ease. However, such a forge always feels soulless. Sarah thinks so, so for Tang Ye, a forge who likes to study on her own and often finds materials to play tricks, she finds it very soulful and interesting.

Now looking at the materials that Tang Ye came to fetch, Sara didn't know what Tang Ye wanted to do. She curiously asked, "Master Tang Ye, what are you going to forge this time?"

Sara is quite sexy. The charm and beauty are directly displayed. Every time Tang Ye sees her, she can't help but look more. It's no surprise that men like such beauties. There will even be some in-depth fantasies. Of course, Tang Ye is a rather restrained man, so just feast his eyes. He smiled and said to Sara: "Suddenly I have a thought, wanting to try these things to see what effect they have. These things come from various stars, have different attributes, and can exert the power of the star world. It's pretty good."

Sarah was startled when she heard Tang Ye's words. Didn't expect Tang Ye to have such an idea, exerting the power of the world of stars? Isn't that the whole of a star world? That would be pretty scary. But how can it be done by one person? People living in the world of stars grow and become stronger by relying on the power of the world of stars. In this case, how can they control the power of the world of stars?

So Sara thought Tang Ye was very crazy. But she won't stop Tang Ye from doing this. Tang Ye has done a lot of extraordinary things, what if Tang Ye really researched those terrible things?

On the surface, Sara is a warehouse material manager, but in fact, she is also a very knowledgeable person, studying very important things. She is also a key figure in Ying Wushuang's arrangement here. Therefore, when she asked Tang Ye's question, it seemed to be unintentional and casual, just like asking by the way, saying hello. But in fact, she is collecting information. These are all arrangements made by Ying Wushuang.

"Master Tang Ye's thinking is really different." Sarah smiled at Tang Ye and blinked with one eye, as if she was winking. She really has a good impression of Tang Ye, probably because she is a person obsessed with research, so she is attracted by Tang Ye's research characteristics.

Previously, she had a lot of conversations with Tang Ye, and many of the issues mentioned were of interest to her, so she had more than a little bit of affection for Tang Yemeng. In addition, besides Ying Wushuang and Fang Changzhou, she was informed by Tang Ye about the weapon.

Tang Ye didn't take the initiative to tell Sara either. It wasn't because he needed a lot of materials to make grenades, and because he had to make a lot, it inevitably attracted Sara's attention. Sarah was a tricky person, knowing that Tang Ye couldn't use those things to make ordinary weapons, such as broadswords and spears. Sarah also paid attention, and found that the weapons Tang Ye submitted to the arsenal were indeed not made with those materials. Therefore, she was very suspicious of Tang Ye. After being questioned by her, Tang Ye told her helplessly.

Of course, since he would tell Sara, Tang Ye knew about Sara's back figure and character. He knows that Sara is just a researcher obsessed with research. As for the background and personality, he can rest assured.

After being so winked by Sarah, Tang Ye was not stunned and fell under Sara's beauty. On the contrary, he rolled his eyes at Sara. Because he knew that Sarah did this not to tease him, but to let him tell her what these advanced materials wanted to do. Sarah also knows Tang Ye. The explanation just now was very general and broad, and it was just perfunctory, even though it was a point. Sara believed that since Tang Ye had come to get these materials, there must be a clear way. After all, these materials are very precious, it is impossible to test like Chinese cabbage.

Knowing that it's not easy to fool Sara, Tang Ye can only tell her: "This thing is not easy to explain. I will show you when I have the effect. I want to ask you, have you studied the grenade thing? Any thoughts?"

Tang Ye treated Sara like this because he liked Sara's research spirit. He felt that Sarah was a malleable talent. If possible, let Sarah help him and have an assistant. Then he will forge technological weapons in the future, it will be much easier.

When Tang Ye changed the topic to the grenade, Saraming knew that it was a change of topic, but she was still slapped. Because she feels that the grenade is very magical, with such a simple material, it can obtain such a strong power, even she can use it without elemental power. She immediately became interested and discussed with Tang Ye.

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