My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2851: The same goes well!

There are five targets in this assassination, and of course it doesn't have to be finished. If the plan goes well, then kill it. If it doesn't go well, it means how many can be killed. And these five bounty hunters are notorious and full of evil.

Although Ada and Aqi have a huge hatred in their hearts, they have a saying that hatred is only directed at those who persecute them, so for innocent people, they will not kill indiscriminately, otherwise they will be useless with those who persecute them. . Now Ah Qi got into action and sneaked into the home of a bounty hunter known as a "hunting dog".

The headhunter is a low-level bounty hunter with a low status in the bounty guild, but has participated in various oppression, threats, and even killings of others. His strength is not very strong, but relying on his identity as a bounty hunter, he is domineering and bullying ordinary people. The most hateful time was when she bullied a woman, and that woman was finally forced to be helpless and is still imprisoned in his home and enslaved by him.

The hound's house is not big, there are only three rooms. After Aqi sneaked in, he saw the hound directly. The hound was about to do something to the imprisoned woman. The woman was very scared and pleaded hard, but it was useless. This made the hound's look even more savage and proud, and seemed to enjoy this kind of thing that others were afraid of and pleaded with him.

"Haha, please beg me, beg me again, maybe I will let you go. Don't think about running away, I tell you, no one dares to interfere in my affairs now!" The hound laughed at the woman. Looks hideous, some seem to be venting. Perhaps it was because when he was usually with other bounty hunters, or when faced with people in high and low positions, he was humble and used to it, and now he uses people who are weaker than himself to gain a little bit of superiority and self-esteem.

The woman looked desperate and gave up the struggle. No one cares about people who are too low-level, even if they die. This is her current situation. If you resist, you will die, maybe you can only endure it silently. After waiting for a day to be devastated to be unbearable, he had the courage to commit suicide, and he was gone.

The hound began to tear the woman's clothes. At this time, Ah Qi had already arrived in the room and saw these things. In fact, she really wants to show up and slowly torture the scumbag of the dead hound, but considering that this is performing a task, and that there is still the woman, she can't vent her personal emotions at will. Plan first and be cautious. .

So she just took out the pistol, which also became invisible because of her stealth ability, and then pulled the trigger. Under the silence, only a very slight "chuck" sound was made, and a bullet flew out and hit the head of the hound. A splash of blood, the hound fell to the ground and died before groaning.

The woman who had been bullied looked desperate and endured silently, because the hound's head was pierced by a bullet and splashed blood on her face. She was stunned, and then stretched out her hand and touched her face tremblingly. The blood still had warmth and a smell of blood, which was very real. Then I saw the hound lying motionless on the ground and became a dead dog. She was silent for a while, then laughed wildly. She knew all this was true, the devil was killed and she was free!

The woman didn't know who killed the hound, but she was so grateful that she couldn't help kneeling down and said quickly, "Thank you! Thank you!"

She felt that this was a gift from God, and it was God who responded to her inner prayer day and night to kill the hounds. Now the prayer is fulfilled, the hound is killed!

At this moment, Ah Qi had left the room, went back outside to meet Tang Ye, and then went to another place to assassinate another target.

The second goal is different from the Hound. He holds a position in the bounty guild. Although the position is not very high, it is not a simple role to be able to hold a position in the bounty guild. He is also a good bounty hunter, so the power and abilities he holds are much higher than hunting dogs. He does not live at the bottom, but at the middle. So his house is very beautifully built, even if it is not a huge mansion, it is considered luxurious.

This bounty hunter has no nickname. On the surface, he is more serious, but he has actually done a lot of dirty things secretly, including buying and selling women for the rich and the rich to have fun. Among them, there have been many persecutions against the old human race, which naturally includes the sale and play of the old human women. The bounty hunter was called Anlus, and he was a decent man on the surface, but in fact a gentle beast.

At this time, Anrus was drinking tea and chatting with a few friends, and was also discussing business. Andri poured tea to a middle-aged man with black curly hair, smiled, and said, "There are a few nice looking goods in the goods this time, please take care of you."

This black curly-haired man is a Nade, but he is not a bounty hunter, but a manager of the Pearl Star. He is a member of the Lord's Mansion and is in charge of the management of a spaceship port. In the case of human trafficking, there must be a relationship in this respect, otherwise it will be impossible to conduct a strict investigation.

He laughed, closed his eyes and took a sip of the tea. It was a good tea. He looked quite enjoyable. Then he looked at Anrus and said, "Don't worry, it's my responsibility. "

And there are several other people who are involved in the population transaction. Some are carried as little brothers, and they will participate in this matter anyway.

Several people were drinking tea and talking. They were at home again. There was no guard outside. Ah Qi had lurked in without any obstruction. After seeing Anrus and the others, and hearing their conversation, he frowned. According to the plan, just kill Anrus. But now like this, he is also a heinous person. She wants to kill them all. But now she can't communicate with Tang Ye, this requires her to make her own decision.

Finally, after thinking about it, she raised the pistol, shooed, and fired continuously, killing Anrus, Nade, and a few others.

She looked cold and felt that these were all damned people. Since they are all together, kill them.

Back outside to meet Tang Ye, Ah Qi immediately reported the matter. After Tang Ye heard that, he felt that there was no problem, and said, "Also, they are all people who are full of evil spirits. If they are killed, they will be killed. Moreover, if they only kill Anrus, then other people are watching, maybe they will Perceives us. We are all killed now, which is not bad."

"We will continue to assassinate other targets." Tang Ye said.

Ada and Aqi nodded, and then they drove the carriage to where the next assassination target was. Tonight was also going well, probably because none of them thought that someone would come to kill them, so Ah Qi assassinated them without any accident. By midnight, all the assassination targets had been resolved. Then, after destroying the carriage and eliminating the traces, they returned to the forging workshop.

The next day, news of a bounty hunter being assassinated spread throughout the entire Pearl Star.

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