My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2835: Secret weapon!

Although the three new human races were worried about not having a good relationship, they didn't care much about Tang Ye, the troubled old human race. They are confident that this kind of thing will be resolved. Things like a single spark can start a prairie fire will not happen to the old human race, their new human race has already firmly controlled the old human race, and will not let the old human race have any chance to reignite.

Moreover, the old human race could not have that ability. Whether it is from the perspective of personal cultivation ability or the power of the entire tribe of the old human race, it is far from the new human race. Therefore, the three new human races staying at Lu Ying's mansion at this time did not worry about what Tang Ye might cause.

However, how could they think that Tang Ye was about to assassinate them now. At this time, Tang Ye disguised himself and appeared outside Lu Ying's mansion. He must observe the outside situation clearly and prepare for the night assassination. Observe the flow of people outside Lu Ying’s mansion and their directions. After collecting these things, he began to plan. At the same time, Ada and Aqi are also observing in other places to ensure that from sneaking into the Lu Ying mansion and then retreating back to the forging workshop, there will be no problems in this process. Even if there are problems, they must be able to retreat.

After all three of them observed a good place, they gathered together, shared information, and then discussed together the best countermeasures. Ada and Aqi have experienced the tragic experience of the old human race for so many years, and they must have their own means to survive until now. Among them, safety must be very important, so their opinions will not be bad. After the three discussed, they came up with the best plan, and then returned to the forging workshop, ready to take a rest, recharge their energy, and start the assassination plan tonight!

However, when he was resting at noon, Jax came to Tang Ye and asked Tang Ye to visit the Lord's Mansion, saying that he was looking for something. Tang Ye worried that this matter would affect tonight's plan, but Ying Wushuang couldn't refuse to find him. After all, it was now relying on Ying Wushuang's resources to make his own plan. He could only agree to go to the lord's mansion to see Ying Wushuang.

When he arrived at the Lord's Mansion, Tang Ye saw Ying Wushuang and Fang Changzhou both there. He thought about it to himself. On the surface, he did a good job of etiquette and said: "Lord Lord, Manager Fang."

Ying Wushuang waved his hand to tell Tang Ye to be polite, and then said, "Tang Ye, how are you doing? Are you comfortable in the forging workshop? If you feel uncomfortable, just open your mouth and I will definitely help you arrange a better place. ."

Tang Ye knew that this was just Ying Wushuang being polite, and would not arrange another place for him to live for without reason. Of course, if Tang Ye had a thick-skinned face, it would definitely be possible to ask Ying Wushuang. But Tang Ye was not such a cheeky person, and wouldn't be such an inch. If you want to get rewards, you have to make contributions and have achievements, so you can use resources with peace of mind.

"Thank you Lord Lord for your concern. I had a good time in the forging workshop." Tang Ye said to Ying Wushuang.

Ying Wushuang nodded and said, "That's good, I'm afraid I might neglect you."

"Lord Lord, don't be very polite." Tang Ye smiled, and then asked: "I don't know why Lord Lord came to me? Is there anything wrong?"

Ying Wushuang liked this kind of directness, smiled at Tang Ye, and said, "There are indeed some things. I heard Master Jia said that your forging technology is about to reach Tier 4, which is very remarkable. Nothing to say. You said that for your growth like this, I don’t think 10,000 surprises are too few. Therefore, I came to you to ask you if you are interested in studying some more complicated weapons?"

"Huh?" Tang Ye became curious.

Ying Wushuang looked back at Fang Changzhou, and Fang Changzhou nodded. It seemed that the two had already discussed something, and calling Tang Yelai was definitely not a common practice. After staring at Fang Changzhou, Ying Wushuang looked back at Tang Ye and said, "That's it. I think your ability is very huge and you can do the job of researching that weapon, so I want you to try it. And this weapon may be related to it. To the survival and death of the entire Pearl Star. It is even the existence and death of Emperor Galaxy. Now the power of Emperor Void is constantly infiltrating and invading. If it is not prevented, one day, I am afraid it will threaten us."

Tang Ye nodded, indicating that he understood what Ying Wushuang meant, but he was curious about the weapon that could determine the situation. What kind of weapon can be so powerful?

Ying Wushuang saw Tang Ye’s expression and knew that Tang Ye was curious about this weapon, but he couldn’t directly ask, because when he mentioned this weapon, he was very obscure, and he didn’t even call it a word. I don't even want to take it. In this case, it must be a huge secret. However, Ying Wushuang said that after careful consideration, he decided to tell Tang Ye about this kind of thing, so he would say something appropriately at this time.

Ying Wushuang said to Tang Ye again: "Brother Tang is a sensible person, he must have guessed what I am going to say. Indeed, the weapon I mentioned is the heart of Nirvana that you came into contact with when you saved the life of Chief Fang. According to rumors, the heart of nirvana is the heart of the guardian sacred beast, immortal bird. It has a huge power and motivation. The reason why the heart of nirvana had to be transported back secretly is because it is related to my pearl star to study This weapon."

Tang Ye squinted his eyes and asked, "What kind of weapon is this?"

Ying Wushuang said: "This weapon is special. I can't disclose the specific details to you. Because I don't know your intentions. If you are sure to serve me and become a member of this weapon research, then I will tell. You. And now, the only thing I can tell you is that this weapon is from the ancient city. When the ancient city was opened in the last round, about a hundred years ago, my grandfather got a weapon blueprint from it. At that time, my grandfather started to make this weapon. Unfortunately, this weapon is too complicated, and the power is also extremely large, so a hundred years later, it still has not been completed. However, it will soon succeed. As long as the production is successful, then this The weapon from the ancient city will surely become the key to the current war situation. We can use it to defeat the Void Emperor and restore order to the world."

"From the ancient city..." Tang Ye murmured, narrowing his eyes. It was not the first time that he heard about the ancient city, and he said that the ancient city was the origin of this world and even other worlds. If you want to talk about real gods, then the ancient city is where the real gods are.

Something from an ancient city requires the heart of Nirvana. Such a weapon must be very powerful. Tang Ye didn't doubt this, he was very curious, what kind of weapon was this?

"This weapon is not for personal use." Then Ying Wushuang said to Tang Ye again.

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